Thursday, August 20, 2015

Look what paper can do

I was introduced to the artwork by Sher Christopher through an image I saw on pinterest.  You will quickly learn this is where I find lots of my inspiration for not only these blog, but many of your assignments.  What did we ever do before it?

Anyways, I really liked the complex works of art that she creates with different types of paper.

What do you think of her work?  Would you like to see more?  Can you you see all of the little details that she has created in the paper or did you miss it?   Would you like to try to create something like this with paper, or would you use a different medium?

p.s. medium is what you use to create art?


  1. I think Sher Christophers work is amazing just like the other artists on this list.
    I would not want to see more pictures of paper because other professional artists would find something new to create. I couldn't notice the details because these pictures are well made. If I had the patience these artists had, I would use paper.

  2. I didn't even realize it was made out of paper, but i did not really care for her art. I don't like the way all of it was put together or how the people and the backgrounds look.

  3. This is very cool. My favorite one would have to go to the pirate looking guy. The part that I really liked about the guy is on the way the eyes look. This project looks like it would take lots of time and effort. I also like the one with flowers on the bush.

  4. This is pretty great and I love the concept ans the new style(like cartoon-y or realistic) she created. If I had the skill and pacience to create these I would use a more flimsy material to create waves in the art.

  5. I really think that this is pretty cool. I like how the artist made there art work pop out by using paper. I also like how detailed they decided to put into it to make it look real when it pops out, like the flowers and the Ferris Wheel.

  6. This looks very cool. I myself would want to try it but i don't think it would turn out as great at this one.

  7. This is quite cool, but it makes me wonder how much paper was used and how many tries did it take before she folded it the way she wanted it. If it was me it would probably take me hundreds of tries, but maybe she is some sort of master at folding paper.

  8. You can see every little detail and I absolutely love that. Her work is so interesting and I would love to see more. I don't think I could ever do anything like this.

  9. Its hard to believe all of these are made out of paper. The detail is outstanding! I could never do anything like that by cutting paper.

  10. I don't even know how you would do that for example like curling the paper with out cutting it. That would be extremely hard .

  11. I think that getting the little details with a flimsy piece of paper would be difficult. I would hate this project because it would be very time consuming. Although it may look cool in different colors of paper to make a deer or something.

  12. i ove how this is made out of paper. i think but it seems to hard for me to do.

  13. I think it looks weird and i would be lost in the work and never want to finish it and just say its done and no one would know that it wasn't :)

  14. i think their nice, but they look pretty difficult. no i would not what to some more like this.i would probably use something different if i was going to make some like that.

  15. I want to do a project like this. Theres so many little pieces and different parts you have to look into. The one of the pirate is very cool and like intense because you can see all the little details

  16. This is very original and unique. Takes time though.

  17. These are really cool. But it seems paper is pretty limited compared to what something like clay could do. It looks like a lot of things in these works are held back because of it. Regardless it's really cool and I'm sure the artist spent a lot of time on it.

  18. they look hard to make. I think this project would require a lot of patients. I think we shouldn't try to do this one.
