Tuesday, January 12, 2016

At first glance

Okay so before you look at the picture below I want you to clear your mind.  Think of nothing..

Is it empty???

Okay, now look at the following image and tell me what you see first....


So what did you see first?  Is it the trees or the tiger in the trees?  What if I told you the title is "The Sleeping Tiger", did you see the sleeping tiger?  Do you see it now, because I am sure you had to scroll back up to look, I did.  Did you find the third tiger?  Did you have to scroll back up after I said that.

I love a good optical illusion, how about you?  Which part is more impressive to you?


  1. looks good and hard

  2. I saw the sleeping tiger and the tiger in the bark of the tree, but the third tiger thew me, but I finaly found it. This is really cool.

  3. it is beautiful how the three tigers and the tiger paw is Incorporated in the drawing. but overall the tiger tree and the sleeping tiger are a little sloppy.

  4. I saw the tiger in the trees and the sleeping one but I did not see the one in the bark until I read the discription under it.

  5. This is amazing the way that this was done. I saw all of them and thought that this was pretty neat. I personally think that it could of used more like another tiger.

  6. This is so awesome, but it looks hard to do. I like the way they used things together. I could see Sam Fox doing something like this.

  7. This is insane, i don't get how you can do that in pan. You can have very minimal mistakes. The optical illusion was really cool.

  8. This is very unique. This almost looks like a sad lonely picture but also peaceful. This would take a ton amount of time to do so I do not think I would want to try this but it is very cool.

  9. I saw the sleeping tiger on the ground. The tiger that is sleeping on the ground is the only one I could see. It's a good picture but I don't think I would try to do it though.

  10. This is super cool. At first I thought is was just going to be a tree, but it turns out the the tree was in the shape of a tiger. I love that the artist fit three different tigers into this piece.

  11. Is this really cool. i think how they interpreted three tigers but two of them hidden in some shape or form. Very cool.

  12. At first I saw tree branch, then the form of the branches that created a tiger shape, then I saw the actual tiger. Thi is pretty neat!

  13. The third tiger was the hardest one to find, but I think it is very well placed and fits nicely in relation with the other tigers in the picture.

  14. This is really cool. I love tigers so personally i love this piece of art. I think we should try this in your class.

  15. This is a very cool optical piece, it really plays with your brain, and must have taken a lot of skill to create.

  16. This is pretty cool but also probably hard. It would b fun to try this with other animals but that would be very hard. Also it could use some color but not a lot.

  17. I love these type of things. I think they are so cool and would be so fun to make!

  18. it amazing how the artist hid the tiger in the tree and it took me a little bit to find it just looked like bark at first then i took a second glance and found it and i would like to give this a try but it would be hard to do

  19. This looks really cool but very difficult to do. I would be worried that I wouldn't be able to get the same texture look through out the whole thing.

  20. This is real Art. Requires skill and determination

  21. This is a very good illusion. Takes hard work but i coudlnt do this cause it looks way to hard.

  22. I think this would be something cool to do in class. Its very unique, maybe not with the tiger specifically, but maybe with a more simple animal, like a dolphin.

  23. This is really neat. I saw the big tiger hidden in the trees first. It's cool to see what everyone else saw first and to look back and see things you didn't notice the first time.

  24. This is really good. I do love a good optical illusion, and I did see all three tigers. The detail of this piece of art is really good, overall it's a good piece of art.

  25. Honestly, this looks like this would be in an adult coloring book. lolol what are even adult coloring books?????? oldies??? Hobbies??? ADULT COLORING BOOKS???? Coloring is hard.

  26. This is really cool. I like the tiger and the texture on the trees. It looks like an illustration for a book.

  27. This picture looks very nice and i like the black and white. It looks like there is a lot of detail but it is what makes the picture look so good

  28. Very interesting! i love how the tigers are every where but not! its like the eyes you cant see but they see you!

  29. I think it's crazy to think that this whole thing was a drawing. At first it plays tricks on your mind, you see the tiger under the tree then you see the tiger face in the bottom right-hand corner, then you notice a tiger tree that's walking at you. That's a crazy optical illusion that i would hang on my wall.

  30. This is cool but I don't know what comes first.This is a crazy illusion.

  31. TRIPPY!!!!!! I saw the tiger first. It took me a long time to even see the tiger in the trees.

  32. This is really trippy. But it is very cool, I could never do anything like this.

  33. At first when I saw this I thought it was just an optical illusion. It took me a minute to see the tigers. I wouldn't be able to create anything like that.

  34. This is so cool and creative. I love how they hid the other tigers in the art. This would be really fun to attempt to do.

  35. I love all of the hidden pictures of tigers. I personally like including felines into my art. I think it would be nice to try a project like this.
