Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Natural history art

What if you combined plants and animals and modern techniques to create amazing works of art?  What if you could see the world in a different light?  That is exactly what artis Ellen Jewett is doing with her sculptures.  She is combining the natural world, with our historical world into breath taking sculptures.

So what do you think of Ellen's sculptures?  Can you see what she is making them from?  What animal would you create and what materials would you use to create it?  Is there one that you would love to see if person?  Why do you like that one?


  1. They cool, Their animals and then they branch off into other parts of nature. I would make a cheetah wood.

  2. I think this is very cool because they take random things and make it into art. I like the turtle the most because there is a lot of things happening. My favorite part about this picture is the tree is growing from its shell.

  3. I like this very much. It is cool how they distort the fox. That is my favorite one. This is very cool and I would do this.

  4. I really like what the artist was trying to get at in this project. I like how the artist used their creative against some of aspects of nature and it's animals. I think that some of the sculptures are not my personal favorite, like the turtle. Otherwise I really like this art piece, especially the fox and wolves.

  5. I think this is very creative and i like the turtle, because its cute. I cant figure out what its made of yet? wire maybe? well anyways i like it it looks like it took a long time to make.

  6. These are very cool sculptures. My favorite one is the turtle. I like how it turns from a animal to nature like trees. This seems very hard to do though.

  7. these are really cool. my favorite is the otter. i like it how they blended the animals with the nature scene. that's pretty cool and must have taken a long time to do. i love nature as it is so these are probably is my favorite

  8. This picture is weird. i do not like it at all. its weird.

  9. I think this form of art is very neat. It mixes animals with nature in a creative really good looking way. I really like the otter and turtle.

  10. This looks very hard and i don't think i could ever do anything like this so its very cool to see somebody else to it. I personally like the octopus the best because of the details.

  11. It looks the sculpture is made of plant stuff, which fits well with the fact the sculpture themselves are animals so it sort of mixes plant and animal.

  12. The octopus is so good! there is so much detail put into all of these sculptures! And they are also made out of nature and that is really cool

  13. I don't know what it is exactly made of I think it is made of old random objects. This is really cool my favorite one is the turtle.

  14. My favorite is the white wolfs. They look like they got feathers that let them fly. Its very artistic. Although this is one of my favorites because they are like animals stuffed and i like that stuff.

  15. I think they look very cool and very unique! I don't know what its made of but they look really cool.

  16. this form of art is my favorite one so far, i think its made out of clay maybe but the detail in the work is really cool. Id make a tiger and id realy like to see the turtle in person because its really fascinating to me.

  17. i don't like it that much but is good

  18. i think this is weird but its definitaly creative

  19. Its very creative. I like the the cartoon feeling and look.

  20. Its very creative. But its very weird and i dont like it.

  21. Its very creative. But its very weird and i dont like it.

  22. These are cool. They creep me out though. I do not like these

  23. Its creepy in a way it makes me get goosebumps but its cool?

  24. I really want one of these. They look so beautifully made and it just reminds me so much of nature. If i were able to make one I would make a bear to remind me of the black hills.

  25. They are all very cool, but I can't decide which one is my favorite either the otter, the turtle, the octopus, or the bird on the bottom. I wonder how he got the bird on the bottom to stand up.

  26. It looks like it was made of stuff lying around a house or something.

  27. half of these are really neat like the fox, wolves, and turtle. the other half is weird, i don't like them. the trees on the turtle shell is a really interesting idea.

  28. This type of art is really cool. It amazes me how people can make these. I would really wanna known how to make a sculpture like this. I would make a dragon sculpture.

  29. This is really cool to look at. I love seeing all the different aspects of the sculpture. It would be really awesome to make something like this
