Wednesday, November 11, 2015

More amazing paper cut outs

I know I have done several posts about paper cut outs, but I find it amazing that such an inexpensive item like paper can create such beautiful works of art.  See everybody thinks art needs to be expensive supplies, but it really can be some of the simplest, most overlooked items that can create magic.

The British artis Helen Musselwhite has created that magic with her very simple, yet complex works of paper art.  They are layered pieces of cut up paper that have been strategically placed to create these amazing scenes.

What do you think?  I tried to get them as big as I could so that you could see all of the little details that she has created with paper.  Do you think this is something you could do?  What are some of the details that you see she adds to give the piece depth and interest.  Is there a scene you would like to see if she could recreate?  What scene or story would you try to recreate?


  1. These are super cool. My favorite scene is the knights. I believe I could recreate the snowy forest scene. It is very intimadaing with all of the different layers, but it looks so good.

  2. I think that this is a really cool way to use paper and it looks amazing! We did project kinda like this and mine at least didn't turn out anything like this at all.

  3. I think that this is a really cool way to use paper and it looks amazing! We did project kinda like this and mine at least didn't turn out anything like this at all.

  4. There is such crazy details in these pictures. I couldn't image the time it would take just to do just 1/4 of one of these. I would go crazy trying to do this

  5. There is such crazy details in these pictures. I couldn't image the time it would take just to do just 1/4 of one of these. I would go crazy trying to do this

  6. I like this a lot. I like the winter scenes the best and it is covered in details on the last two so it would be hard to do that. That is why I like the winter one the best. It does not have as many details and it looks easier to do.

  7. Art is unique because you can make it with any item in existence. The possibilities are endless. This is something I can not do. I wouldn't really recreate anything. I think without the backgrounds, these pictures wouldn't be unique.

  8. Art is unique because you can make it with any item in existence. The possibilities are endless. This is something I can not do. I wouldn't really recreate anything. I think without the backgrounds, these pictures wouldn't be unique.

  9. This one is my favorite, i cant imagine how long this took to do its amazing. There is so much detail in that little peace of art work. I wish we would do something like this for a project in the future.

  10. These are so cool! I love how you can't really tell that it is just paper placed just right. He did an amazing job with his pieces, something that I don't think I could do. The last piece on here is wonderful.

  11. These are so cool! I love how you can't really tell that it is just paper placed just right. He did an amazing job with his pieces, something that I don't think I could do. The last piece on here is wonderful.

  12. Each of the fairy tale stories could be depicted in one of these works. It would be especially fun to try the ones that have a bit of darkness in them, such as Little Red Riding Hood.

  13. Each of the fairy tale stories could be depicted in one of these works. It would be especially fun to try the ones that have a bit of darkness in them, such as Little Red Riding Hood.

  14. I think these work of arts are so cool. My favorite one is the one with the snow on the bottom with the house and the moon in the background. I think it would take a lot of patience to do these.

  15. I really like the first paper deal. It is really cool and is full of detail. I definitely couldn't do this this because art isn't my easiest subject and not my best. If I could make a scene though I might make something from Shrek.

  16. I really like the first paper deal. It is really cool and is full of detail. I definitely couldn't do this this because art isn't my easiest subject and not my best. If I could make a scene though I might make something from Shrek.

  17. I think that these are very creative!So much little details that come to make a whole. I would like to see her recreate St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

  18. I envy whoever made these because i could never do anything like that. truly amazing.

  19. This is awesome. Who ever this artist is, BRAVO.

  20. i like how these look made out of paper but it looks kinda tough so im not sure i could do that. The different layers of paper and the bright colors are what make it pop, if i were to make one i'd do like a revolution scene cuz i like that stuff.

  21. This looks like one of those things you find in a fairy tale because it's that good. All the aspects of it flow together amazingly

  22. This amazing I sucked at this. This person has extreme skills. I don't even know how you would make the trees stay like that.

  23. These are alright but if I had enough time and more skill I would done some cool perspective thingy.

  24. I like this a lot. It is very cool how she uses cut up paper and how it makes it pop. When you first look at it you can't really tell it is made out of cut up paper and I think that that is really cool.

  25. The medieval theme on some of them makes think of The Princess Bride which would be a cool as a paper scene.

  26. i'm good at cutting out paper snowflakes, but this, this would be a big improvement

  27. This would be something i would hate to do. One little mistake could almost ruin the whole thing. Lots and lots of focus to do this especially with cutting the paper.

  28. This seems very hard to do, but it looks really good as it is 3D and seems to pop out. If I were to do this it would not look nearly as great.

  29. seems very very hard i would never be able to do this. makes it look 3-D and very cool. wish i could learn how to do this sometime. and one little mistake cut or rip paper could ruin it all.

  30. these pictures remind me of christmas which is probably my favorite holiday. the way they drew it makes it look cartoon. i wish i could draw and paint this good

  31. my grandma does these. They look cool no matter what you do with them, I know it takes a very long time to do just one so, these obviously took a while. Very good.

  32. I've always wanted to do something like this. Making 3-D things has always appealed to me, but things like clay and plaster statues. This is literally drawing something flat. All you have to do is cut it out and glue thing together. Plus making buildings like in that first picture would be super fun.

  33. That is just so cool. It is awesome to look at. It must have taken a very long time to do.

  34. this is paper? this is killer cool i wish i could do this but i dont have good cutting skills. this seems like it took plenty of time

  35. wow this is very good. looks very tedious and time consuming. the paper being 3D gives this a whole new demotion. i would love to try this.

  36. it is really cool it dosent look like paper but it really and i think it would be cool to do something like that some day

  37. It's amazing how she got such small details into the scenes, the detail of the clothing is very detailed and small, I'm curious how she got the pieces so small without messing up the other pieces. How much paper did she go through before getting the pieces right?

  38. this is awesome and creative! and I love the style and look of this!

  39. this is awesome and creative! and I love the style and look of this!

  40. I like how this is really colorful and creative. Good job. Looks amazing

  41. this is awesome and creative Good job

  42. It is pretty insane how detailed they got it with paper. I wish i could do this. This is pretty cool.

  43. These have so much detail in them its crazy. I don't think i'd have anywhere near the patience you'd need to construct something like this. Even if i did attempt it it wouldn't turn out nearly this good.

  44. So much detail and time. Dont know who does this but im very impressed. No matter how much time i took i couldnt do thsi.

  45. I like how they did the art work. Im in Impressed with it

  46. this art is amazing and looks very simple. you can start off with a base but build off of that and make it as complex as you like. it is really cool to look at as you can look at it with many differnt angles.

  47. These are nice to look at. I like all of the details they put into their work. It must've taken awhile to create a whole scene made out of paper.

  48. These would take so much time to make. I think I would get to impatient and soon give up. It would be really cool to see what other things they come up with.

  49. this is so prity. i like how you think.

  50. I wouldn't really call these simple at all. The depth it creates and the small details makes it seem real in an odd way. I really like it.

  51. Someone truly knows how to work with paper! I wish I was able to cut straight...... Haha, but these are some true pieces of art.

  52. These are cool to look at. I like the details that went into these. They don't look easy to make. I like the house the most. 3D art is very interesting.

  53. This is very nice. The time it takes to make one person out of paper probably takes a long time and they made a lot of things out of paper.

  54. I probably wouldn't have enough patients for this. It looks like it takes a long time to do it. But it looks good.

  55. It looks great. It doesn't look very complicated, but also not to easy, so it's fun to do. She makes the knights on horses stick out from the paper to create depth.

  56. This is really cool. I wouldn't have the time to do this though. If I had enough patience, I would do this.

  57. I think this wouldnt even be fun to make because of the tie youd have to put in this to make it look almost as good

  58. I really like this picture. I like how much detail they put into this. I think it would be a fun to try this as a project but I know I can't do this.

  59. I am impressed with how she made the 2d construction look 3d. I like how she has some pieces raised up and some are flat on the back. I would do a landscape if I were to make something like this.

  60. its cool how there are many layers on it and how it looks 3d. how long did it take them to do that. it would be nice if we had more time to make it look like that

  61. This is pretty cool, I like how everything is so perfect because mine wasnt.

  62. The layers are very cool and really perfect. I bet this took a long time to get good at.

  63. These are pretty cool. I like how they pop out at you. We did something like this in class and I know mine was nowhere near as good as these.

  64. I could never do this. This is some really good art. I like how they used perspective. It is also so detailed.

  65. I really like this one. It looks like it would be really fun to make and cut. But it also looks extremely difficult I would probably get really frustrated.

  66. The house one looks so amazing. I enjoyed the construction paper project we did, and I am sure I would enjoy this one as well.I like all the creativity they put into this project. It looks like it may be difficult at times, but I would be up for the challenge.

  67. I Really like this art and how the houses look. they put a lot of time on the detail inside the house. I really like to look at the Art with the horse on it.

  68. These are very cool. I really like these pieces of art. I don't think I'd like to do it because there are a lot of details you would have to get. It looks like you need to get the measurements and the cuts just right or it will throw off the whole project. I like them, but I don't think I would like to do them.

  69. I really this one. it's so creative and detailed but this is something i probably wouldn't want to do, it looks hard.

  70. Paper cut-outs look very cool. It would be a very time consuming type of art. It's not my favorite, but it's cool.

  71. I like these paper cut outs. It would take a long time though. They look cool

  72. There is such crazy details in these pictures. I couldn't image the time it would take just to do just 1/4 of one of these. I would go crazy trying to do this

  73. these look very difficult and like they take a lot of time. The scenes she creates are pretty cool. I don't think i have the patience to do something like this

  74. I really like this artwork, it looks nice and cool but i wouldn't really like to cut out everything and putting everything together or building stuff piece by piece , but other that that i think it looks pretty cool and nice(:

  75. This looks too dificult and time consuming

  76. this looks like it would take a while to do and many of us don't have that kind of patients. I think it would be a cool project. it would just be way to time consuming and we wouldn't get to do a lot of other projects

  77. For some reason to me these look like they would be fun to base a project like this on christmas

  78. This is really cool. They have so much going on in them. I might buy something like this.
