Friday, September 11, 2015

Power of the pen

Artist CJ Hendry has taken the art of the pen to a new level.  Or at least I think so, maybe you will disagree.

She has drawn such a lifelike version of a basketball that you think she has taken a photo.

What do you think?  Do you think it is even more impressive if I told you it was done in a technique called stippling also known as dots?

Does it feel more impressive when you see the scale of these boxing gloves?  If you want to see more of her work you should look her up, she has an amazing collection.  What object would you draw if you had her talent?


  1. The size of the boxing gloves makes it very impressive. If i had her talent i Would draw the boxing gloves and a plane.

  2. I would love to be able t make life sized drawings of tractors. The coolest thing would to give a drawing of an old put-put to my grand parents. The next coolest thing would to be able to make a whole farm scene wrap around the interiors of different rooms.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is something I definitely love. It is so detailed in shading and making it look so realistic. I love how the artist is able to make their art work so big, it is not on a little piece of paper. I like how they made an object a lot larger than it actually is. I also like how it is this brings out the shading because they didn't color it. I definitely think this is a great piece of art.

  5. The scale is super impressive, especially because it is done with stippling. If I was as good at this as she is I would make a realistic portrait of someone.

  6. The scale is super impressive, especially because it is done with stippling. If I was as good at this as she is I would make a realistic portrait of someone.

  7. I don't really like the fact that I don't have her talent, but with envy I am impressed. The scale of the objects creates an overwhelming feeling of "woah".

  8. I'm very amazed how she is able to draw that with a pen. I wish i had the patience and talent to do something like that. It seriously is so detailed it looks like a picture taken.

  9. I'm very amazed how she is able to draw that with a pen. I wish i had the patience and talent to do something like that. It seriously is so detailed it looks like a picture taken.

  10. Woah that's cool! she has a lot of talent. the ball looks so life like.

  11. Woah that's cool! she has a lot of talent. the ball looks so life like.

  12. I like the way it forms into a basketball. It is very unique. The texture is cool.

  13. I like the way it forms into a basketball. It is very unique. The texture is cool.

  14. that is a great peice of artwork right there its so life like its cool

  15. That would drive me completely insane. Some cameras can't get as good of picture as that.

  16. How do people make art like this? That's hard to make with all of the detail and texture and 3D effects involved

  17. I like this girl, she's sporty and she's good at drawing sporty stuff. I really like how its so big and still so clear. Its hard to believe that the spots on the basketball are flat.

  18. this picture is very detailed. i like how the girl is in the background. this girl is very good at drawing sporty stuff

  19. I like this picture a lot for a couple of reasons.For one basketball is my favorite sport. I like how much detail there is and how big it is.

  20. This is super good! She did such a good job with detail. I would never be able to put that much detail with just a pen. I actually didn't think it was a pen at first because it was so detailed.

  21. that is a lot of detail with a pen! that would be crazy hard to do. My hand would fall off just doing one of those. those are very impressive. i thought that that was with like paint or fine pen
    Peder. period 3

  22. This picture looks very life like. To do this in pen is incredible. This would take a lot of precision, time, and effort to make.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I think this would be very time consuming and i am way to impatient to do something like this, so that is very impressive.

  25. I think this would be very time consuming and i am way to impatient to do something like this, so that is very impressive.

  26. She is a really good drawer that would take a lot of concentration that I don't have. She made the basket ball look very real, she really emphases the grip of the ball.

  27. She made both drawings very life-like with the 3-dimensional features and added very nice texture.

  28. The basketball is so incredible and the fact that she did it all with pen and was able to make it come alive like that is beyond me. Props to her for her talent. I wish I could draw like this.

  29. This technique looks time consuming but could turn out very life like and cool. If I had this talent I would do it to something like nature because it looks real. She is very talented.

  30. This looks like it would take forever, if I had this skill I would draw my friend Kazia in 3D. Because she's sitting next o me right now. Her attention to detail is amazing, she is goalz.

  31. I think this is so cool! The way she makes her art come "alive" is really cool. I like it a lot and it is amazing how realistic it looks!

  32. I think this is so cool! The way she makes her art come "alive" is really cool. I like it a lot and it is amazing how realistic it looks!

  33. The size and scale of these drawing are amazing and doing that with a pen seems impossible. If i had her talent i would draw a barn when the sun is setting, the detail she put into this is incredible.

  34. wow she's really good i love it and she did it all with pen wow

  35. Wow this is Really good. I wonder how much time that basketball took her. That is just amazing.

  36. Wow this is Really good. I wonder how much time that basketball took her. That is just amazing.

  37. she is really shilled with a pen! and this looks so real

  38. she is really shilled with a pen! and this looks so real

  39. she is really shilled with a pen! and this looks so real

  40. she is really shilled with a pen! and this looks so real

  41. this is so detailed with just a pen!

  42. The life size is super impressive. Is very detailed for a pen and takes time. and looks very very real.

  43. The life size is super impressive. Is very detailed for a pen and takes time. and looks very very real.

  44. These drawings easily took a long time to make. They are very unique. I would like to see them in person

  45. This is really unique. It shows what a pen can do. It has lots of detail also.

  46. This is really interesting and shows lots of detail. It is really cool to show what just a pencil can do. it is also really unique.

  47. This is very impressive. You can tell he used a lot of detail. This must of taken a lot of patient to this which I couldn't do.

  48. If I had her talent i would probably draw landscapes or people, because they are some of the most difficult things in this world to draw. Its really amazing what she can do with a pen honestly, she gets everything perfect down to the last detail, the basket ball must have been especially hard to draw.

  49. If I had her talent i would probably draw landscapes or people, because they are some of the most difficult things in this world to draw. Its really amazing what she can do with a pen honestly, she gets everything perfect down to the last detail, the basket ball must have been especially hard to draw.

  50. This is just amazing and it is my favorite type of art. I love using sharpys or just pencils. I like how it is so big and life like. I would do this.

  51. These are really good! And its in pen?? wow! Tats what's really blowing my mind about these. The basketball would've been very hard because of all f the details and all the little bumps. I wish I could do something like this.

  52. I find it incredible that she can shade like this with pens.

  53. I would love to do this on a smaller scale for a project. it is incredible that she can shade with pens.

  54. the boxing gloves are cool because how they are hanging there like someone just got done using them

  55. this is pretty cool, basic but good art. I like that it kinda shows the difficulty in drawing, but is always good, and so is this. Good jobn.

  56. she printed them. but if she didn't that she is amazing i would never get myself to do something like this. this is a real challenge. i love it.

  57. these are so awesome and creative!

  58. This is really cool. She did a extremely good job. I think doing something like this in class would be a good idea. Although mine probably wouldn't turn out as good as hers have.

  59. Doing something like this in class might be really fun I think. It is really impressive how she did this. She had to put a lot of details in two the basketball and boxing gloves.

  60. These are indeed, very impressive. It is impossible to tell that this is a drawing. Must be very time consuming.

  61. I feel like this is some very interesting artwork and I like how much detail she put into it. I think that this would be difficult enough without making it only out of dots. This art looks very hard to make and I would dislike doing something like this.

  62. its so cool how u see the boxing gloves and basketball and they look so real

  63. Wow this is Really good. I wonder how much time that basketball took her That is just amazing

  64. She is the queen of shading. I can not imagine myself doing this good on shading. They really pop on the paper.

  65. This looks amazing and very realistic. I think this is really interesting.

  66. I wish I could draw like this. This is so cool. Especially because I love basketball. Its good to see my fellow homie drawing so sick basketballs.

  67. It's crazy how close they payed attention to the basketball. Also the boxing glove, making the creases must of been hard. I know this would of taken a long time.

  68. Is amazing i would never get myself to do something like this.
    This is pretty's hard to make with all of the detail and texture and 3D effects.

  69. These are really cool. I would definitely want to do these. These would be good for someone to hang on their wall in their bedroom or somewhere.

  70. This looks really cool. This would take some detail and lots of planning. It also must take a very long time.

  71. These pieces are very cool and look like they have a lot of detail. It looks like it would also take a long time to do because of all of the shading that would be involved.

  72. I really like this art work. It must be really get all the details in it. It would be fun to try, but I don't think I'd be able to do it.

  73. This looks really good and if I could have someone make me something like this one day I would definitely buy this for my house

  74. I think that this is pretty cool. I don't think that it would be fun to do though, it looks kind of hard.
