Monday, February 1, 2016

Can you identify this little mystery?

So I came across this unique artist.  I don't know their name, they go by EV, but I was wondering if you could figure out what she has created?

Take a look...

Have you figured out what they are?

I don't want to spoil the surprise, but they are miniature books.  The majority of them are about 1 inch in size.  If you didn't figure that out, now go look at them again, and this time look at the intricate design work, the little hidden compartments, keys, leather detailing and potion vials that come with them.

Now what do you think of them?  Is this something you would consider making?  Or would you even consider owning them?  They are made for people who have miniature fantasy houses or worlds, like dollhouses.  I didn't know this existed either.  What do you think of it?  Could you see yourself having a hobby like this?  I'm not judging, just curious.


  1. They are so tiny with a lot of detail. I don't know if I could make one of these but i would buy one. I don't have a fantasy about house or little worlds but i do think that they are really unique

  2. The intricacies of these are amazing. I would love to have a book shelf full of these at my house. I think it would be funny to have guests over, not say anything about it, and see how they react.

  3. This is absolutely amazing. All the detail and the size is what makes this amazing. This is a perfect way to hide tiny things, as long as you don't lose it yourself.

  4. These are truly awesome, these books look like they are out of fairy tales. I think it would be awesome to make but it looks really time consuming because it looks like you can turn the pages and I bet that there is something on every page of each book. It also looks like it would take some time to make the charms and chains that decorate the outsides and insides of the books.

  5. I think this is really cool but kind of wierd at the same time. it looks extremely time consuming and I don't think I would have the patience to do this.

  6. These are so cute! I love them! I don't no how well I would do at making them but it would be a fun little project.

  7. These are so small, it's adorable! I would make these sometime if I knew how.

  8. These are so small, it's adorable! I would make these sometime if I knew how.

  9. Tiny with a lot of detail kinda creepy little things. I don't really like them and don't care anything about them.

  10. I don't see anything appealing about these books. I don't consider making this. I would not want to own these. I would not have a hobby with this.

  11. These are really cool. Very small and unique. Probably wasnt easy to create, but looks cool.

  12. This is really gucci. I wish we could do this in our class.

  13. These are so cute and little! They would be fun to try to make but I would lose my mind trying to fit all of those detailed things in a tiny little area.

  14. This would be so cool to try but I'm pretty sure I'd mess it up. There is soo much detail put into an inc, it's CRAZY!!!

  15. cool looks bring but cool

  16. These are super cute, but i feel like they would be very delicate. I feel like they would've took a long time to do, with a lot of details.

  17. This are full of very tiny details, they look cool, they remind me of harry Potter books. I don't think I could see myself doing anything like this, but I wish I could.

  18. This is really cute, they're so tiny and detailed. They would be very hard to put together, therefor i don't think i would be able to do something like this.

  19. This one is my favorite the little books are so cute. Whats in the bottle though. Is it just colored water or is it like a poison. The detail that they got on these little books are amazing.

  20. My question is whether the books are based off of actual books or if they are just book designs. I think it would be way cooler if the little tiny books were based off of larger books.

  21. This is pretty dope, I we should defiantly do this in class!

  22. I would love to buy one of these They are so cute and they remind me of magic. Especially the first and the sixth ones. They both remind me of Harry Potter. The first one because of potions and because the books look like the ones from the Hogwarts library. The sixth one looks like an exact replica of Tom Riddle's diary from the Chamber of Secrets. The basilisk fang attached makes it seem even more Harry Potter like because that is what they used to destroy the horcrux/diary in the end.

  23. This is pretty cool because it's something small of something that is usually much much bigger. I would like to hold one of these in my hands to really feel how small it is. I wonder how these are made and I'd enjoy watching it be made.

  24. It's cool, but I wouldn't make them or keep them in my house. They look like the miniature spell books off of Harry Potter or something.

  25. I think these are amazing! The are very small and have lots of detail. But you would have to have a very very steady hand to do which I do not have>

  26. How do you get so much detail on something that small and have it look so good?!

  27. I don't really think this is cool and if I did own one I think I would loose it.

  28. I don't really think this is cool and if I did own one I think I would loose it.

  29. Its a pretty cool little piece but there is no point in this. Easy to lose and just pointless. But fairly cool.

  30. i still absolutely love this. They are just so little and cute and they are just do cool. They are so little and it would be hard to make something like that. I would fill the little bottle up with something that is meaningful and i would carry it around with me

  31. Seems cool but id lose it. Not as cool as you thing. If someone wrote in the pages that would be better. Like get a microscope and read it.

  32. Looks really cool, but is something would never make, or have because i would definitely lose it, or break it, but good work.

  33. These are so cute! I like that someone makes them because they're so small and I think that they are just so cute.

  34. These are so cool and small

  35. These are so tiny and each so unique! I so wouldn't be able to create anything this small!

  36. These are so small and cute. They are cute little books. This most of took at least a week just cutting the small pages and finding the small like things to put into the book and what is that colorful blue liquid in the little bottles?

  37. I think this is really cool but kind of weird at the same time. it looks extremely time consuming and I don't think I would have the patience to do this.

  38. They're pretty neat! The first thought that comes to mind is that do they have stories in them? If so, can you actually read them? If that's possible, you would probably have to use a magnifying glass.

  39. This is pretty cool. I would love to do something like this because it looks so cool and also cute.

  40. I like these a lot. They kind of remind me of Harry Potter. They are adorable too! I'd definitely make one for myself.

  41. I think these are amazing and I would love to ow some of them. If I were to own one, I would turn it into a necklace. I think it is awesome how small they are and how detailed they are. The artist must have put a lot of time and effort into making them.

  42. These are so awesome! Owning one of these would just be awesome. It would probably take a lot of patience to make though

  43. I would like to own a few of these, but I don't think I would be able to create them. They are so small, I think I would just lose my patience and throw it away.

  44. my favorite one was the snow palace. It looks really intricate on the outside. the little kid in the corner makes the piece a little more fun. It would be awesome if it was hollow inside with details jut like the outside.

  45. That would take a lot of time an dedication to do that. It would be so awesome if there was like hint or clues in them to do some cool little side adventure.

  46. These are really cool. I think it would be hard to put a lot of detail into such a small piece. I would still be willing to give it a go.

  47. These are so cool and cute. I love how tiny they are. They could be turned into a necklace or just sit out as decoration. It would be cool to see how these are made. The details are really cool.

  48. These are so cute, and I think it would be super cool to have one. Honestly I'd do something like this just because it looks so cool. Plus this would be a fun piece of art to do.

  49. Since when is ant art a thing? If I was an ant i'd love this stuff. The 2nd photo is very detailed and impressive.

  50. This looks super hard and time consuming. It must be worth it though because these look very cool.

  51. These are awesome. They would make a great prop for D&D or something, and I love the turquoise ones. They look really nifty.

  52. These are amazing! I personally love reading, and these tiny books would make the perfect keychain. They look like miniature versions of books from Harry Potter.

  53. This is my forte'! These are magical little books that I want to own! This is like the most perfect thing Ive seen!

  54. This is so cool that people can make things like that. Its is so small how could you even handle it.

  55. How do you make these? I would not have hands steady enough to make these. Even though they are super small I'm sure they take forever to make.

  56. These are so cute! It would be so hard to create these. I wish i was this talented.

  57. These ones are really cool because they are so small and have so much detail inside just the like a fingernail amount of space.

  58. These are cool and small. I would like to see how they put these together. I bet it took a while.

  59. This little books are very interesting. I imagine that these would take a long time to make. I don't think I'm artistic enough to do these.
