Thursday, December 10, 2015

Bah, Bah, Bring!!

So I love unusual sculptures.  I am just amazed by what people can create from everyday objects.  I guess it is just wonderful to see what others think of when they look at something, and in this case it is an old rotary phone.

Okay I know, I have to start with explaining what a rotary phone is,  Think back to your childhood, you probably had a little toy phone that had wheels and eyes, a cord, a dial that you had to spin and it made noise when you pulled it.  It was also in Toy Story 3.  Anyways, we actually had those phones when I was a kid.  I know I am old, but keep the thoughts to yourself.

Anyways, artist Jean-Luc Cornec has taken those old rotary phones and turned them and their never ending cords into these adorable sheep.  Unfortunately you will never know what it is like to talk on the phone and be tied to a room and a cord.  I hope you like these sheep sculptures as much as I do.

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So what do you think of these sheep?  Did you happen to notice the legs?  So how do you think he assembled these sheep?  Can you think of another material that would make an amazingly unusual sculpture?


  1. I think all of it looks like sheep, the telephone really makes the face form and show off the ears. I didn't notice the legs at first, but they really resemble the actual foot. I think an amazing unusual sculpture could be made out of scissors.

  2. What if he gets a fax? What does the fax say. That is so sheep or is it sheek. This a neat way to recucle. He must have gotten wrapped up in his work

  3. I think these are really cool. I like the one on the top because I like on how it's close up. I think that whoever created this made a good idea.

  4. These are so cute! The cords could pass as real sheep wool. It would be cool to see this project done with other common household cords, like phone chargers. Or computer wires could give it a futuristic look.

  5. This is sort of creepy. It is different though. It would be cool to see different colored cords. If I were to do this I would make it into a different animal.

  6. I love the creativity of this project but it is just a bit weird...

  7. I love the creativity of this project but it is just a bit weird...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I have got to say this is pretty creative, but it is just a little to weird for me.

  10. I think its pretty cool and he must've made a frame and put all the cord and stuff onto and around it, another weird sculpture could be made out of bottles and bottle caps.

  11. these are pretty cool and really creative! but kind of weird. they sill look like sheep though!

  12. This is a really interesting way to interpret sheep but it kind of creeps me out. Would be cool to see in a museum or something.

  13. I also like the bottom picture. For one thing, I like on how the sheep on the bottom picture is colored differently than the sheep in the other pictures. I also like the background of where the sheep is in the bottom picture

  14. The sheep are very good, whoever made them had some serious dedication in order to do this.

  15. How many phones do you think it took in order to make one without messing up? This is a way of thinking creatively. I certainly couldn't think of this.

  16. That is really creative. I would have thought of that. Im going to buy one and put by my bed

  17. that is cool thing to do with old phones like that and to get the phone cords to go around the sheep must have taken a long time to do and the feet how do u get a phone to bend like that and not brake

  18. The cords do not create a cool texture and it is a: not cool for me. It may be creative but super weird and I don't think the artist pulled it off.

  19. The cords do not create a cool texture and it is a: not cool for me. It may be creative but super weird and I don't think the artist pulled it off.

  20. The cords do not create a cool texture and it is a: not cool for me. It may be creative but super weird and I don't think the artist pulled it off.

  21. I think that these are very cool sculptures. It looked like it was really hard to wrap the cords around like that. I feel like the artist did a very good job on these sculptures.

  22. I think that these are very cool sculptures. It looked like it was really hard to wrap the cords around like that. I feel like the artist did a very good job on these sculptures.

  23. I think these are very cool and unique. Interesting how somebody would come up with the idea to do this I don't think that I would of ever thought of it.

  24. I think these are very cool and unique. Interesting how somebody would come up with the idea to do this I don't think that I would of ever thought of it.

  25. I think these the sheep were assembled by tangling cords around a frame, that part seems simple, the part that is confusing is how the broken phone can support the weight.

  26. I think these the sheep were assembled by tangling cords around a frame, that part seems simple, the part that is confusing is how the broken phone can support the weight.

  27. this looks really cool. it looks really hard to do. the phone part of it is really cool. great find. i think that these originally had a frame but then was covered up with cords.

  28. This is really unique. The use of the old phone look on the outside is very cool. The whole design on the outside is all phones. In the core however there is most likely some form of structure.

  29. those cord phones man........crazy idea......but coool

  30. This is very weird and unusual.I think you could make others of these out of linked metal chains. But very creative piece.

  31. I think its very unusual piece of art. Very creative to think of how to do this

  32. I think its very unusual piece of art. Very creative to think of how to do this

  33. I think these structures are unique. Whoever thought of this is probably a really weird person, but cool. I would probably do something like this honestly.

  34. I think these structures are unique. Whoever thought of this is probably a really weird person, but cool. I would probably do something like this honestly.

  35. a telephone shep that's so awesome

  36. I think these structures are unique. Whoever thought of this is probably a really weird person, but cool. I would probably do something like this honestly.

  37. I think these structures are unique. Whoever thought of this is probably a really weird person, but cool. I would probably do something like this honestly.

  38. I LIKE THIS, it is very creative and a good idea for a christmas present!

  39. This might be the coolest thing I've seen on this website. I never would have imagined old rotary phones could be turned into a sheep. When you look at them from the front though, they look really weird, like the black one.

  40. this is very creative and i think i would do this. It would be with cats tho and they would ring when the meow.

  41. This is probably the coolest thing ive seen so far on this website. Its made out of telephone cords and the whole telephone actually. thats pretty cool and idk how he/she did it but thats amazing.

  42. This is amazing I honestly don't know how he did this. This must of taken a long time to do. It is very creative.

  43. This is probably the coolest thing ive seen so far on this website. Its made out of telephone cords and the whole telephone actually. thats pretty cool and idk how he/she did it but thats amazing.

  44. The sheep look like sheep but I don't like how a phone is used as a sheep head. It just doesn't fit in well. I did notice the legs and they actually look like sheep legs. I have no idea how this artist assembled the sheep. I can't think of any other material that could be used for these.

  45. okay they look cool at first but i have one question why? i do not understand this art. i have to give him credit this wouldn't be easy to make.

  46. okay they look cool at first but i have one question why? i do not understand this art. i have to give him credit this wouldn't be easy to make.

  47. These are cool they are confusing though, like hpw would this person even think of doing this.

  48. These sheep are really cool, I'm curious if the sheep's whole body would be made o the wires or if there is something underneath the wires that they are attached to.

  49. These sheep are really cool, I'm curious if the sheep's whole body would be made o the wires or if there is something underneath the wires that they are attached to.

  50. This probably took a long time to make and create. Who ever made this has a lot of time on her/his hands but it is really cool and creative. Thumbs up

  51. this is very nice. I love how creative it is without being super creepy. They look very interesting and creative.

  52. i think this would be really hard to make. so i would not make this

  53. i think this would be really hard to make. so i would not make this

  54. With out the telephone wires I never would have guessed that an old telephone looks like a sheep's face. How did this person think of this.

  55. With out the telephone wires I never would have guessed that an old telephone looks like a sheep's face. How did this person think of this.

  56. I am sorry but this just is dumb, I don't like it at all. Why on Earth would you make something this dumb, least favorite.

  57. I personally think that these are quite weird and unusual. However I give props to the artist for thinking outside of the box to make them. I would have never thought of using old phones to make art.

  58. I think this is cool, but I don't think I would like to look at these all the time.

  59. This is really cool and its awesome how they used phone cords for the texture of the sheep wool.

  60. This is amazing I honestly don't know how he did this. This must of taken a long time to do. It is very creative.

  61. This is just Amazing. they do not know where they are going.

  62. I personally think that this could be better. It isn't the best art work iv'e seen but it is still pretty good.

  63. i just had to laugh when i saw this it just got me right in this giggle bone. it is indeed very creative and it was funny how the phone made the shape of the sheep head. this would be very cool in a different animal and form.

  64. That so cool i bet that took a lot of time . Its worth it like look at that it amazing man.

  65. This is really. It had to take time and patients to do something this awesome. I would not wont to try this it would be to hard

  66. This is really funny looking. I would definitely give something like this a try. It's very unique, and kind of makes you step out of your comfort zone.

  67. These are pretty funny. I wouldn't call it art though. More of a hobby

  68. These look cool but not as cool as my great uncles. He takes something old styled and turns it into something new. For example he makes jewelry out of silverware.

  69. This is cool, but kind of weird. It's a creative concept. They look like real sheep, so that's cool.

  70. I like sheep and all, but i don't know if i would sink so much time into something like this. This must have been time consuming, and did he really need to make an entire flock?

  71. To be honest, I think that this was a waste of supplies. I don't think that it is really that cool and it just bores me..Of course the time put into it and the creativity would be amazing, but it's just not my type.

  72. The person who came up with this must have been very very creative and had a great imagination. I love the way they used all parts of the phone to make the sheep

  73. I figured technology would take over the world someday. But this way, it's utterly terrifying.

  74. this has to take a lot of phone cords to do and it has to be really hard to make. you have to be able to know what you are doing and making it before you start

  75. What the heck are these things! They are some weird looking sheep, and it looks like it would take awhile to get all of that cord just right. Would still want to try it though.

  76. I think its awesome that they used old phones for everything, its definitely something unique you dont see alot of.

  77. This is amazing. It must have taken a long time to make the sheep out of phones and phone cords. ITs nature and technology mixed into one.

  78. I think this is really cool. I don't think I would be able to do this. The person who created this must be really creative and have a good eye.

  79. I think this is really sweet. I think its cool how someone can look and an old phone and see them making a sheep out of it. I think it would be cool to try something like this.

  80. Thats so cool how the phones are the head i had to look at it twice

  81. I actually really like this and its prety funny but also looks really cool

  82. I think this is a really creative artwork. I like how the phone is on the head it makes it look nice. I don't think i would be able to do this if you assigned it.

  83. This looks really funny. It looks like an actually picture. I wonder how they drew the fur on this.

  84. I really like the creativity in this artwork. The fur looks just like A real sheeps. This is really interesting.

  85. These look kinda weird. They look kinda real. its so crazy

  86. I think that these are really cool. I bet he used a lot of glue to complete these. I really like the fact that he used a random object and turned it into an amazing work of art.

  87. I dont really get this kinda creepy honstley not something i would do but deffintly took some creativty and time to do

  88. This sheep phone thing is pretty weird and creepy but it most likely took a long time to do

  89. i think that these sheeps are very creative. But i would never do this because it looks like alot of time i dont have

  90. i just had to laugh when i saw this it just got me right in this giggle bone. it is indeed very creative and it was funny how the phone made the shape of the sheep head. this would be very cool in a different animal and form.

  91. they are cool and different. how much money did it cost to make one of the sheep. it would be something to try in class.

  92. This is creepy and weird and its super creepy. I know I already said creepy but that's weird.

  93. This doesn't look good, its just boring .

  94. This doesn't look good at all. Even though it does not look good it is a very unique idea.

  95. This looks pretty weird and a little frightening to look at.

  96. This project is really cool, but it is kind of weird also. I dont know how I feel about it.

  97. I'm not sure what the point of these are. They would be kind of funny to have scattered in an office just to make it interesting. I wonder what the artist was thinking when he created these.

  98. This reminds me of cauys sheep nina! I think its a little goofy, but the wool on the sheep looks really realistic.

  99. I really this sculpture and the materials that it is made out of. I like how they used the telephones as the heads. The wool actually looks real!

  100. I think this is very neat and interesting. It is also kind of weird because the feet of the sheep are the actual phones. But I like the concept of the face and how its the base of the telephone.

  101. This is super weird, but I think it's more funny than beautiful. It is obviously interesting tough.

  102. this is really creepy to me. But its still interesting and funny

  103. they use non living to represent the living. Somebody had to be very bored to think of something like this. Feet are super weird.

  104. Telephone cords are lit

  105. I am so confused by this. Like how long did it take to do this and what made you want to do this. Also all the supplies you would have to get to do it.

  106. It's a little weird and confusing. It is still a cool piece though. I like how they use the phone as the head.

  107. This is really weird and funny

  108. This is really a weird but cool work of art. The feet look like real sheep feet but they are phones. A weird thing could be made out of rulers

  109. I really like how the sheep have old telephones for heads. I think we should try this in Art 1. Is it drawing or is it something else? Regardless I think we should do it.

  110. This is a weird design but I like it. This looks like it took a little time. This a good idea. I feel like it would look good for different kinds of animals.

  111. Not gonna lie, this one is very creepy. I like how they don't try to be realistic, and that abstract nature is something I can appreciate.


  112. This is a really interesting way to interpret sheep but it kind of creeps me out.this has to take a lot of phone cords to do and it has to be really hard to make. This is really cool.

  113. It's a little weird how they make the sheep look like what it looks like. It is cool though how they use the phone cords to make it look more realistic.

  114. I think these sheep really cool to be honest. I like these type of projects where you take like everyday objects and turn them into really cool sculptures.

  115. This is super cool. I wonder how they came up with this idea . I don't really know how you would even do this.

  116. I think that these are very cool sculptures. It looked like it was really hard to wrap the cords around like that. I feel like the artist did a very good job on these sculptures

  117. This lil critters are a little creepy. At the same time they are also all very unique. I like all of the details, especially in the cords.

  118. This is a little creepy. But I like what the artists was tring to do.

  119. this looks like it would be a fun project. I don't know where you would find that many old phones for a whole class. and it is a little creepy.

  120. this is really funny. i think it would be hard to do though. but i would make it

  121. This is very weird. This must have taken a very long time. I don't know how someone made this. It would be fun to try to make this.

  122. I like the way they look but at the same time it a weird look but a very funny one

  123. i felt like this was very stupid but it was really funny at the same time

  124. This really creeps me out. I don't like this. I would choose other art than this to hang up.
