Monday, August 31, 2015

IT's so FLUFFY!!

Okay so that is one of my favorite lines from Despicable me.  And at the same it is a perfect way to describe stuffed animals.  Did you have lots of stuffed animals when you were a kid?  I had quite a few, but I think my oldest son had the most.  Do you still have those stuffed toys?  What are you thinking of doing with them if you do?  Have you ever thought of using them to create art?  I'm sure that never crossed your mind, but it did cross the mind of Hirushi Fuji, a Japanese contemporary artist.

Now I am the first to admit I don't always understand contemporary art, but I did think that these images are pretty cool.

What do you think of these toy sculptures?  Would they be something that you would like to see in person?  Do you think they would have a bigger impact if you could see them up close and personal or do they impact you on the computer.  What toys would you use to create a work of art, and what would you create?


  1. They're pretty cool and pretty creepy at the same time. I think it would be more impactful if I saw them in person. It might be cool if they made a sculpture of an object made from smaller of those objects.

  2. I think that there very cool looking, but that the same time creepy. I know that i wouldn't have the ambition to finish these or even start them so that's props to them.

  3. this is very creative. I don't even want to know how long this took! Also its very cool.

  4. This is really cool. I like the way they put all of the objects together to make a shape. This is something that I would do.

  5. I sort of like this piece of art. I think the artist was really creative by putting many childish toys into a massive sculpture. I also like how the artist made it be like a childish sculpture with childish things, very creative.

  6. These are the definition of dope. The way that they made the shape of it perfect is unbelievable. And the fact that he had to either find everything that shade of blue or paint them all.

  7. thats crazy cool! i should do that with all of the old toys i have that i never use anymore. that is a great thing to do. you can recycle and reuse all of the toys. I think this is pretty cool

  8. to be honest this picture is kind of weird.
    But i love it. i like how descriptive it is and its kind of cool.

  9. This is a very creative way to use old toys. First time I have seen someone use ald toys to create a masterpiece.

  10. I honestly don't think this is very interesting, i feel like anybody could put some old toys together and call it art. but maybe its easier said than done.

  11. That would be insanely hard you wold have to find just the right toy to go there then you would have to position it perfectly. Then you would need the to stick together.

  12. This is a great and an artistic way to take trash and make something great out of it

  13. This would be so cool to see in person! I would make mine out of barbie dolls because that's what i would always play with when i was little and i could make a big barbie doll.

  14. I think that i would make a wildlife museum out of these stuffed animals. Although i threw all mine away because they are pointless to me now. Although I think it is very creepy to think about. I wonder if he bought all of those toys, or was given them.

  15. I think that is very cool and if you liked your stuffed animals a lot and never want to get rid of them you could always make something like this. It most certainly never crossed my mind before.

  16. This is cool but if you had the time it would be a good use of it! Id like to see them in person because i could look at them more and it would impact me bigger.

  17. i love it how is colorful is really beautiful

  18. i love the blue and the bright colors that it shows and it shows details

  19. the power of old toys and puting them together to make a new one is cool

  20. This is possibly the coolest thing I have ever seen. I like how they put all of those things together. I wonder if they could make anything else.

  21. i like how descriptive it is. i wonder if they could make anything better. its looks time consuming and would be very boring.

  22. i like how descriptive it is. i wonder if they could make anything better. its looks time consuming and would be very boring.

  23. I've always enjoyed looking at things like this. They are cool. This must've taken forever.

  24. I think these are amazing, it looks like they are made up of every kind of toy you can think of, I think it'd be really cool if they mad one just out of stuffed animals so it'd be all fluffy and soft.

  25. I think these are amazing, it looks like they are made up of every kind of toy you can think of, I think it'd be really cool if they mad one just out of stuffed animals so it'd be all fluffy and soft.

  26. I like the dinosaurs ones, they look pretty cool. I would like to see them in person they look cool. if i would make one i would use a cars to make a car.

  27. At first I din't realize they created a full image. It just looked like a bunch of Mcdonald's toys glued together. I would like to see a bunch of miniature piggy banks together to create a giant pig.

  28. This would be really cool to do with a bunch of objects. it would be also cool to have in a childrens museum in brookings or something. I love the bright and vibrant colors.

  29. this is really cool structural art. very unique and different, i like how its used with many different objects. Very cool.

  30. I like the dinosaur one, it looks pretty cool. Its very creative how they used all different types of toys to make these. This would be really cool to visit one day too.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I feel like I would not like to see art like this in person. It looks good but it is not something I personally
    do not like. But it is creative how it was made out of toys.

  33. they look pretty nice. I don't think it is something I would try, but i think it is interesting. I think an advanced art should try something like this for a project

  34. I wonder how much they spent to find all those materials. I know it would of taken me forever to find materials to even make this. But to me it looks pretty cool.

  35. Oh my god! It is cool how they took everyday objects and combined them into that. I like the first one because it has a landscape.

  36. I like the dinosaur these. They look pretty cool. Its very creative how they used all different types of toys to make these. This would be really cool to try one day.
