Thursday, August 27, 2015

Shards of Art

Have you ever looked at your old CD collection and wondered "What could I do with these?"  Okay so most of you probably don't have a CD collection, but your parents might? If you say your grandparents have one, then that will really hurt. OUCH!

Anyways, what if you took those old CD's and broke them?  Well now what could you do with them?  Would you consider making art with them?

What do you think of this CD dragon?  I think the details are amazing (especially the eyes) but maybe you have different ideas.  What would you make if you had to do this project?  Would you make a known animal or a creature?


  1. I think this is a cool idea. I would never of thought to make something out of old cd's. Putting all the pieces together had to of been somewhat challenging and took a good amount of time. When I first saw it I didn't even know that it was made out of cd's. This is a beautiful work of art.

  2. This looks really cool and a fun project to do. If i had the chance to do this i would make something easier. Who did this made this look like an real dragon

  3. This is a very awesome project. The person that created this must've put lots of time and effort into this. This project looks very hard and would take a long time to do.It would take lots of patience to do

  4. this is a really cool project!! old cds into art!?! i guess its true you can make art out of anything and everything!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It is very sparkly, at first, I probably thought it was made out of diamonds or something close to diamonds. The dragons made out of CD's looks like a good project to do.

  7. I think this art piece is awesome. I love how creative and detailed this is. I love how the artist decided to use an old item and create it into a totally different item. This is definitely one of my favorite art pieces.

  8. I think this is very creative and artistic, but if I were to add something I would change the color of the CD's by putting the object in a box painted a certain color to reflect on the object. In the dragon's case I would make it red as dragons breath red fire

  9. This is an artistic way of recycling! I like how the light that is reflected is so similar from each piece.

  10. Its really cool how they used the cds to make art. I don't understand how they couldn't have cut them self's making this. This is really cool how they were able to cut the cds and shape them, to fit the exact piece needed.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I think that this is a good way to reuse Cd's that have gone bad. These look really cool the way the light reflects off of them. The details are very good.

  13. I thought this was really cool, so I did some research on it, and found out that it's Creator sold it on Ebay. That makes me wonder who bought it and whether they put on display or on their coffee table. The also makes me wonder what would happen if you tried to put it in a disk drive, which would break first the dragon or the drive, or would it play a song, and which song would it play?

  14. What did they do to get the shape of this? And how do they get the glass to mold to the curves? The colors are super unique too.

  15. i think that this is really cool. i love dragons to start with. the fact that they are made entirely out of glass is a bonus. these are some pretty cool art projects that must have taken a long time to create. i want to make one of these.

  16. this picture is really cool. i like how close up its gets, and its good art work.

  17. I really like how these dragons seem to shine and look different colors due to the cd material.

  18. I like this one a lot I didn't know this was even possible. I like the blue and how shinny it is. The detail in the head is really good.

  19. the time it took to make that out of glass i would not have the pantsuits and the skills it would tack to do that

  20. I think this is really creative and a great use of your resources! i don't think i would have the patience to do it so way to go to whoever took the time to put this together

  21. I think this is really creative and a great use of your resources! i don't think i would have the patience to do it so way to go to whoever took the time to put this together

  22. At first I thought it was paper. gluing the cds together must sucked . That had to have taken a lot of would need a steady hand to glues the little bit of cds together.

  23. I thought it was just glass but know i know its a CD. If we got this project i dont think I would be able to do it. This would be so difficult.

  24. Holy crap, that is awesome. The way the crystals were placed in order to make it look how it does is mind boggling.

  25. If i could do this project i would probably make buck out of it.I feel like the reflection of could make the buck more three D looking. I have seen artwork like this before and its cool.

  26. This is a very cool idea! I would make something equine out of them. I think it woud be a very cool project.

  27. All the different colors is amazing! The colors are like a rainbow and i think a turtle would have some pretty cool colors for a project. I gives the art a lot more character.

  28. is awesome how she made it of animal that cool

  29. i could never do that i would cut myself so many times

  30. That is awesome. I wonder what they made it out of. And how long it took.

  31. This is awesome and i could never do this. Gives it alot of detail and makes it look woderul.

  32. This is awesome and i could never do this. Gives it alot of detail and makes it look woderul.

  33. These are really cool. They must have taken a long time. It's realy creative

  34. I think its cool how the glass shows different colors in the art

  35. What is under this? Do they make it out of clay and then put the glass on it. One thing that i really like about this one is the detail in the head, the indents, eyes, teeth/mouth, and the ear/horn things.

  36. What is it made of? Is it all glass? It is just awesome to look at. You could make so many different sculptures out of this.

  37. This looks like it is made out of cd's but would be cool to do. We could cut a bunch of different cds different colors and maybe spraypaint certain pieces even

  38. I thought this was really cool, so I did some research on it, and found out that it's Creator sold it on Ebay. That makes me wonder who bought it and whether they put on display or on their coffee table.

  39. This would be really dangerous. I feel like i would cut myself a lot. But these look really cool and the detail is insane.

  40. This looks like a very time consuming project, but its very interesting. If I were to make one I would maybe do a sea turtle or some other marine animal. Overall very incredible and an eye catcher.

  41. This is really cool. Making this out of CDs seems really hard. I don't know how they can create this out of CDs. I think it'd be cool to know how to create something similar.

  42. I think this looks really cool. I wouldn't have the patience to be able to make that. I think it would be fun to try, but on a simpler scale.

  43. like this one a lot I didn't know this was even possible. I like the blue and how shinny it is. The detail in the thing is really good.

  44. This is one of the coolest art pieces i have ever seen. It is incredible. I think that the person who made this must have been a genius. It must have took a long time and took a lot of planning to do this.

  45. I think its so good. I would never do this. It would be to hard.

  46. this looks really difficult to make but it's cool

  47. This is very cool. It's amazing how the artist did all of that. I wish I could make that. It's a very good piece of art. It just looks very hard to make.

  48. This is very cool. It looks difficult to make since it is made out of glass. I like how it is clean and shiny

  49. This is really cool. i think CD art is so pretty and i would love to try it. if i did this i would make some sort of animal.
