Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Leaf Art??

Art can be made out of anything even items from nature.  I couldn't find the name of the artist that created these natural works of art, but I still thought that they were clever.

What do you think of these works of art?  Would you pay for any of them, and if so how much do you think they are worth?  Is there one that is your favorite?  Do you think you could create any of them?


  1. I think if I really wanted to I could make these works of arts myself, they are pretty simple. I might try to do this with a young cousin or something just for fun.

  2. They don't look good. I would not buy this art for even a penny. It doesn't look like it is hard to make. If i had took chose my favorite i would say the fox.

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  4. I would not pay money for these, because If i really wanted to I could make one for myself. I do like that the artist used such and odd object for his artwork though. To me this looks like a craft you would do with little kids, not something a older, talented person wold do. However, my favorite on e would have to be the lion.

  5. This looks really cool. This would be a really fun art project for a parent or grand parent to do with their little child or children. My favorite would go to the fox.

  6. I love this. I like the choice of the animals they chose. This is very creative.

  7. this is a cute project to do with someone younger i'm definitely doing this with my sibs soon!!

  8. This is really cute i like the tiger its super cute how they used the leafs. I don't think this would be to hard to do unless its a more complicated picture. Overall i like them.

  9. This seems very easy to do once you find the right leaves. If you cannot find the right shape and color of leaves though it would make it a little bit harder.

  10. this picture is different. its kind of cool. but kind of weird at the same time. i don't really know how to feel about this picture

  11. I would never buy one of these considering I could easily make one of them. I would probably make some kind of bird.

  12. it is a really creative on how they made the animals out of leaves

  13. This is really cool, but it seems like a kid's art project and not a real artist's work. I feel like this could be a project that they would do in art in elementary.

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  16. This looks very simple and looks easy to put together, but it was creative to think of something like this, i myself wouldn't have came up with something like this.

  17. It looks like it would be really easy to create but i bet its not. I would've never thought to make art with leaves. Defiantly want to try this.

  18. Nice and an original way to make art out of something so simple

  19. These are good , but they are very simple to make I feel like that if we made them one of us would make them better. My favorite one is the elephant.

  20. I would not pay for a piece of artwork like this. It seems very easy to make, and something that I could make myself. Im pretty sure we did this in art when we were younger.

  21. I don't find this very interesting. A little kid could probable make something like this. I wouldn't want a piece of art work like this.

  22. These works of art are cool but i think that they don't take lots of skill so i would not buy them for money. The peacock is my favorite and i think i could make the first couple if i had the right leaves.

  23. this one is perfect how it makes different stuff

  24. Takes a lot of skill. i def wouldn't ever buy these. my tree arent like these

  25. Takes a lot of skill. i def wouldn't ever buy these. my tree arent like these

  26. It's hard to believe they are all leaves. That's creative. I would have never thought of this.

  27. I think its cool how they used leaves but i wouldnt have fun going out and picking out different colors and sizes of leaves.

  28. This is definintely not something that has caught my eye in this blog. I would never by any of this art because it just looks simple for an art. I like parrot out of all of them.

  29. I think that these work of arts are very unique. Some of them look more simple, like the donkey in my perspective. But I really like the way the peacock looks, I do really like it but probably would't put money towards it.

  30. I think that these work of arts are very unique. Some of them look more simple, like the donkey in my perspective. But I really like the way the peacock looks, I do really like it but probably would't put money towards it.

  31. This looks really good. I think that it would be a fun thing to make. That looks really cool.

  32. Now whenever I think creative I'm going to think about these. I can't believe the unbelievable amount of vision a person would need to put these together. And are these real leaves or fake? If they're real, do they use something to preserve them?

  33. Now that I look at them a little more I feel like i could make one. They wouldnt be that hard you just have to have a crazy imagination. All you are doing is finding leaves to make into animals.

  34. This is so cool! I can't believe that you can make this out of anything in nature. I would use different tree leaves and different bark from trees.

  35. These are kind've cute. They are really simple though and i think we could easily do something like this in class.

  36. This is a really creative idea. I would of never thought of something like this for class and it would be something really simple to do. My favorite of the animals is the fox.

  37. This looks somewhat cool. I'll give it a 7/10 of art. I think a kindergarten kid could make this. It looks like a beginner art work. So it's alright.

  38. These look really weird. The one below the donkey looks really easy to do. While the lion looks really confusing.

  39. This type of art seems very simple. It makes me think of a project we would do in kindergarden. This seems to simple to be art.
