Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Painting an Emotion

Have you ever wanted to paint an emotion?  Can you even imagine how to do that?  Where would you start?  Would would it look like?  Theses are all questions that artist Emma Lindstrom has asked and tried to answer.  Lindstrom claims that her work is a feeling that is floating, intangible, irrational but always uplifting and full of hope.

I want you to take a look and see what you think.

Huayna II

Yanona II

Illimani VI
So what are your feelings about her work?  Can you see emotions in them?  What do they make you feel?  Do you love them or do you hate them?  Are you as intrigued as I am as to how she gets the paint to move in such a beautiful way?


  1. its looks good and would be fun to do

  2. This reminds me of like galaxy paintings. This would be really cool and fun to do and shows the abstract of art almost.

  3. The pink and purple paintings look heavinly and peaceful The blue one looks like a violent storm in an ocean.

  4. looks amazing. it looks like it was done on stone and is hundreds years old. the lines look a cracks a gives it a cool effect.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. These are really cool. I like the one on the top and the one in the middle. I like on how they are really colorful. I think the colors mix in really well.

  7. I think its so pretty and some make me happy and one makes me sad. She just poured her emotion into it and its so beautiful. I love them.

  8. I think its so pretty and some make me happy and one makes me sad. She just poured her emotion into it and its so beautiful. I love them.

  9. I really love these colors and how they work together, I would love doing a project like this!

  10. This has a little bit of a galaxy feel i like it. It is very colorful and the colors mix really good.

  11. I love this also. It is like throwing colors on a picture and you can't mess up. This looks like a very fun and exciting project to try.

  12. It looks almost like a very blurry picture of space with an under water theme added onto it. This isn't to say it doesn't look good though, that's just the best way I could think to describe it.

  13. This is really beautiful. The colors are very pretty and fit together. This would be really pretty to hang in your home.

  14. These are very colorful and look amazing. It reminds of of looking out into space.

  15. I don't really like this it doesn't take much skill, it is kinda neat but it is very unskilled. I could do this, very lame.

  16. Id like to have one of these. im my room would be great! I want one!

  17. I would like to do a project like this. I think that people could come up with some good ideas for this and they would be so cool to look at/make.

  18. These are sort of cool. I like how they look kind of a bright colored galaxy. I think this would be something fun to try.

  19. wow that's so cool

  20. This is a really good way to express yourself.

  21. kind of looks like a galaxy which is very interesting. Kinda looks like the paint is just splatted on the paper but still very cool.

  22. this is really cool. Each picture gives a different emotion, and it looks like something you would find in space.

  23. this artwork is very cool. Even though it is not a picture of something at all, it is really cool. to me it looks like an explosion of paint that ended up on a canvas.

  24. This one is so pretty! The colors the artist's uses all combine so well. The blue one is probably my favorite, because it reminds me of the ocean. I like how it looks like paint splatters, but also looks like it was painted.

  25. These are really awesome. I think it says a lot about the artist and how they view certain things. It's really cool.

  26. This looks good but i personally wouldn't do something like this. It's too simple and not enough detail.

  27. I like this a lot. The colors come together so beautifully. I think this would be fun to do. I can definitely see emotions in these paintings. Different colors make people feel a certain way.

  28. It doesn't give off a real emotional vibe to me, but it looks really great. This is the kind of art i could see myself doing.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Love all the beatuiful colors in these paintings. i love that kind of art. i think it wouldnt be that hard to do and i would love to try it sometime

  31. really makes some people look into what your looking at! its amazing how nothing can make you feel emotion!

  32. These are very cool and they look like oceans under water. I like them but I can't tell the emotions she's feeling. I feel relaxed.

  33. These are really pretty. It would be really fun to try and create something like these. They look very good.

  34. Illimani VI colors are pretty. They go together well. I like how it has a light part then color around it.

  35. I think that all of the colors match perfectly in this. I love the designs of all three of them. It really makes you think about how they look.
