Saturday, January 30, 2016


I am curious how many of you have heard of Steampunk?  Anyone??

So here is the definition for those of you who have never heard of Steampunk before.

Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction and sometimes fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery.

So basically that means is is the combination of sci-fi and fantasy with old technology, but in a very beautiful way.  Steampunk usually uses gears, wheels, simple engines with Victorian design and craftsmanship.

With all of that I found the artist Alain Bellino from Nice, France.  He creates some modern characters in Steampunk style.  Take a look and let me know what you think.

So what do you think?  Does this help explain Steampunk?  After looking at these could you explain Steampunk to someone else who knows nothing about it?  Can you re-explain it to me?


  1. I still don't get it but i think the art pieces are really cool and funky. i wouldn't want to make one and i dont see myself wanting to own one.

  2. I don't think these art pieces scream steampunk. They just seem like they are more modern than steampunk should feel. When I think steampunk I think of complex machines that do something simple in a very round about way.

  3. These look really cool! It's amazing what people come up with to make. These are definitely very cool to look at.

  4. yes it is very interesting how steam punk is incorporated in this art. i love the skulls,but this is one of those things that i don't ever see myself staring.

  5. So I'm not really a star wars watcher, but a lot of my friends are and they would love this! I don't think I would ever make one though.

  6. So I'm not really a star wars watcher, but a lot of my friends are and they would love this! I don't think I would ever make one though.

  7. I have never ever heard about steam punk, but now i am a for sure fan this is really cool!

  8. I have never ever heard about steam punk, but now i am a for sure fan this is really cool!

  9. These are really cool, and probably took along time, also was probably harder than most art projects, good.

  10. These are kind of creepy looking. I like the last one the best but I would not want to try them.

  11. I have always loved the look of steampunk items. It is so cool and not trying to be geeky but I'd love to live in a steampunk society.

  12. We should do this in class.

  13. We should do this in class.

  14. this project looks like it took a long time lets do it in class

  15. I still do't really understand what steampunk means. But what infer from these photos is that it is an object with a little edge or gothic tone to it.

  16. This one must of took a long time to create. We should do this in class.

  17. I'm not really sure if i could explain this to you but its very unique. This probably took up a lot of their time trying to create this. I wouldn't have enough patience to put together anything like this.

  18. this is really sweet and I bet the guy put a ton of time and effort into these things! Plus star wars is cool

  19. This is honestly really neat and would be a great decoration. I like how much detail is put into them, these would take awhile to make.

  20. This is pretty cool, totally cool! You'd have to be pretty creative to come up with this because it is very cool!

  21. I think this is very creative but most of all very interesting. Because how would they acquire these parts. Also how would they get the to fit perfectly?

  22. Never thought id see something like thhis before. I want the skull one it looks tight. need one of these,

  23. I think that these look cool. I don't know if I would be able to make these. It wold be cool to try though.

  24. I think there are really cool especially the dark vadior and r2d2 i wold like to have the r2d2 but i wouldn't have the time and patience to make one

  25. I think that this is really cool. I especially love the skulls. I like how much detail is put into these masterpieces. I gotta say I like these pieces of art.

  26. I think that this is really cool. I especially love the skulls. I like how much detail is put into these masterpieces. I gotta say I like these pieces of art.

  27. I don't like this. I feel like it doesn't give real art justice. It is very creative I will admit but not my style.

  28. i think this is really awesome and in art next year we should do this

  29. woahhhh,,, This are really neat! Before this I honestly had no idea what steampunk was, or even that it was a real thing!

  30. This is really cool. It's really unique

  31. these aare very cool and unique. they look very time consuming and interesting. it would be fun to try this

  32. This is very cool, but it also seems very hard. The looks of it looks so good, but once you get into the process it's probably incredibly hard. It seems very time consuming, and neat.

  33. This is very cool. I like how you did 2rd

  34. I really like the one of the skull with the castle coming out of the top of it. These are so creative.

  35. These are really cool. I would like to make something like these. It would be fun.

  36. Wow this is some stunning works of art. I really enjoy the darth vader helmet the most, but in general they are all very interesting and would be awesome to do.

  37. This is interesting stuff none the less, but it just doesn't really impress me. I think it's just the specific images shown. I do though, like the steampunk style.

  38. I like this style a lot. It's very impressive and cool. These definitely interest me.

  39. Its really good and its with some dope metal stuff.
    Yeah its very dope and its outstanding.
    Love it its dope and amazing and yeah.

  40. I really love the vibe that all these have. My favorite one is probably the R2-D2 one, it looks really cool in my opinion.

  41. I don't know who did this, but whoever did this must of been really talented. This looks really cool. I really like the last 2.

  42. These are awesome. This is possibly one of my favorite art styles i've seen. This is actually something that I would possibly try on my own if I had the parts.

  43. The one guy is so creepy. The others are really pretty though. This looks like a lot of time and patience.

  44. These guys a little strange lookings. I like all of the details in the faces. I don't think that I could create art like this.
