Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Finding the soul

It can be hard to blend and fade your art while still keeping it beautiful at the same time.  It is easier to do the fade with watercolor, but Artist Ryan Hewett has created beautiful faded/abstract portraits using oil paint.

I am incredibly impressed by the amount of emotion he brought out in these abstract works.

Can you see the emotion?  What do you think of them?  Is this something that you would like to try?


  1. I can see the emotion in some of the painting and the ones I do see it in I think are really good. The ones I can't tell the emotion I don't like. I still wouldn't want to do this because I'm not really good at art so I would fail trying to do this.

  2. I love art that tells a story or has meaning, to me it makes the art more beautiful and eye catching.This artist made the emotion easy to see in his work. I would probably fail at attempting this, but I think it would fun to try.

  3. The first three pieces i enjoy i like the the way they are put together the details are more profound compared to the other ones. But all off the other lower pieces are a little off maybe its just me but i think he ruined the faces by making the outsides so distort. I would enjoy trying to recreate one of them.

  4. These are so unique. The colors are not overly bright, but they create a simple and profound feel to the art. I like how the subject is at the very center of the canvas so your eyes go right to the person's face. I like the one that are more blurry, because then I can imagine a different face for the person than what is painted.

  5. I like the colors of these paintings. It is different because the colors make the paintings seem sad and the faces are not smiling. The faces are very close up and makes you look at the smaller details.

  6. I really like these. I think it is a mix of portraits and abstract paintings.

  7. I can see the emotion they all look kinda lost int he paintings but i like them they're interesting. I wouldn't mind doing one of these in class, it doesnt look that hard and theyre cool

  8. these are probably the coolest face paintings ive seen so far. i like the style and creatively. and how they fade out the edges

  9. these are probably the coolest face paintings ive seen so far. i like the style and creatively. and how they fade out the edges

  10. We already kind of did something like this with tht packet of people and bringing the highlights and lowlights in. That was one of my favorite projects and I would like to even do something like that for a ceiling tile.

  11. We did something like this, but this is way cooler than ours. He has found what he is good at.

  12. This is deep. It is very weird and cool! it has loose detail but the artist pulled it of its pretty great.

  13. I like these a lot because they pop out and look really cool. I feel like this would be very hard to do, but it also seems like something that would be fun to do.

  14. These look really cool but they all seem very sad looking. The only emotion I can see on the faces in the paintings is sadness, it's something in the eyes that makes them seem sad.

  15. this is great, isn't this what we did for the first face projects

  16. These pictures look kinda creepy. They bring out good color and emphasis however.

  17. I can see the emotion in the pictures. Looks like a lot of work and dedicated time to do these. Looks like they only use a few different colors to give it more texture.

  18. is cool but also creepy

  19. takes a lot of time because it nots just splashing paint down. it takes time to mix the paint and make it just right. brings out good color to express the face.

  20. This probably took a lot of time to do. It's very cool how he brought a face out of them. The paint looks really subtle so i think it would be hard.

  21. i like these paintings. They are creative, and ugly, but in a good way. These definitely took alot of time, mixing colors and not just splashing them down but getting them just right so they actually look like something

  22. That is pretty cool I like all the color that was put into it.

  23. I like this alot because it makes you have to look hard to see what it is. Is it a painting or something else? i dodnt know but its really creative and has good use of colors in it.

  24. I can't see any emotion to these pictures. These pictures are unappealing to me. I would not want to try this out for myself.

  25. You can see the emotions in the face and in the color he uses to paint them, the brush strikes in these paintings are really cool too. They make the paintings look like they have texture, which also helps with seeing the emotions.

  26. This is cool, but a little creepy. I feel like all these people that draw people in weird ways like this had a bully in high school or something. Any normal person would just draw a beautiful human being because that's what we are. Not the ugly beasts that he's drawing.

  27. This artwork makes you look deep into the painting to see what he has painted. I like how the people dont have a lot of detail so they look creep but they have just the right amount that you can tell that they are a person.

  28. This is intersting but also kind of creepy. This is also very deeep though. Its got much more meaning than anything else ive seen

  29. i think its is cool it looks boarding

  30. These people look very confused. They look like they have lost everything and have nowhere to go. I would not want to try this because I would feel bad for the real people that are like this.

  31. This kind of looks like something we did earlier this year. And I loved that project. I do believe that it is very pretty and I like how it is abstract almost.

  32. This is really nice, i look how detailed he got it, i would have to say this is probably one of my favorites.

  33. Theres a lot of emotion in these paintings and i feel like they would lake a long time to do.

  34. i can see the emotion. This kind of scares me doesnt take to much work just alittle talent.

  35. You can tell the feeling and its like out their it makes you feel the emotions to.

  36. You can tell the feeling and its like out their it makes you feel the emotions to.

  37. You can see all of the small detail, and all of the work around it that really makes these pieces of art unique. These pieces show all of the emotions of the artists.

  38. I like the way they did the colors. It is so cool

  39. These are pretty cool but on some of them you can't notice what they are. They look like a big blob of mixed colors. If you can make some of them look like you can see something then why not to do it to all of them.

  40. These are sweet to look at. They really make you think and study the painting. I would totally love to try these to see what I could create. It would be fun!!

  41. I can see the emotion and the message he is trying to send. It's beautiful in that aspect. But they really don't catch the eye.

  42. I love the abstract feel of these. They're really cool. I like how the colors blend and fade. There's not too much detail, but you can still see the faces.

  43. yes i can see them. i think that these are very creative and i woud definitly try

  44. It looks like he just threw a bunch of colors together and made a face. It's not bad when it's finished. When he is starting out it looks weird,

  45. I don't really like the ways these look. It looks like he just wanted to rush and get the projects done as fast a he could. With the way he did them, they have a almost scary look to them

  46. I love this!!! It tells a true story behind the culture. I love these painting

  47. I think that these are really cool pieces of art. I like the fact that they aren't super detailed, but you can still tell what they are. I would definitely fail if I did this with oil paint, but I think attempting it with water color would be a fun challenge.

  48. These look kind of boring. They don't have enough color. They are kind of sad and depressing to me, they are too boring.

  49. These are very dull yet show a lot of emotion in the painting. I like the way he did these.

  50. I can see the emotion in some of the painting and the ones I do see it in I think are really good. The ones I can't tell the emotion I don't like. I still wouldn't want to do this because I'm not really good at art so I would fail trying to do this.

  51. I had a hard time finding the emotion at first but as I looked more i found them. Before I looked more I only saw blobs of paint.

  52. This is pretty cool. I don't usually like abstract art but this is actually pretty good.

  53. I wonder how long it took him to make this. It's cool how he mixed a lot of spray paint together. It would of smelled really bad with all that spray paint being sprayed and mixed.

  54. These are pretty cool pieces of art. I just don't like this kind of art. I feel like it would be a hard piece to paint.

  55. This art looks really cool. It looks simple but hard at the same time. This type of art is one of my favorites.

  56. I don't like how the colors they use are sad colors. It's cool though how it's kind of a sloppy art technique.

  57. I really like this artwork it looks cool, and nice seems a little depressing tho it should have a little more color:)

  58. I really like these. I think it is a mix of portraits and abstract paintings.

  59. I really like this artwork because it looks cool, i like how it actually looks realistic, but it looks a little depressing, because it doesn't really have much color, i think it would be better if it had a little more color:)

  60. I don't like this artwork because you can barely see the face in it. it looks really hard and confusing. this project i feel like the hole class will not like

  61. this looks very abstract. I think it looks cool. i dont think i could do anything like this

  62. I like the colors of these paintings. It is different because the colors make the paintings seem sad and smiling. The faces are very close up and have many details. The artist that made this must be very talented.

  63. The way he paints them looks modern and I like modern art more than anything else for sure

  64. i love how creative this is i would recreate this if i could
