Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Self Portraits

Self portraits have been done for thousands of years and with the modern selfie they will be continued to be taken for thousands of years to come.  So what is our fascination with pictures of our self?

I love the above self portrait done by Norman Rockwell for a variety of reasons.  First off, if you see his image in the mirror you will notice that it looks different on the canvas.  Even he saw himself differently.  I also love all of the images that are attached to his canvas that are from other famous artists.  This shows that he was studying others.

What else do you see in this image that might give you clues about him or the way he works?  Do you see anything that you find interesting?  Do you have a fascination with taking selfies?  If I looked through your phone would I see a ton of images of you?  If so, why?  I'm not a selfie taker so I am wonder what the obsession is, please tell me?


  1. I think this drawing is really good. I think it is kinda funny that he is doing a portrait of himself else doing a self portrait. I absolutely hate selfies though you will maybe find 3 on my phone.

  2. I think this drawing is really good. I think it is kinda funny that he is doing a portrait of himself else doing a self portrait. I absolutely hate selfies though you will maybe find 3 on my phone.

  3. This has so much put into one. I love how he didn't just focus on one portrait. He added many portraits. I think this is a creative and fun twist on self portraits.

  4. I would say doing a self potrait is much easier than doing someone elses. You are much more familiar with your own face. I found looking at your self through a mirror it is much harder because you are always moving. He did a marvelous job.

  5. This is very Inception-like, a someone painting a portrait inside of a portrait. It would be cool to see even more layers like the man drawing this picture, and then another one of him drawing the picture of him drawing the original. It could turn out to be very complex.

  6. I think this is really cool and would like to see this go on twice more or so.

  7. I think this is really cool and would like to see this go on twice more or so.

  8. I really like what this artist did. I thought that doing portraits were hard, but doing more than one portrait in one drawing; that is crazy.

  9. This drawing is creative and drawn well. He must like drawing pretty complex things and making people who look at his work surprised. I don't take selfies really i might have one but with other people in it

  10. this drawing is creative and crazy good. i like how he makes it very complex and has added lots of detail.

  11. this drawing is creative and crazy good. i like how he makes it very complex and has added lots of detail.

  12. I like this one a lot. It has a lot of detail and a lot going on in the picture. My favorite part is his reflection in the mirror.

  13. This one is really different. I like how he painted someone making a self portrait. He makes it look so real that is what I don't get.

  14. This is pretty dope and I love it because it is creative, and the artist did a great job drawing it. Overall I think he pulled it off and I give it an A+

  15. I think that this is really cool, and I feel like the artist did a very good job on it. I like how it is complex. It looks like it would have been very hard to do.

  16. I like this because he didn't just focus on one thing individual. He focused on a lot of things. It would be cool to see more pictures like a portrait of the man who drew this one. It would be complex and your eyes would have many different things to look at and to focus on.

  17. This is very cool! I don't think that I would be able to focus on so many things at once. He does a very good job at focusing on and making the pictures look really nice.

  18. This picture is very interesting, it shows how the creator of the painting saw himself as well as how he really was. It is a sort of contrast of thought and reality.

  19. This guy is very good at what he does. I think the pictures are also partially what he wants to see himself as. He also most be very focused to do different pictures and different variations.

  20. this is an amazing self portrait if only a beginner could draw this

  21. This guy is very good at what he does. I think the pictures are also partially what he wants to see himself as. He also most be very focused to do different pictures and different variations.

  22. This is a cool self portrait. I liked doing our self portraits in class and would enjoy doing another one. Would take a lot of focus and practice.

  23. This would take lot of hard work time and concentration. he is very good at drawing a self potrait inside one. Very interesting and would be crazy hard.

  24. that drawing and is pretty sweet

  25. this is really unique. not very many people can look at themselves and draw themselves perfecrly. he also is sitting at an angle which would make it hard for me.

  26. i think this is very cool and shows some cool stuff man.

  27. i think this is very cool and shows some cool stuff man.

  28. This is very cool and creative. It looks kind of funny too.

  29. I remember seeing this painting before. I can tell that he probably paints while smoking. I think this painting is unique but I don't have enough time to describe why I think that. No I don't have a fascination with selfies.

  30. this is amazing. not only all of the faces look good but think about planing this picture. he is making a portrait of himself that is making a portrait of himself at the same time he made two portraits. mind-blowing!!!!

  31. Multiple drawings put in one drawing its pretty good ive never seen anythig like this before. Pretty cool if you ask me

  32. I really don't like this. Its stupid how he draws one normal and then the other cartoon. There is just too much going on in the drawing.

  33. This is really cool. I like how he is looking in the mirror. It reminds me of a cartoon. Its really cool.

  34. This is very active and busy. It is very interesting though. I just personally think there is too much going on in this picture

  35. i think this is cool and it would be really hard to make

  36. This is really cool and i like how he used the different angles of him. Its really creative.

  37. Its amazing it would be really hard to look at a mirror and paint your self and it takes hard work and effort.

  38. Its amazing it would be really hard to look at a mirror and paint your self and it takes hard work and effort.

  39. I like how he did the face. it was so Amazing how they did it.

  40. I like how they made a normal artist looking at himself and then drawing himself for a picture.

  41. This is really cool how small it is. It is really creative and I wonder how long took to make it. I would like to do something like this.

  42. I really like this painting for various reasons. He made himself look a little younger than the mirror shows. Maybe he was trying to get a point across or something like that. I like taking selfies because I feel like they boost my self-confidence, but most of the time 99% of my selfies are on snapchat trying to save a streak.

  43. This is a very fascinating piece. He shows you what it's like to be him, it takes you through his process of creation.

  44. I like this piece of work because it is art of him doing art. It really gets to show you the process that the artist take to get the masterpiece how he wants it. It is very well done piece of art.

  45. It is crazy he painted himself of himself painting himself. This is insane. I would have never thought of this. Some artists are so smart and different. That is what makes them an artist. I wish I could draw or paint that good.

  46. this is werid af i dont get it but okay...

  47. This is one of the coolest ones i have seen. The detail is really amazing. Must've taken a long time to do.

  48. This art piece is honestly awesome. I don't understand how artist have good patience. I have not patience whatsoever.

  49. I really love this piece because it is a painting of him painting himself. Also, I like the fact that his drawing of himself is nothing like what he actually looks like. I think that he is drawing what he wishes he actually looked like.

  50. This is really cool. It looks really hard. I could not imagine doing two self portraits in one painting.

  51. I hate the way I look, but I still take pictures only if my eyes look good! If my eyes look bad then I dont, cause my eyes are the only good feature I see in myself. You would see a lot of pictures of billy burke, johnny depp, and alan Rickman, but barely any of my own face.

  52. This is very cool to me. I bet this took a lot of time and effort to get it spot on.

  53. That is really cool. I love how this artist did this work. It is almost exactly perfect.

  54. This i'm betting took a lot of time to create. I'm sure it is pretty accurate though to how they would have done it back then.

  55. These drawings or paintings are very detailed. They are very good pictures or drawings. I could not draw a picture of me like that, because I am not that good at drawing.

  56. These Pictures are very good and detailed. i like how there is a Drawing of the guy that is drawing. i think that this drawing comes together very nice.

  57. I feel like this be very hard to do. You would never get the same shadow so that would be off. There would be a lot of details you would have to get.

  58. this iece is kinda funny and it kinda like it. the last piece kinda doesnt fit in with the others

  59. I like this one because it is cartoony and fun, it has a lot of colors and he is like making art in an art piece.

  60. I like the idea of self-portraits. It helps people understand what people used to look like before cameras.

  61. I enjoy how they have a bunch of stuff all in one piece. I also enjoy how he is drawing his own perspective about himself.

  62. I really like that it looks very realistic, but wouldn't want to do it, because it looks very hard:)

  63. This has so much put into one. I love how he didn't just focus on one portrait. He added many portraits. I think this is a creative and fun twist on self portraits.

  64. i like how it might have a meaning to it but its different form others perspective

  65. It is a cool piece but I don't really understand it. I'm not sure what the meaning behind this one is.
