Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Sculptures of Peace

What image do you think of when I say a "Sculpture of Peace"?  Is there an image that comes to mind?  Is it of birds, children, or what other object do you think of?

Well British Artist Philip Jackson had this vision when he thought of peaceful sculptures.

Jackson made these sculptures as part of a world peace contest in the late 80s.  He created several sculptures that were chosen as the most peaceful in the world.

What do you think of these sculptures?  Are they peaceful to you?  Or do you have other impressions of them.  Would you like to see them up close, or do they bother you at all?  What part makes them feel peaceful to you?


  1. These sculptures are definitely unique and they took a lot of talent. These don't really strike me as peaceful but they are cool. i wouldn't mind seeing the up close to see the details.

  2. These sculptures represent more than the eye can see. They do come off as peaceful. I would like to see these in person.

  3. These sculptures represent more than the eye can see. They do come off as peaceful. I would like to see these in person.

  4. These sculptures represent more than the eye can see. They do come off as peaceful. I would like to see these in person.

  5. These kinda scare me. Def unique. I wanna try these when i get over.

  6. these are very interesting. They stand for something so powerful. It would be better to see them in person.

  7. I don't know why but I'm getting some funky vibes from these sculptures. These sculptures have like no-chill. But I feel as if they are kinda creepy and scary. But they are still kind of unique in a way.

  8. These are pretty creepy. I would not like to make that. Are they like a costume thing?

  9. These are creepy and what are they made of and also they seem dark. I do think they are pretty cool i guess just a bit dark.

  10. they are peaceful in their simplicity with how they are plain and simple and doing simple things but they are kinda creepy in their dark figures and movement.

  11. they are peaceful in their simplicity with how they are plain and simple and doing simple things but they are kinda creepy in their dark figures and movement.

  12. The thing that I first noticed, or that stuck out, was that they all have big, fancy shaped hats. What's the deal with that. They are also placed in extremely terrible locations except for the 4th one, that one has the right placement, big, dark, scary looking things don't fit into colorful nature.

  13. These look super cool. I would love to photograph them at night with special lighting and stuff. They seem peacefully at home where they are at, like they belong there.

  14. these sculptures are weird, they have some type of pointy hats. They kinda look like witches. I really wouldn't what to see they up close anytime.

  15. I dont like them at all. I dont see their point. hey arent very detailed or very impressive.. Its like they are just there.

  16. I like them some are creepy but the last one is very pretty and comforting. It makes me relaxed. They are basic but very cool.

  17. I think these are pretty creepy and they don't look peaceful. I would never want to see these because they are so creepy.

  18. These have kind of a scary edge to them. I don't think they are very peaceful... Their color scheme is much to dark, and in my opinion, I think makes them look almost Gothic. Maybe if they didn't have crazy horn looking things and lighter colors they would be more peaceful.

  19. These look eerie and kind of remind me of cults. But still, very cool.

  20. Phillip Jackson did awesome on these, but sculptures of peace might go a little far. When I first saw this I thought of death coming for the souls of the dying like in movies.

  21. They look amazing, but from my point of view they kind of look like Grim Reapers, they're that good.

  22. they look pretty creepy to me. takes alot of time because they are pretty big too.

  23. They look very cool, but creepy and not peaceful.

  24. pretty cool if you ask me idk exactly what to thik f this but it definitly seems like it wouldnt be made from this country

  25. these are really awesome and creative! that would be cool to make something like this someday.

  26. This seems darker and scary like something out of a scary movie that would give me nightmares. But still creative and cool. I dont want to run into this in the dark!!!

  27. i don't know how you could mix up peaceful with creepy. these are the kind of things you think about when your alone in the dark outside. i could use one too keep people away from my house at night .

  28. That last one is peaceful looking, but i would still not want to be near it. The 2nd and 3rd ones are straight-up creepy. They make me think of the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. The first one is just kind of weird, like something you would find in a park next to an art school.

  29. These sculptures do not look peaceful and normally when an artist makes a sculpture they make it look peaceful and what is with all of the pointy hats.

  30. These are kind of creepy, but they're cool. I like the last one, it looks the most peaceful. The third one is scary.

  31. I think that the sculptors don't look peaceful the only one that kind of does in third one. The rest of them are just weird and I really don't like them. I think they aren't that good pieces of art.

  32. I think that there look scary. If I was walking down the street, I would freak out if I saw one of these. I think they are cool though.

  33. I don't think these would be considered peaceful by any means. They look kinda cool. I want to see how some people consider these peaceful.

  34. I don't really like these. I don't like them because they look very creepy and disturbing. But I don like the last one.

  35. This would be freaky to see because they don't even have faces. It does look cool though. I would like to know how long it takes to make these.

  36. These are creepy because they don't have faces. They are in everyday scenes like on the beach and if I saw one of these walking down the beach I would be creeped out.

  37. These are creepy and what are they made of and also they seem dark. I do think they are pretty cool i guess just a bit dark.

  38. I don't really like this and it isn't something i don't think I would want to see on a big hill or something either
