Friday, August 21, 2015

A penny's worth of art

Painting on copper and miniature works date back several hundred years, but the modern artist Jacqueline Lou Skaggs has found a unique way to combine the two.

So what do you think of her works of art?  If you happen to have a penny in your pocket I dare you to pull it out and look at it.  Can you imagine putting a work of art on a canvas the size of a penny?  Which picture from the ones above do you think would be the hardest to paint?  Which one would be the easiest?  What would you paint if you could do what she does?


  1. I think this work of art is very cool! I could never imagine myself doing anything like this. I think the hardest one to paint would be the second one because the artist uses shadowing to show the features of the young girl. I think that the last one would be the easiest to paint because, well it just looks like potatoes in a bowl. But it still does look challenging! But just slightly less difficult than the other ones. If I could paint like she does I would do some wickedly cool designs on my finger nails!

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  4. This artist must have been brilliant. He must have good patient and some very good artistic skill. My favorite part was the last one. I liked how he kept the bronze color in the penny.

  5. I think it's really creative how he chose paint on pennies, plus that takes skill and steady hands because they're so small! Also look at how he got them so detailed and perfect, it's crazy!

  6. I think it's really creative how he chose paint on pennies, plus that takes skill and steady hands because they're so small! Also look at how he got them so detailed and perfect, it's crazy!

  7. This is so cool i love how they can take a small penny and actually draw a whole picture on it. Its so creative and very interesting. I wish i had a penny like this it would be amazing to have.

  8. This is so cool i love how they can take a small penny and actually draw a whole picture on it. Its so creative and very interesting. I wish i had a penny like this it would be amazing to have.

  9. I wonder how you can get a brush that small or have such detail that small? A penny would not be my first choice of something to write on.

  10. I am amazed that someone would even attempt to paint a penny. This artist has some real steady hands in order to do this. I don't know how one could get a brush small enough to paint a penny. Painting a penny would probably be one of the last things I would think of doing

  11. I am amazed that someone would even attempt to paint a penny. This artist has some real steady hands in order to do this. I don't know how one could get a brush small enough to paint a penny. Painting a penny would probably be one of the last things I would think of doing

  12. This is so cool. The person that made these must have some special skills. The one that I like most is the one with the bison as the background.

  13. I also like the penny with the trees and the birdbath as the background. It is my second favorite one because I like the mix of colored trees and the green trees. The birdbath makes it even prettier.

  14. This is so cool. I love how they put such a good painting on a little penny. I also love that for the most part you can't see the parts of the penny in some of these. I think that we should do this in art class, it would be very interesting to see what some people would come up with for this.

  15. This may be cool yes, but who has this much time I mean I sure don't. And if they're going go paint on pennies at least do it right; some of the edges of objects I find aren't very sharp and crisp,

  16. i would say this is a waste of money get it haha because they are pennies anyways this is very creative and a great way to use pennies that are really old

  17. I think that this is very creative and they look pretty cool. I like the last one the best because it looks real and they kept some of the penny the same.

  18. I think this art is very unique and cool how much detail there is in a small space.

  19. this looks amazing. I cannot believe somebody actually took the time to do something like this! i could never do something as amazing as this!

  20. This art is quite amazing, the fact that it's on a penny makes it even more impressive. I think the drawing of the girl looks like it was the hardest to draw, but my favorite is the bird bath.

  21. I thought that this was illegal. However, the art is really amazing. A penny is so small and to be able to do that much detail it beyond amazing.

  22. I think this is would be unbelievably hard to do. The time and patience it would take to paint in all those details on a PENNY! Its pretty cool.

  23. The precision and accuracy it takes to make art like that is intense

  24. That is crazy think how small of a brush you would need. the person one would obliviously be the hardest you would have to get the face the nose the mouth and the rest just prefect.

  25. I wish i could paint with such detail, but without my glasses i wouldn't even be able to see what i was painting!

  26. The one of the women holding the child would have been the hardest to paint i think. With such a small area to paint, i wouldnt be able to do that. I think that its unique but whats the point or reason for painting pennies? I have seen things like this with dollar bills.

  27. this one is amazing i wish i was in side a cent

  28. this one seems really hard to do especially on a quarter

  29. that is cool how they were able to draw on a quarter like that

  30. this one seems fun and cool but would take a lot of time and you would need some small small brushes

  31. This is something that would take crazy skill. What did they use to paints these, they are so small that you couldn't just use a regular paint brush, that would be too big. I would really like to learn how they do these.

  32. I wounder how much work it took this person to paint or draw on them.they have a lot of detail.i think the hardest one would be the one with the baby.the table i think would be the easiest.

  33. I love the way the artist captured the little girls emotion on something so small. I get that is unique and creative how it is done on pennies, but if your that good you should create bigger masterpieces. If i were to make something like this i would paint a penguin.

  34. This is really awesome and the pennies are so small it would take forever to do this. I would like to watch him or her paint these it would be so interesting.

  35. Absolutely astonishing! The meticulous detail on such a small object is mind blowing. I cant help but think about the time and dedication it took to make a small, but amazing masterpiece.

  36. I think the hardest one to do would be the woman and child. The easiest would probably be the one with the bowl. I think this would be extremely hard to e able to do considering just how small it is.

  37. The one hardest to make is probably the third one. Just due to the small shapes and variety of colors. It's insane how much precision this requires because of the size of the penny. It probably takes an insane amount of patience and an even more insane amount of practice.

  38. I think this would be cool to come over after you bought something. I would probably keep it. The detail on it is mind boggling. The artist must have spent a lot of time doing this.

  39. this kind of art work is interesting.I think that it is so cool that people can paint on such a tinny canvis such as a penny.I expishly like the one of the little girls face.
