Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What are they made from?

It is not very often that I know nothing about a work of art, but I found the image of these two little kids on pinterest and I couldn't find anything about them.  At least not in English and what little was there would not translate, so I don't know anything about them.

SO I am asking you....

What do you think they are made from?  What do you think is their story?  Perhaps what country are they from?


  1. Its kind of weird. I have know idea what they made it out of. It looks pretty tough to make.

  2. Its kind of weird. I have know idea what they made it out of. It looks pretty tough to make.

  3. I don't like how its all white because i love color and its just white but its still pretty cool and must of took a long time.

  4. they look like they could be from somewhere in Europe, they have kind of that old Victorian style look to them with the pieces around their neck and their clothing. They look to be made out of either paper or clay or some kind of mold.

  5. I think these are made out of paper. I am not sure what there story could be. I think this could be from ancient england.

  6. These look as if they were made of some type of very thin, yet soft cloth. They look very smooth especialy their faces. All of this considered, they look VERY difficult to create.

  7. i think this is made from some type of cloth. i think their story would be that they didn't anything but each other. Europe

  8. I think it could be mad of many different things. It could be clay it looks but I'm not so sure. They diffidently look cool.

  9. This actually creeps me out kind of. I do not like how their faces are sad and it makes me feel sad. But if you made them happy I would like it better.

  10. I like these but they are creepy, the remind me of the movie James and the giant peach, but there super cool. And there probably made of clay or some type of stuff like that.

  11. I think these are super creepy. I think they are made out of stone but I'm not sure. The stone might be the creepy part about it it just so white and plain. I think they might be from England.

  12. My guess would be stone or some type of weird paper. But these are pretty cool.

  13. I really like this, but I wish I knew what they were made of. Just by looking at the picture I have no idea what they would be made up of.

  14. I believe that they are made out of peoples souls because they are really creepy but kinda cool.

  15. I would guess that it is made out of either stone or plaster. Either way I really like it. It looks like it would be very hard to do it. I don't think I would have the patience to do it.

  16. Looks like a plaster or hard clay like appearance. Looks pretty darn cool if you ask me. I don't think I could personally do this. Looks like a couple sitting on the edge of the dock, but look depressed.

  17. looks so cool how they could get such good detail from clay and take time to get perfect little cuts and little spots.

  18. cool but creepy in a way. i would never have one of these in my house but good details and was probably time consuming so good job.

  19. This is kinda creepy and weird. i dont really like this one at all. It would take up a lot of time for a end result that isn't that impressive

  20. Looks really tough to make. I wouldn't want to try something like this but whoever made these did a really good job. The details on it are done really good.

  21. Those are creepy. The children look like the are very depressed. Well at least the boy does and the girl looks like shes waiting for something to happen.

  22. I have no idea what these are made out of. They look pretty creepy though. Kinda scary looking but looks hard to make.

  23. It's a calming and overall a nice looking piece. Looks like its made of paper, some cloth, their heads appear to be clay, maybe?

  24. They look like some sort of milk jug-egg carton things. They are nice, too.

  25. I think they might be made out of plaster. They look kind of victorian. They might have been made somewhere in Europe. I like this style.

  26. i dont like this due to the fact its creepy looking

  27. I think this is very weird and eerie and one would have to be into these sort of thing in orer to want to see it all of the time

  28. I think they are made from felt and plaster. I think they look Dutch, but that is probably just me. I would be curious as to what there story is and why they were created.

  29. The kids look very creepy. It looks like some parts are made of paper, but I don't know what most of it would be made of. Both kids look very sad.

  30. These kids are kinda creepy looking. The person who made these must have been really talented. I can't tell what they are made out of, but if I had to guess, I would say clay or paper.

  31. The kids are kind of creepy. This looks like it took a long time and I have no idea what it is made out of.

  32. I really like this artwork it looks cool, but seems a little sad, and i would say that it needs more color to it:)

  33. Its kind of weird. I have know idea what they made it out of. It looks pretty tough to make.

  34. that is kinda creepy not going to lie. it would also be really time consuming. those have to be somewhat big and they would be super expensive to make
