Monday, November 9, 2015

Sharpie and a Car?

Okay guys this is a question for you.  How many of you would let a girl take a sharpie to your brand new car??  Anyone?

Well this guy let his wife doodle with a sharpie all over his Nissan Skyline GTR.

So if she could doodle as well as this woman would you let your girl do this?  I am curious what all of you think?  Is it really cool??  Do you love it or hate it?  What do you love or hate about it?  Is this a project that you would be willing to do to your car?


  1. This design are pretty cool, but i don't think i would doodle on this any my car or anyone else car.

  2. This is so cool! I think that that would be very cool to drive around with all of this on your car, but I wouldn't have the time for that and I think that I would get bored with it.

  3. This is really cool! However I would not have the guts to let someone draw on my car with a sharpie. Especially if my car is really nice. You would get a lot of people talking about your car and they would probably be giving you really weird looks.

  4. I would totally do this. I would do it on my own car though. Or i would let her do it because how many kinds of cars do you see that like. I would totally stand out.

  5. I think this is amazing, think of how much time it took to do this, its so beautiful and would be the only one in the whole world

  6. I would not let anyone do this Because what if all of the drawings just faded away after all the hard work this person did. I do think it looks cool but I don't love it, because if someone did this in my car, I would get bored with it. It does look cool because the style is unique. I do not like it so much that I would do this on a car.

  7. WOW. This is so cool. I personally wouldn't want my brand new car full of sharpie, but this is amazing. I would imagine that this took a long time and a lot of sharpies. I love how fine the details are.

  8. This car in sharpie is so cool. I don't think I would take the time to do this nor would I let anyone else decorate my car in sharpie. The main reason is because it could ruin the decoration if it were to rain or snow.

  9. This car is epic even without the sharpie and with the sharpie it looks even cooler. I personally wouldn't do it because I would want my car like it should be especially with a Nissan Skyline, but I do love the way they did this. I like how it looks like a car with graffiti and looks really epic.

  10. This is cool, BUT I WOULD NEVER LET ANYBODY DRAW ON MY CAR. Especially a Nissan skyline. This guy is dumb and doesn't respect the car at all. I do like the design tho just not on a car.

  11. I like the look of it and for someone who likes to even doodle on their paper this would be doodle heaven. I wouldn't really want my car drawn on but It would be cool to see someone else do their car like that.

  12. This is really cool but with where we live this wouldn't work very well with the gravel roads and the raining/snowing. It would never stay.

  13. I really like this. I would like this on my car. I like how the artist uses a variety of designs.

  14. This does look really sweet but i don't think i'd et someone do this to my car, a girl's car would be more fitting for a pattern like this. I love the design but hate it on a car like mine.

  15. This is crazy would have to have so much time on your hands. I don't know if i would let my wife do that but it is really cool. I like how all the designs blend together.

  16. The design on that car would make some nice money because it's that good; and she was so determined

  17. i would let her do that to my car because it is different and you dont see that every day

  18. i would let her do that to my car because it is different and you dont see that every day

  19. That is awesome I would so let her do that to my car. It is also different nobody will have ever seen it before so it will also be unique

  20. This is really freaking coooool! First of all this artist has alot of time on they're hands, but still cool.

  21. This is super cool. If I were to let someone do this to my car I would just leave the car in a garage because as soon as it gets wet or dirty the sharpie will run and look dumb.

  22. I would probably let the person if it ended up as nice as this car did. My only concern would be smudging the sharpie.

  23. This is really cool. Lots of details make it look better. If i had a junk car that i didn't care about I would let some one do this to my car.

  24. I would for sure say yes if they could pull off something of like this and take the time to do it. They would need to be professional.

  25. The detail made the car look so much more cool i would def let someone do that to something of mine.

  26. i just cant even stand to look at this. the sharpie will evenually ruinthe entire car. it'll strip away at the paint and the car will be even more worthless.

  27. this id dope. i really like this, i wish i could do this to my car but my car is ugly. I like that it isnt the whole car, its just pieces. Very cool and unique

  28. This is awesome they did that all with a marker that is so cool.

  29. I would have this done to my car! this is crz cool and looks like it would have to tke lots of time. and what happens if it rains ? its just sharpie so what could happen

  30. this is one of best projects i have seen. i would love this on my car. the price of this car totally just went up. she is very skilled.

  31. I think that this would be a very challenging and painstakingly slow project but i think that the end product would be worth the time. This is an amazing project and i would do this to my car

  32. I don't think I would let anyone put sharpie on my car unless i knew nothing would happen to the car, but the end product would be amazing. It would take a lot of time but your car would be one of a kind and would be able to express you.

  33. this is a cool and creative idea! but I would be a little skeptical and letting my wife write on my car.

  34. this is a cool and creative idea! but I would be a little skeptical and letting my wife write on my car.

  35. Doodles are absolutely awful, so good for her in the fact that she can even stand it. It really makes me mad that she's ruining a car doing it though. If all the small doodles made one big design it would be so much cooler. And wouldn't really ruin the car.

  36. This is the most coolest thing i have seen on this website. I want that car. She must of went threw a lot of markers but it was worth it. The little and close designs are really cool and almost looks like they are moving.

  37. this is a cool and creative

  38. I think this is a really cool idea, but I don't think I would let them do this to my car because it would attract so many people.

  39. I honestly think this is so cool and creative. I'd let him do this to my little Honda any day. This is awesome.

  40. This is amazing how he did this to car. Some of the designs on his car are really cool. This had to take a long time to draw all of the designs. I think it would be really fun to do this sometime.

  41. That is awesome. If someone had the patience, skill, and time to do this I would absolutely let them do this to my car. I would need to get a car first, though. It would take so much ink and their wrist would cramp so much.

  42. This is cool idea, but i would never let someone do this to a very nice car. Its still an awesome art idea though.

  43. I love this. This is probably something i'd being doing to my car. The worst part of it all is that if you don't get it all done in one day then you're driving around with unfinished doodles on the car.

  44. This is totally awesome! If I were to ever do this, I would try to draw an optical illusion and make others take a double take. Possibly let other people draw and doodle on the car also

  45. I really like this although I don't think I could let them do this to my car. It would be so nerve wracking to watch them do this. If they slightly messed up, you maybe could notice it and I wouldn't want that done to my brand new car.

  46. If I had a dodge challenger, would I let her do this? Ah no. If i had a little Geo Metro then yeah draw on it because I would. But drawing on car are ruining it.

  47. Although it does look great. Why not use real paint? The sharpie will just likely wash off in the rain, and ruin the real paint underneath.

  48. why would someone ruin a car like this. it looks cool but they are putting sharpie all over a perfectly good car

  49. I have to say I like the car more than the art on this one, but it is still cool and unique. I would like to try this, but not on a car.

  50. She is really creative. I would never try doing this though. It would be very challenging and it would take a long time. I would never have the patience for this.

  51. I think its awesome, but He must like her a heck of a lot to let her draw all over his car.

  52. I think that it is cool and like the art but I don't know why someone would want to draw all over a nice car like that. He must of really liked her if he was willing to let her draw on his car in sharpie. But I think it still turned out to look very good.

  53. I really like the idea of putting sharpie on a car. I don't think I would do this to my car. I could do this on a toy car.

  54. I think that is cool. I hope it isn't permanent. I think I would pay an artist to do the art on the car. I would not let anyone come up and write on it. I feel like it would be cool to drive around in.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I love this one. I think it is so cool how they did that on the car. I would've never thought you could do art on a car.

  57. I think it's really cool how she took a bunch of time to do it, but I feel like it's a waste of time. Wouldn't the sharpie just wash off as you drive the car?

  58. i would never do this to my car! i would end up messing up and having a bad sharpie car

  59. I this looks cool. I would do this to my car, but id probs get tired of it and wont finish. It look super awesome.

  60. I would never let anyone draw with a sharpie on a brand new car. Although I will admit that this is really cool, I don't enough trust to let someone potentially ruin a brand new car. I would not even consider doing this to my car.

  61. This is very cool and pretty unique. I would love to see that on the road.

  62. This is car is really unique and cool.This would be awesome to see on the road. This would take a lot of time.

  63. It's a very beautiful car. It's very hard to do that, and you have to be patient.I will be very happy if you see this car.

  64. I think that it would take a lot of time to do a whole car. it would be cool to do this to cars. i would try and do this art.

  65. I would love to let her do it it looks amazing. If someone steals your car you can for sure tell its yours without any doubt.

  66. This looks really cool. It looks like someone rapped a car, but it's just sharpie. I would have someone do this to my car.

  67. If i did something like this too my car i would probably ruin it or mess it up . plus my dad would be very mad . I think this looks really cool though.

  68. This is very cool. If i had a car i would probably do this if i could. The design is very cool and would be a little cooler with some lights

  69. I really like this, but it would take a lot of time for only one person to do it all and it would probably be very hard to be still and not mess up, i wouldn't like the marker/pen smell either:)

  70. This is really cool. I think that I would get bored real quick if I tried this. I would hate mess us that would be very hard to make things work out. But still looks great, takes lots of time and patience, but still good.

  71. This is so cool! I think that that would be very cool to drive around with all of this on your car, but I wouldn't have the time for that and I think that I would get bored with it.

  72. This is super cool. It reminds me of when we did the zentangles earlier this year. This would be fun to do.

  73. this would be really hard to do. it reminds me of zentangles but harder. it would be fun i think but time consuming.

  74. I really like this but I would not let someone do this to my car, it just not something for me
