Monday, October 26, 2015

And then he also carves this...

Okay so after my last post about Dimitri Tsykalov's skull carvings, I was so intrigued by the meat sculpture that I had to check it out.  Now for one, they are kind of gross and I am showing you one of the calmer and more appropriate images from his collection.  But I was intrigued, and that is what my hope is for you with these blogs.  I am hoping that I spark interested in not only art, but other things that are out there and available in the world.

But here are some of his other sculptures that I found he has created.

SO I am dying to hear your thoughts about this artist.  What are your impressions of his work?  Are you impressed by the wide use of mediums?  Can you think of one that he should try?


  1. I think that what he did with the foot is kinda gross. i think that he could make a car completely out of wood is cool.

  2. that's so cool i would love to do that it so awesome

  3. That is cool! I think it would be dun to maybe do something like that. I don't no how hard it would be but it looks really interesting.

  4. The hamburger is absolutelty gross. It honestly makes me want to throw up. I really only like the car. Its the only one that sticks out to me.

  5. I don't like the meat one that's really gross, also i don't like the foot ether , but i like the other ones.

  6. If I really liked art, this is the type I would not look forward to. I mean this guy puts a lot of work on these creations but they are not attractive to me. I am impressed by the wide use of mediums.I can't really think of one he should try.

  7. I think some of these objects such as the car I would keep. Some objects such as the shoe I wouldn't want to keep. I think the car would be my favorite because I just think it's cool

  8. I also like the teeth one. One reason I like the teeth is because i like on how it stands out. Also, I like the shape on how it looks like.

  9. I think the shrimp foot and the teeth are really weird, but the rest are really cool. My favorite is the meat gun because it looks really cool. What I really want to do is grill it and make it into a sandwich.

  10. i like all of these, but personally, i wouldn't want to touch it, nor make the, raw hamburger carved would be gross. ~ kaci hall

  11. The wooden car is probably my favorite just because the style is very sweet. I would suggest to make cars in would because of bow cool it'd look but, they would not be very safe soo...

  12. The wooden car is probably my favorite just because the style is very sweet. I would suggest to make cars in would because of bow cool it'd look but, they would not be very safe soo...

  13. I think he is certainly a kind of creative but im not a huge fan. Its kinda tacky art but i am impressed by the mediums and materials used. He should try something with an animal.

  14. I don't really know if I like this one or not. I don't really know whats going on. Maybe I just don't like what they made with it. I just don't like it that much.

  15. I like this a lot you will never know what he is gong to make it with or what it is that he is making.

  16. the wooden car is probably the coolest thing because of the details and how he made the hood open is just amazing

  17. This is pretty trippy like I would love to try something like this, but it is also pretty creepy.

  18. I don't really like this art. The sculptures are kind of weird and don't look cool. And the hamburger one is just weird. I would never do something like this.

  19. It is quite amazing how he can sculpt what might seem unsculptable. The meat in particular, would seem quite difficult to sculpt.

  20. Looks like all of his work is junk and useless. Don't see a point in this work. Im not at all amused and would care less to try any of this in my own time.

  21. I don't really think it is that interesting. It is just a simple sculpture and would take up space.

  22. i think its cool because its like junk and they turn it into a masterpiece. So if you have junk to create somthing better.

  23. this stuff is really cool. junk art is usually the best art. its cool that they developed stuff out of nothing really, random stuff.

  24. Well first off, the first two are absolutely creepy. That gun just spells murder. I think that this guy has got to be goofy and just straight weird. I would like to see him make a whole body out of that gel looking stuff from the first two.

  25. VEry unique, cool, and really weird, from my opinion i dont really like this its alright but too weird for me but if i were to like it, it was a good job.

  26. This is prettty cool the gu is anyway. i dont kow what else t think about this because its kind of weird.

  27. This is pretty cool. Its also kind of weird. It looks odd. It must of taken a long time though.

  28. the car is kind-of good but the rest are either disgusting, ugly, or weird. this is creative but still weird. useless? or is it art?

  29. i'm not a fan of this one. I think that they look weird and kinda messed up. I would not do this project on my own time.

  30. His art is amazing, but I think it would really gross to carve meat and foods to shape something else,. It would be a huge mess to clean up, and how long would the pieces last anyway? After a while they would start to smell awful.

  31. this art is pretty cool but really weird. In my own option I do not really like this art though.

  32. this art is pretty cool but really weird. In my own option I do not really like this art though.

  33. I think this is really cool how they took an idea and made it into something totally different. Its really cool and whoever made this has a good talent. Really cool

  34. I love that they took and made something out of nothing. Even though it was just made out of junk it looks really cool.

  35. These are very weird and terrifying. I understand that it is art, but why would you wanna make something like this? Maybe if you would make it in a flower or something, but the foot is a little weird.

  36. These are very weird and terrifying. I understand that it is art, but why would you wanna make something like this? Maybe if you would make it in a flower or something, but the foot is a little weird.

  37. These are pretty cool i suppose. I don't think i'd want to do something like this but i mean whatever floats his boat.

  38. This art is very unique and looks like it takes a lot of time but it is kind of creepy how he uses meat from foods to make the art.

  39. I think that this art is very interesting. It would be fun to try and do this. It would be weird to do it with like meat and stuff though.

  40. This is so good that it could be used as props in a horror film

  41. I cant tell if I like these or not. They just look creepy and make you question whether you like it or not. This person must having a very depressing like or something.

  42. It is gross and it looks gross. I of all people could do better than this guy.

  43. These are kind of nasty and i wouldn't want to see them in person. I have no idea how he didn't give up on this idea before he started. That meat pistol must have called for a strong stomach.

  44. This is gross, but really creative. They are impressive. The car is cool. I wouldn't do this, it's just disgusting.

  45. I think this is cool. I don't like the one with the meat though. I would love to do something like this.

  46. Im loving the creativity of these and i think they are really cool and give a different look on what art should be

  47. I think it is really cool that he used all types of materials to make his sculptures. Although I think that the meat gun is a little on the weird side, I still do think it looks amazing. I would be interested to see what some of his other sculptures look like.

  48. I think these look really cool. I really like the meat with the gun. The foot one doesn't make sense to me.

  49. These are very interesting and to use something we use to eat as art is a little weird to me, but, it's cool.

  50. I think these are all really goofy, especially the teeth. I like how its all made of wood, very interesting

  51. These are interesting pieces of art. These look cool and weird at the same time. Those would be cool to try and do.

  52. This looks very interesting. It's cool that he made all of those cool sculptures out of different things. The meat one seems pointless though. The meat will just spoil.

  53. I like how they use random things to make objects. It is also gross how they use shrimp and meat for the feet and gun.

  54. I think that what he did with the foot is kinda gross. i think that he could make a car completely out of wood is cool.

  55. this would be really hard to carve and do you have this kind of time consuming. there is no way that we would have the time to do this. we would also have to do this with special tools.

  56. These look fun to me but I feel like it is something i would not be good at
