Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Heavy Hangers

Have you ever wanted to hang from the ceiling by an umbrella?  What that thought has never crossed your mind?  Okay so it has never crossed mine either, but Czech artist Michal Trpak not only thought about it, he created people out of cement and hung them from the ceiling.

Yep you heard right, cement people.  It is an installation at a building in Prague called slight uncertainity.

Okay I have to ask, now that you know they are made from cement would you be able to walk under them?  Would you be concerned that they would fall and break?  What do you think of them?  Would you think differently if they were made from another material?


  1. I wouldn't walk under them, cause what if they fell. If someone was walking under them i would not feel conserved, because it is their choice. If they were made from something softer than would i walk under them.

  2. I wouldn't walk under them, cause what if they fell. If someone was walking under them i would not feel conserved, because it is their choice. If they were made from something softer than would i walk under them.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don't think I would walk under them at all. If one of them fell, then I would have to like run for my life in order to keep myself from getting injured or killed.

  5. It is very creative work the people are realistic , its very pretty to look at. The people are so detailed and impressive. It would be cool to go to that museum.

  6. I dont really like this. Yet I think it is creative and cool. And she must have spent a lot of time on it.

  7. I dont really like this. Yet I think it is creative and cool. And she must have spent a lot of time on it.

  8. I dont really like this. Yet I think it is creative and cool. And she must have spent a lot of time on it.

  9. The way the people hang is kind of scary so I do not really know how I feel about this. It is very creative though.

  10. i like the way they look and the way they are designed but personally i don't want to be the person that happens to be under one of them when they fall

  11. I really like how the artist used there creativity in this piece. It make me sort of think of like Harry Potter and the floating candles but instead it is people hanging from umbrellas. I think that this would be really fun to do, especially if we do it the way we want to.

  12. What a unique and creative piece of artwork. Wish it were placed in a more conspicuous or public setting.

  13. I think that this is very artistic and cool. It must have been very hard to use cement as a material. It looks like the umbrella is made partially out of cement to so I wouldn't b worried about it falling.

  14. I think that this is very artistic and cool. It must have been very hard to use cement as a material. It looks like the umbrella is made partially out of cement to so I wouldn't b worried about it falling.

  15. It kinda looks like Mary Poppins because of how it's constructed

  16. I'm quite interested in how he made these, did he have to make a mold for them and pour the cement into the mold or did he carve each one out of wet cement.Either way he had to have put a lot of time into this project.

  17. I'm quite interested in how he made these, did he have to make a mold for them and pour the cement into the mold or did he carve each one out of wet cement.Either way he had to have put a lot of time into this project.

  18. i like how the picture is 3d. the picture looks really cool. Very different

  19. I like this one its pretty cool. I like how it looks like all the people are floating down with umbrellas. Its not realistic that one of the reasons why I like it.

  20. This is a cool yet very interesting way to present art and add detail to a building.

  21. it looks like really cool they why the people are just floating down with umbrellas

  22. it looks like really cool they why the people are just floating down with umbrellas

  23. This is really interesting, its hard to believe they're made form cement and it amazing how they are held up. I would be scared to walk under them because they are just hanging there.

  24. This is really interesting, its hard to believe they're made form cement and it amazing how they are held up. I would be scared to walk under them because they are just hanging there.

  25. At first I thought they were made of clay I was shocked that they were made of cement. I don't know how you would even think of that.

  26. I WANNA SEE THIS IN PERSON SO BAD! I would not walk underneath them. That would be so awesome if i could create something like that.

  27. I wonder how a piece of wire could hold that much weight. Also i think that apply that amount of pressure could cause the cement to crack. This would be a very hard process but very interesting.

  28. I wish they could've been made out of plastic so that I wouldn't be afraid to walk under them, but because they are made out of cement there are certain details you couldn't get out of plastic. Plus the fear of getting crushed and dying would be pretty cool.

  29. That is very cool how he made them out of cement! That is very cool and that's something that's never really crossed my mind either.

  30. That's crazy that they're made out of cement and not something lighter, i would feel safe walking under these hanging statues. To be hanging like they are they must be pretty secure so i wouldn't be afraid.

  31. That's crazy that they're made out of cement and not something lighter, i would feel safe walking under these hanging statues. To be hanging like they are they must be pretty secure so i wouldn't be afraid.

  32. i have no idea where this is on the ceiling im guessing but it looks chill

  33. That is super cool. I wonder how they did that. It looks chill.

  34. I can't really focus on what it is. It's still cool though. Really cool.

  35. I cant tell really whats happening . MAde out of cement wouldnt feel safe about these

  36. I cant tell really whats happening . MAde out of cement wouldnt feel safe about these

  37. It is made out of cement but its hard to know what is exactly happening and what its made out of. I think it is really unique and modern though,

  38. i don't like this piece of art that much but it is unique. I like the setup of it though it is pretty cool. But otherwise I don't like the statues.

  39. These remind me of 9/11, they're all dressed in businesses attire. I don't really like the idea of putting that much weight on a thin piece of wire like that, it seems a bit sketchy. I also feel like it would be a lot better if the sculptures were colored.

  40. I wouldn't put all that weight, that high up, on such a unstable looking wire. It would seem a little unreliable but the idea is still pretty cool.

  41. what i wanna know is how he got to form the people with cement.

  42. this kind of creeps me out but has a lot of meaning behind it i think.

  43. cool idea, very different but good choice in decoration, very unique . Good.

  44. These are really neat. To look up and see these would be really cool. I wonder how they got up there or how long it took them to get all of them up there?

  45. These are really creative pieces of art. The people are in a lot of detail and it makes them look like they are real. It must of took tons of time to make these.

  46. These are really creative pieces of art. The people are in a lot of detail and it makes them look like they are real. It must of took tons of time to make these.

  47. I wouldn't be afraid to walk underneath them, because the owners of the building probably did extensive safety checks. I wonder if the artist re-used any of the molds.

  48. I wouldn't walk directly underneath them. I would be concerned if it did fall, because it would be very dangerous to be near it when it falls. I think it is cool since it must be a lot of weight to keep up in the air twenty four seven. If it was made of a lighter material, and hollow, I would walk directly underneath.

  49. I don't understand why he did this. It seems kind pointless to have some person made of cement. I wouldn't want this in a building a owned, and I'd be surprised if anyone would ask him to make these for them.

  50. I love how skinny the people are. It kind of looks like they are stretched. It reminds me of fortnite in a way.

  51. This is pretty cool. I would be afraid that they might fall or something like that.

  52. It is a bit scary. They are made of cement are being held over people. It is probably secure but still kind of scary to think about. The sculptures look really good though.

  53. The sculptures are made very well and actually look like people. I would be kinda scared to stand underneath them. They are made out of cement so that would hurt really bad if they fell.

  54. These ones are cool cause it has a sort of movement, and there is still colors which makes every one look different.

  55. I like how the people are plain and have no color but then the umbrellas have color. This would be hard because you have to make sure the people don't fall.

  56. I like this one. A bit creepy but then it's like a bunch of mary poppins going around. I like it but still a little creepy.

  57. At the start I thought the "people" were floating. But I looked closely and saw the strings.
