Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Okay, I usually can come up with a more clever title to my posts, but this one is mind blowing.  At least to me, maybe you will think differently.  I tried to find the artist, but I was blocked from digging any further so we will just have to admire the beauty of these pieces without knowing anything else about them.

I do know that they are cut paper art.  But what I am fascinated by is the amount of details that someone got out of paper.  I am curious about how many sheets of paper are here.  Is it just a couple of large sheets that are all connected or is it separate pieces each cut out and then applied together?
What do you think?  Can you figure out how they were constructed?  Do you have any guesses as to how big the pieces are?  I love a good art mystery, but I am interested in what you think of these pieces and how do you think they were made?


  1. I would like to belive these are all made of note cards. Simple, but intracate, and all of the pieces are all smaller than the common note card.

  2. This are pretty cool. i think that this made from sketch paper. i think that they are the size of a small microwave, i think that pieces are made by using scissors.

  3. That is so cool! I can't believe that those are made out of paper. I think that that would take forever to do to get all of those details in there. I don't really know if i would have patients to work with that.

  4. I would seriously consider scream therapy just attempting. To draw it is even a challenge. Wonder how much t is worth.

  5. This is crazy! I like the winter part of it but it has way to many details in my opinion and makes it hard to concentrate on just one thing in the picture. It would be hard to do this and take a lot of time.

  6. All of these make me imagine a whole different world. There is a tremendous amount of detail and i couldn't imagine all the paper that is going into one of these.

  7. These pictures are pretty cool however, I cannot tell whats going on in the fourth one. I think all of these are connected, not from the same paper. I think this artist cut out shapes and connected them all.

  8. There is tons of detain and its very beautiful art work. I think that its amazing and it would probably really time consuming.

  9. There is tons of detain and its very beautiful art work. I think that its amazing and it would probably really time consuming.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This is a really awesome work of art. I think it would be really hard for me to do. The person that created this must have lots and lots of patience to put effort into this

  12. This is awesome and very creative. I would love to do this but i am not talented enough. The more pieces of paper the cooler it looks. It would just take a lot of patience.

  13. This is awesome and very creative. I would love to do this but i am not talented enough. The more pieces of paper the cooler it looks. It would just take a lot of patience.

  14. This is awesome and very creative. I would love to do this but i am not talented enough. The more pieces of paper the cooler it looks. It would just take a lot of patience.

  15. This isn't my favorite piece of art on the blog. The artist though did a amazing job. I have no clue how they made this but either way the way they did it was very skilled

  16. Well when I look very closely at some of them, they look almost layered. So i think some of them use more than one piece of paper, but these are very neat! A lot of detail, and I really wish I knew who created these!

  17. Well when I look very closely at some of them, they look almost layered. So i think some of them use more than one piece of paper, but these are very neat! A lot of detail, and I really wish I knew who created these!

  18. Never mind the other cutouts these are truly mind blowing. Very neat. This has to take the most extreme patience. I couldn't ever do this

  19. These are crazy. Who has time for that? Honestly that is amazing but I don't think I would ever be able to do something like that.

  20. This is really cool looking and i like how it all blends together so well, i think they made it by cutting out individual pieces and gluing them on to make them fit together so well.

  21. I think it is crazy how much is going on in this theme. Also its paper cut out that is even more crazy. I like this one a lot.

  22. I think it is crazy how much is going on in this theme. Also its paper cut out that is even more crazy. I like this one a lot.

  23. This paper must have took at least a week to cut this is insane. How can you have the will to cut paper the entire day.

  24. I like these ones better because they have a little more detail and the weird spirally detailed one intrigued me quite a bit.

  25. I think that the artist made this by cutting it out with a exact o knife or something. I would never be able to do something like this because I would not have the patience and would not want to just cut paper all day.

  26. I think an artist would have to draw the scene first then cut out the other parts. This would probably take a long time but would be worth it in the end

  27. The pieces of paper look larger then normal and looks like they used one big piece, maybe two. Looks like you need to pay attention to close details and pay close attention to what your cutting out.

  28. This is very creative and must take a lot of time and talent. There is so much detail in the cuts. They all seem to create fantastic images out of a simple sheet of paper.

  29. these have so much detail to them this looks very very hard and would take countless hours doing this. thats dedication

  30. that's cool ehh i guess

  31. the way they formed it makes it look trippy. it loooks like an optical illusion. i dont think i could do anything like this but i am not going to try.

  32. This is cool, it reminds me alot of christmas which is coming around the corner, and these make me fell happy and warm inside. These have alot of detail so this could not have been easy. Good job.

  33. This is awesome it must have taken a long time to do. There is no way that I could do that.

  34. This is very creative and cool. It must have been hard to cut all that out. Good job

  35. paper, sharp blade, time, and boredom is what you need to make this. this is very hard not all of you could do this but if you can you an artist.

  36. There is a lot going on in these. But what's really cool is that they seem to tell a story. The layered one is something that I would really like to do.

  37. They have a lot of detail. There hand must of hurt when they were done cutting these up. But it was worth it because they look amazing!!!

  38. This is very creative and cool I would really like to do

  39. These are amazing. After ding our paper cut out projects, I found out just how difficult it is to cut paper into little pieces. This artist makes it look easy. They are so many great details that tie the whole piece together.

  40. This looks really difficult, whoever made these must've had a lot of time on their hands. We've done projects with paper and cutting is a lot harder than it looks and to have so much detail like these its amazing.

  41. This actually looks pretty cool. I think it would be really hard to do and I think that a person would have to be very patient in order to do something this detailed.

  42. Cool but i would definitely not do it myself. one little mistake and the whole piece. i could look at it four a long time and still be amazed of all the cut outs.

  43. I like all of these. I feel like this took forever to make. It would take a lot of patience.It would also be horrible if you made a mistake since your cutting away, so you couldn't really fix it unless you made the whole piece smaller. Frustrating.

  44. These look very cool. This looks really hard to make. It seems to take a lot of creativity.

  45. This has got to be fake. This obviously would have taken ages to create. How would you fix it if you made a single mistake?

  46. This looks very complex. It must have taken a long time to complete. I like how many details there are.

  47. These are hecka awesome. Looks very time consuming. I really like the first one.

  48. I think that they were made from one very large piece of paper. I am very impressed at the amount of tiny little details there are in these pieces. I am guessing that she used an exacto knife to create these.

  49. I think this would be a really annoying project to try. If you made any little mistake it would ruin the whole thing. The details would take so long to be able to get perfect.

  50. There is a ton of detail in these cut outs and you would need a huge passion for art to put that much time into a piece of art.

  51. I don't really like any of the backgrounds to these. But I really like how they did this. Especially the middle one it just looks like it has a lot of videos.

  52. i really like the second and third one. i don't think i could ever do this though.

  53. I really like these. Whoever did them really must of had a lot of time. The details look like they have to be spot on or it will throw the whole project off. I would not like this because it would be so hard to do.

  54. I think these are cool because of how detailed they are. it would take a lot of patience and time. i feel like it would make me really frustrated if i ever tried this.

  55. I really like this artwork it looks cool, but i wouldn't really like to try it, it looks hard and i wouldn't really have the patients to do it(:

  56. These are really cool pieces of art. I really like how much detail they put into it. It does look like it would take a while and hard to make. Also, I think that you would have to be willing to start over if you made a mistake, which wouldn't be fun. But they're cool.

  57. I think that the artist made this by cutting it out with a exact o knife or something. I would never be able to do something like this because I would not have the patience and would not want to just cut paper all day.

  58. there is no way that you could do this with a scissor. if you give are class all exactive knives someone will get stabbed of cut. this would also be really time consuming and hard

  59. This look really cool but it would take a lot of time aswell and i dont think we have that much time
