Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Welcome to Art 1!!

I would like to be the first to welcome you back to a new school year!!  Let's make this the best year that it can be.

The first thing I would like you to write about is... Either what you are looking forward to in art this year, or what is the most creative thing you did this summer?  You're going to find out fast, that this class is not an easy A, and that I require you to step out of the box and push yourself.  So that is why I want to know what you are looking forward to, and/or what is the most creative thing you did this summer.


  1. I started teaching an adult painting class.

  2. All I did this summer was hang out with friends, sit around the house, and play baseball. Baseball was probably the only highlight of my summer, because I didn't do much of anything.

  3. This summer I worked for two companies doing many different things everyday. My dad who owns a pray foam company. And Geppert construction where you could find me building houses. I made very good money and loved working and look forward to it next summer.

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  5. This year in art I want to get better at drawing and try different ways of creating things. Learning these things will help me with other schoolwork and give me more ideas in other subjects.

  6. I got a job Pizza Ranch. I also spent a lot of my summer in Yellowstone and the Rocky Mountains. In the Rockies we went white water rafting and also climbed the tallest mountain.

  7. I'm looking forward to learning new techniques that will help me improve my art. I also am looking forward to taking my time to do all sorts of projects that will be fun!

  8. I volunteered at the Washington Pavilion helping preschoolers learn how to paint with watercolors. The kids' creativity amazed me and I learned a couple things just from watching them.

  9. This year in Art I'm looking forward on being taught and learning how to make art. I'm also very excited to make our own pieces or "put our own twist on it." So I think that this year will be fun.

  10. all i did this June was nothing, but when it came to July i went to rapid city. Also went on a youth extrusion group to North Dakota and met up with one of my friends i haven't seen since kindergarten.

  11. To start off my summer i went to a couple of basketball tournaments. The I made a couple of trips to Minnesota to see family. I golfed a lot this summer too. I went to Iowa to watch sprint car races.

  12. This summer I went camping and hung out with my friends. We did crazy things like hooking up a wheelchair to a golf cart and dragging it around town. I was the one on the wheelchair. I ended up falling and scraping myself up. We also jumped off of a roof.

    -Hannah Miller

  13. I made a lot of DIY projects. One consists of a banner that I decorated with different patterns of paper and I had my friends and family right little notes and then I glued them to my banner and hung it up in my room and now I can see what they had to say to me.

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  15. This summer i went to a lot of volleyball camps. I also went swimming an hung out with my friends a lot. I went to horse creek to help people get clothes and food for there family's. And i also went camping for a week with my family at lake Thompson.

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  17. This year in art I am looking forward to seeing how I will improve throughout the year. It will be really fun to try new things and come up with creative ideas to make myself better. I want to really challenge myself this year to do the best I can to improve and get better.

  18. This year in art I am looking forward to seeing how I will improve throughout the year. It will be really fun to try new things and come up with creative ideas to make myself better. I want to really challenge myself this year to do the best I can to improve and get better.

  19. What I mostly did this summer was work at wild water west in concessions and that was pretty fun because I worked with some pretty chill people. Also when I wasn't working I was probably hanging out with friends either playing airsoft or xbox.

  20. This summer i worked at scheels most of the time and i didn't do a whole lot else. i went to Rapid for a week and hiked around and did a lot of fun stuff out there with friends and family.

  21. This year in art i looking forward to the project that we are going to do.In the summer i went out in water town for camp. I made many new friends.

  22. I like school i keeps me busy and I get to be around people my own age. Homework doesn't bother me to bad either, it is a small responsibility but it is necessary.

  23. This summer, me and my family went to upper Michigan. We camped there for a couple days and we also went on a bike ride there. We had a great summer

  24. I did a lot of fun stuff this summer like go to the lake. We also went to a twins game. That was really fun. We had a trip to the black hills also to see my uncle.

  25. This summer my softball team went to a tournament in Mitchell. I pitched almost all of the games before i got a heat stroke. I recovered and came back the following day and pitched all of the games including the championship game. We went into overtime 3 times and ended up winning it.

  26. We went to Minnesota and played baseball it was a very fun summer i wish it was longer.

  27. We went to the black hills and cleaned out the trailer house and moved it and is know getting ready to put a house up and that where ill be most of all of summer

  28. It's hard to believe that this was all the way back in 2015. I was in 5th grade when this was posted. It looks like a nice way to welcome back a bunch of kids to school.
