Wednesday, January 27, 2016

No coaster here

Now you might not have had your mother, or grandmother, yell at you yet for not using a coaster on her nice table, but at some point in life someone will.  I mean how can anyone possibly imagine not using a coaster and leaving a coffee stain on the table?  After awhile the rings will just add up and ruin the furniture!!

That being said, Malaysian artist Hong Yi has decided to ignore her mother and grandmother's advice and make all of the coffee stained rings that she could possibly imagine.  In fact, she has created an entire portrait, of her favorite singer from coffee cup rings.

It took over 12 hours to make the portrait.

But I have to ask, what do you think of it?  It is very large, but do you think that she would have got the same image if she had done it smaller?  I know it is not a singer that we know, but which person would you like to see her do next?  Would this be a project that you would be willing to tackle?


  1. This is absolutely stunning, it is really big. I would want her to do beyonce because after all she is the queen B

  2. This is cool because of its creativity but... I think doing rings was a mistake. To me it feel incomplete because there light spots with dark rings around them.

  3. This looks really time consuming and I would probably not have the patients on working on one of these, maybe a smaller one, just maybe.

  4. This looks really time consuming and I would probably not have the patients on working on one of these, maybe a smaller one, just maybe.

  5. This is really cool it is insane how much time this person has. I like this a lot maybe i should quit using a coaster.

  6. This is my favorite one so far. I love all of the splotches and the messiness of the artwork. This would be fun to try in class.

  7. This is really really cool, and probably really hard.

  8. I have seen many other art pieces made from the usage of coffee and i find them all very cool and creative.

  9. I think this is very cool and creative. I dont think id have the time and patience to do it but its very cool.

  10. I would have never even thought of using coffee to make stains and turn it into art! I hate creating stains but doing it for fun and making something out of it would be a hard task for me. but it still looks really neat in its large size, but I think it would look different if the "stainting"(see what I did there) was lesser in size because you can't quite control where coffee goes.

  11. Coffee seems like a much messier replacement for paint but I think if she used any other medium it wouldn't have the stain affect that complements the photo so well.

  12. No I don't think she would have gotten the same if she would have done it smaller. This is very interesting and she did it really well. This would be something cool to see up close, in person.

  13. If she did it smaller it would be much harder to capture of the detail so no. This is a very however creative and interesting idea.

  14. This is and interesting idea. But why would you think of this and how could you capture the great detail? But most of all how many tries would this take let alone how long?

  15. This is really cool and looks like it would take a long time to do.

  16. really sick but she got luck i think. i can never do that. its a gift with that stuff.

  17. This is so creative! I would love to do a project like this. I think that it would very fun to see what would be created.

  18. How do people come up with these creative ideas. Was she having a drink of coffee and decided hey let's make some art with this cup. Either way, this is pretty cool.

  19. This is something that is very unique and creative. It would be something really cool to put in a coffee shop or something.

  20. yea i don't like this and is not cool so much mess

  21. This must've used a lot of coffee to make, and it cools really good

  22. With how much i spill i could make this easily this doesnt surprise me. I dont really like this is dosnt take that much talent.

  23. This looks really time consuming and I would probably not have the patients on working on one of these, maybe a smaller one though

  24. that is so cool. very creative. must have taken along time.

  25. this would be very interesting and time consuming. i am not a very patient person so im not sure i could do this

  26. This is cool but i don't like it at all. it just looks like a mess, i meant its made out of coffee stains. its dirty and messy which i don't like. if it was made out of a different pigment then id be fine with it.

  27. This is a very interesting type of art. I feel like it would be expensive, but probably not as expensive as regular paint. It's really interesting and weird, but thats not a bad thing.

  28. This paint is so cool. I like how you did it is so Amazing

  29. This is really cool. The concept of it is something that I haven't seen before. You could do a lot of paintings with this idea.

  30. Painting with coffee? Now that would take some talent and having to paint for 12 hours takes a lot of dedication. This is weird but very interesting way to paint portraits and art in general.

  31. This is very creative and the concept is interesting. The artist must have a lot of patience and time on her hands. It would probably start to stink after a while, since it's made out of coffee grounds.

  32. This is something I've never seen before. She must use up a lot of coffee. She probably has a discount at Starbucks for how much she uses.

  33. This might be the most random way of creating are ever. What a creative idea. The pieces are quite beautiful.

  34. very nice like the cute girl . she shows a lot of feeling for me . looks wonderful u know.

  35. this art is so cool. i wish i had this talent, its crazy good and mind blowing. the things you can do with art is so cool and i really wish i could be like her

  36. I would love to be in this gallery cause i can bet you it smells amazing! and this is a wonderful, creative way to make art!

  37. I don't think i like this one.It cool but it looks like is was a mess

  38. This is going to to take a while , But i like her creativity. It's weird in a way but its good .

  39. I would love to do this and create a singer I love or an actor. It would be super cool. She did great even though I dont know who it is.

  40. This might be something that I could actually do. This had to have taken a lot of time. How would you make lighter or darker rings?

  41. I dont understand how this idea would have came to her. Like one day you just decide you going to do a portrait of someone from coffee rings? Very creative and beautiful though.

  42. I like how all of these ones look. It reminds me of coffee, even though I don't drink coffee. I like how realistic the bottom ones look.
