Thursday, November 12, 2015

1st round of photography

My advanced classes started the year with a variety of photography assignments.  These are a few of my favorites from each category.  Check out my website if you want to see more examples.

Paige taken by Mikayla R. - Motion photo

Different perspective taken by Tevin M.

Making something ordinary extraordinary taken by Courtney M.

Backlighting taken by Drea B.

Golden color taken by Sarah C.

Light Painting taken by Brandon G.


  1. The gold one is my favorite because its really pretty. I really want to get int photograph because it such a passionate skill and you can find any kind of emotion in anything you want to take a picture of.

  2. My favorite is the flower taken by Drea because its really pretty and has an amazing view. I think this would be a really pretty painting.

  3. My favorite is the flower taken by Drea because its really pretty and has an amazing view. I think this would be a really pretty painting.

  4. I think my favorite one would be the blue light painting because I think it shows up in the dark very well. These photos are so cool. I think I would take the time to take these pictures.

  5. The different things you can do with a camera to amazes me. The are pretty cool. The lightening picture must have been hard to take.

  6. I like the one that tevin took in the wresting room. It looks like they are climbing a wall and it amazes me. They are all pretty cool

  7. The best pic is the one of light and the dandelion is a close second. The light one is so cool looking. The dandelion I thought was insane by how it looked so big in the picture.

  8. My favorite picture is the one with the dandelion. It shows a different way of seeing it but also a different light source.

  9. My favorite picture is the one with the dandelion. It shows a different way of seeing it but also a different light source.

  10. My favorite picture is the one Drea took of the dandelion. It takes a very simple and small object and makes it look huge and grand, like a skyscraper. The details up close on the dandelion are interesting to look at, and the sun hits the right spot to make the flower look soft and comforting.

  11. I like the dandelion. It looks so big up close to it. It makes everything around it look smaller. The sun hits it just on the right spot to make it look lit up and pretty.

  12. I love the light bulb photograph. It has a very cool view.

  13. I think that some of theses are really awesome like the lightning painting and the light bulbs.

  14. My favorite i think is the different perspective because its so easy to do but they look like they're falling.

  15. these pictures are awesome and i love the creativity. my favorite is the light bulbs

  16. these pictures are awesome and i love the creativity. my favorite is the light bulbs

  17. these pictures are awesome and i love the creativity. my favorite is the light bulbs

  18. these pictures are awesome and i love the creativity. my favorite is the light bulbs

  19. I also like the one with the bubbles on top for two reasons. One reason is because I like on how the bubbles are in rows. Another reason why I like that picture is because I like the light in the background

  20. These are rally cool. My favorite one is the lightning one it is really cool. I like different prospective too.

  21. This is pretty cool it has some great things going for it that it use perspective and plays with the angles cool.

  22. These are really cool, my favorite is Making Something Ordinary Extraordinary. It very simple but still very cool.

  23. wow, great photography guys, i love the close ups

  24. I really like that these are close ups. It makes it look good when it is so close up and in such high detail.

  25. i like how they are close up with so much detail and the backgrounds of all them.

  26. thee pictures are really cool. the perspective taken was something i couldnt have done. and the fact its done at our school by our peope is cool.

  27. Looks very easy. they just look like close ups with blurred background. Would like to see what other pictures like this are out there.

  28. This is really cool I love the pictures. They are very creative.

  29. this isn't very challenging at all, all you need is a camera. none of these look very good quality, the shadows don't look to good, and the ones with motion are a little off. i guess they are fine.

  30. this is really cool. I like these pictures i think that they are really fantastic. But then again i don't really know much about photography.

  31. My favorite one would probably be the light, because lights are something that are ordinary in everyday life but the picture makes the look really cool. It looks like the picture was taken of some sign so that makes it pretty cool too. I love photography so these pictures are really interesting to me.

  32. Some of these are really cool and seem like an actual photographer. And that's what's really awesome is that kids from our school took them. They show how simple things can be made super unique.

  33. These are nice and clear and they are almost like a skilled photographer and some are silly and goofy. A lot of detail that comes out in the photograph.

  34. These photo's are pretty cool. I think our class should do something like this. These are taken really well and looks as if a professional were to take them.

  35. I like how they did the photo.It is so cool and pretty.

  36. I like how they used a different perspective to give us a new look on the image. The images are unique and show details they you may not have ever noticed

  37. I like the Shuting Star. I like the how you did it.

  38. The shooting star/ Light Painting one was neat, and seeing it made me wonder how elaborate of a picture you could make with light. You probably wouldn't be able to make anything crazy detailed like mickey mouse, but it would be an interesting experiment.

  39. Either Making Something Ordinary Extraordinary or a Different Perspective would be my favorites. I really liked the look of Courtney's, meanwhile I really liked the idea of Tevin's.

  40. This art looks kinda hard to make. The perspective on how the art is made looks challenging. This art kinda looks like someone just took a picture of it but we all know this is just drawn out by hand.

  41. This kind of art is so interesting. It's amazing how an up close picture can look so strangely cool. The dandelion is my favorite.

  42. I love when people take close up pictures. It's one of my favorite things about photography. My favorite is the gold one.

  43. I like how the pictures are close up and detailed. I like the light bulb picture the best. Very interesting and cool.

  44. The flower picture was honestly cool. It had the perfect lighting and everything. I like that one out of all of them

  45. Some of these are really cool and seem like an actual photographer. And that's what's really awesome is that kids from our school took them.

  46. I like the picture of the lightbulbs the best. It takes a lot of simple objects such as lightbulbs and makes them look really cool. I also like the way that it feels almost endless.

  47. I like the light painting by Brandon the most. The backlighting one is also very nice. I think these would be fun to do.

  48. These are super cool. The illusions these pictures create are incredibly amazing. I love the dandelion one. It makes me feel like a fairy in a giants world.

  49. These pictures are super cool. I love how they did it in like an ant's point of view. I like how they have some that look like the person is falling.

  50. I think that all of these are good pictures. I like the differnt perspective just because it is something fiffernt from everyone else

  51. I really like the second to last one it looks really cool. I look how it looks like gold when it's just normal coins. I don't like the last one it looks too easy.

  52. for this series I only really liked three of them.the three that I liked were making something ordinary extraordinary, the second one back lighting, and the third and final one is the light painting. these are the best because they are each so different in there on way

  53. these are cool. i really like the light bulb picture. I would want to do something like this.

  54. This one is cool because of how close up they are and you can see all of the details. Which is really neat because we don't look at everyday things with as much detail.

  55. These look very cool. I would like to do something like that. These look fun to do.

  56. My favorite is the flower taken by Drea because its really pretty and has an amazing view. I would want to do something like this. These photos are so cool

  57. I really like this and like the light bulbs more because it's up close and you can see the inside of a light bulb, they look cool:)

  58. I would love to take a photography class someday. It amazing what you can do with a camera. I love to take pictures.

  59. The different things you can do with a camera to amazes me. The are pretty cool. The lightening picture must have been hard to take

  60. this would be really fun to do as a class. all the different things you can do with a camera is cool. I would really enjoy doing something like this at some point

  61. Photography is a whole different level of art. I'd love to get into it more because it's amazing how creative you can get just by clicking a button. Very cool.

  62. this looks cool. i think that photography would be fun. nice choice of colors
