Friday, October 23, 2015

Life Skulls?

How often have you thought about how life and death are two parts that are separated by very small details.  So maybe that is not your usual train of thought, but the artist Dimitri Tsykalov, a Paris based Russian artist, who has carved many items from wood to meat has focused his art on this thought.  Yes you heard right, meat, but we will come back to that in another post.

For this series he has taken fruits and vegetables and carved detailed skulls into them. I thought this was a great Halloween week post.

So what do you think of his living skulls?  Are you still thinking about the meat sculpture or is that just me?  What would you carve out of an apple?  Did you ever even think of carving a cabbage into an object?  Is there a type of food that you would like to see him carve something into it?


  1. I find it really creepy that he carves them into skulls, especially when they brown and look like a skull that aged naturally.I like the watermelon one the most, it isn't quite as creepy, plus it has the three faces in one. I'd really like to see if he could sculpt something that doesn't have a circular shape to it, considering that most fruits are circular.

  2. I think the living skulls probably took a long time to make. The artist that made these skulls probably feels very accomplished about these creations. I am not sure what I would carve into an apple or a cabbage, or any other foods.

  3. These skulls are amazing. I would love to see a timelapse or progression of photos showing what it would look like if a person had carved a living apple or other fruit.

  4. I think that these skulls are creepy and weird. I would carve a car out of an apple. i think it would be cook if some curved something out of a strawberry

  5. that's creepy but also really cool

  6. That is a really cool way to use different fruits in a new way! I think its interesting and would be fun to do.

  7. This is so crazy and cool. I love skulls and I love how they are make out of different fruits! I would have never imagined someone doing something like this.

  8. This is really cool. I would not choose a skull to carve out of these fruits but the fact that they did carve something out of a different fruit each time gave it a different color and a different look. This would be really fun to try I think.

  9. These are super cool, the watermelon is my favorite. Maybe because my favorite fruit is watermelon but i still think its cool. I think if you carved an apple it would rot really fast s o have to conceal it or do it all in one day.

  10. I like these skulls because they are all technically the same but different because he used different foods. I am not think about that meat sculptor. I think that is just you. I have never thought of carving anything into an apple or a cabbage. i do not know what food he should carve next.

  11. I think this is really cool. Why do we just curve pumpkins? I would love to curve a watermelon if I ever had the chance. However, I do think it is strange that he works with meat.

  12. The watermelon one is my favorite mainly because the seeds look like maggots sort of which is very fitting for a skull, but I want to know where his teeth are all the other ones have teeth why not the watermelon.

  13. I still think the meat sculpture is better but this is still cool. I like the cabbage skull the best because it just looks so cool. I would never think of carving a cabbage though. He should carve something out of a pumpkin because if he can do this stuff what can he do with a pumpkin?

  14. this is pretty cool, recycling food into art! carving apples, never crossed my mind neither did the cabbage one. never thought of any food to carve ~ kaci hall

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  17. I am still thinking about the meat sculpture its yuckyyyyy. But anyways these are really cool! Like I love fruits and vegetables and also art! So putting these together is really neat! I would like to see a carving in a peach !

  18. Hasn't his mom ever told him not to play with his food. lol. In future i think it would be cool for him to some non food related carvings.

  19. How does this person think this. Oh, why don't I just carve a skull into my food and make it famous. I've got to give credit on creativity, but I don't understand how you get carving skulls in food in your mind.

  20. I actually like these because it looks fairly simple but good. If i were to carve something id probably do a face of like an animal or something to switch it up. The cabbage is strange and i could see him doing a cantelope.

  21. i would not have the pasionts to do that i would rather eat the fruit then carve it

  22. I would like doing this you could just get up in the morning and think I'm gonna carve a skull in a pineapple.

  23. KINDa creepy but the watermelon appears to have great cheekbones and it is not as creepy.

  24. I really like this art. It is pretty creepy and is cool how he makes it out of fruit. It is cool how some of them got a little rotten so it looked like the scull was actually rotting.

  25. The skulls are scary but they are made of fruit, so it's kinda sending a mixed message of whether I should eat it or I should run from it.

  26. These are pretty cool. The watermelon scultpure i would say is the coolest to me. I would not mind trying this in the future. Looks like a time consuming deal to try and make good details.

  27. looks like it would take time and concentration. wouldn't want it to mold on me and turn gross.

  28. These are kind of cool. At the same time though I wouldn't take the time to make them or really wouldn't want it in my house.

  29. i like fruit. this stuff is carvings of fruit and itspretty cool. not my ype of art though, i like junk art and such

  30. these are really cool, i never would have thought this was possible. Very cool, very unique, i would never buy one of these but good idea.

  31. Out of fruit? this is amazing i could never do that but its amazing and wonder what tools did they use

  32. this is so cool! I love fruit and i love to make things. So these two go hand in hand for me. I think it would be hard but the end product would be worth it

  33. These are pretty cool. The watermelon sculpture i would say is the coolest though! it would be cool to make these in class but they would go bad right away

  34. These are pretty cool. The watermelon sculpture i would say is the coolest though! it would be cool to make these in class but they would go bad right away

  35. These craved fruit are really cool. They look like a real skull but you can still tell that it is a apple or a watermelon or whatever they used to make it out of. These are super cool but they dont last a long time. How do they keep them good? or do they just take a photo and throw them away.

  36. These are really neat. This would be extremely difficult. He put a lot of details into it also. I honestly wouldn't have enough patience.

  37. this is really creepy, some art for Halloween i guess. the apple really gives a creepy affect the way it browns after it is carved, it makes it look like its decaying. the downside to this is that it only lasts for a short time.

  38. These are really cool and creative. These would be fun to make, but the fruit would rot and smell bad.

  39. This is a really cool idea for art. I would of never though of something like this before. They all have lots of detail in them and it looks like it would be fun to make.

  40. This is so cool. I would want to do something like this at home. But it would take me some time and money to do. This would be really fun to do.

  41. These skulls or very good but why fruit. Why not something else other than fruit. And why make them out of food. Food rots very quickly even quicker when it gets cut open.

  42. These look pretty cool. Looks like something everyone could all try to make. I would be down to try to make one of these. Looks fun too.

  43. this is kind of cool. they make all of these out of fruit and it still looks like a skull

  44. These are neat and a lot nicer to look at then the shrimp foot and meat pistol.

  45. I think these skulls are cool. I have actually tried to carve an apple. It was hard so I don't think I will try that again.

  46. These are very cool. I never would've thought that people can use fruit to make sculptures like these.

  47. Dang this look really cool. I really like the watermelon one. It would of been hard for me to do this cuz i'm horrible at stuff like this.

  48. These are a little on the creepy side, but I will say the watermelon skull looks amazing. I would be interested to see what his meat sculptures look like and what they are depicting. I think that carving a block of cheese or something similar would be cool.

  49. These are pretty weird and I would not want to see one of these in real life.

  50. That is so awesome. That would be a lot of hard work. They probably screwed a lot of other fruits to get it perfect.

  51. I like this piece of art it looks cool, but would take a long time to finish, and i would also mess up a lot and there is no erasing bec you are cutting.

  52. This is a really cool idea. I would've never thought of something like this before. They all have lots of detail in them and it looks like it would be fun to make. I think it would be hard though since the fruit would rot quickly.

  53. I really think that this are is very cool. I like how the art is fruit. This idea of art is a very cool concept.

  54. These ones are really cool because they're sculptures and they're made out of fruit, that one made out of the apple must have been really hard because it probably wasn't that big.

  55. It's a cool idea to make skulls from food. It seems time consuming and no mistakes can be made. The food would just rot though, so it seems pointless.

  56. I think it is really cool how they took fruits and can make them look so much like a skull. This looks like it would be fun to do but kind of hard.

  57. This is just like carving a pumpkin i think . very cool and creative . i would like to try this.

  58. This is very cool. I can't tell if they used wood and polish it or if it is actual fruit. I like this but i think they could add a little bit more detail on the watermelon one

  59. It looks very cool, but seems like it took a while to make, I wouldn't like to make it because if i mess up then i can't go back fix it because it is carved:)

  60. These look pretty cool. Looks like something everyone could all try to make. I would be down to try to make one of these. Looks fun too.

  61. I really like the idea of carving things into fruit. I think the skulls are a little creepy though. I would carve a different object.

  62. i think that we should do this. just have everyone buy a their own watermelon. it would be pretty fun and not take forever.

  63. This would be something hard but fun and one day we should try this project with all kinds of fruit
