Thursday, March 19, 2015

Solve the cube

I'm not sure how many of you have ever even played with a rubik cube, but would you even think about turning one  into art?  How about turning thousands of them into a single picture?

Well one artist thought that a rubik cube would make a great medium.

So what do you think of this art?  Is it something that you would like to try to do?  What if you picked an easier image than that of a person like Martin Luther King, Jr?  Who or what would you pick?  And how many rubik cubes do you think are actually in one of his works of art?


  1. This is amazing. There is no way i could do this, this looks like it would be the end of me. Even if i picked an easier image there's no way. If i would pick an easier image it would be an all white sky with blue specs. I'm guessing that there is 91,328 Rubik cubes in there.

  2. I dont think i could ever do anything like this. It would take to long to put it all together. It is also very detailed!

  3. Oh wow okay that's cool. How could he have possibly though about this and not only that how did it work for him to make a huge picture out of those cubes. I guess art can be created in many ways an this inspirational art piece shows that, that's why i'm using very big words right now.

  4. This is very inventive. I would have never thought of something like this. To make one single image it would take hundreds of rubiks cubes. I would probably do an easier portrait

  5. I think this picture is really awesome because this guy had to spend alot of money on Rubix cubes, and spend so much time making sure the are all in the corect spots. I have never seen anything like this before

  6. this looks really hard. I cant even solve these puzzles and what he's doing is even harder

  7. Will steineke needs a rubics cube for christmas

  8. This would take a lot of planning ahead. This project is really detailed. It interesting because you don't usually think of rubix cubes when you think of art.

  9. This is honestly amazing. I don't think i would have the patience or skill to do this. If I did I would probably do a picture of Jesus. This is so creative and i would like to see it in person.

  10. This is art, despite its unusual medium. I am also not sure if this man is a genius to make these images or a hardcore artist. Either way, somebody has way too much time on his hands solving rubix cubes and placing them in corresponding images.

  11. i dont know how people can do this. It looks amazing!!

  12. well thats is just something... It must take alot of time to do something like that.

  13. This work of art looks really fun and would be a really interesting project to try

  14. my mind is blown! i couldn't do this because i can't do rubric cubes. it would take a long time to get them all lined up.

  15. This is so cool!!! This is probably the coolest piece of art I've ever seen. My mind is truly blown!! I cant solve a regular rubik cube let alone make a piece of art out of it!

  16. I cant do rubrics cubes so i couldn't do this. I wouldn't even want to buy that many. I would have a bad headache but this is pretty cool.

  17. i don't like the project. it gust not get my eye. it looks hard to do.

  18. I think this is cool. I would like to do this. I would make Abraham Lincoln.

  19. On top of being really creative and artistic, you would also have to be really smart to pull off art like this. Having to figure out how to get certain colors to show on one face of the cube would just frustrate me. This must be a master at Rubik's cube and have a lot of free time on his hands. I don't think I would like this because the image would look sort of pix elated from the cubes.

  20. This is awesome. This must have taken year to do this. I dont think i could ever do it because i dont have good patients but it definatley is interesting and different

  21. i really like this because its so unique. i think it would be almost easier to just colve the rubic cube than do this but i think the effort is amazing on this just because it takes so much dedication.

  22. I think this is a really creative medium. I personally don't really find interest in it though. I can solve a rubik cube anyway. If I had to make a person I would choose Mother Theresa just because she is a role model to me. I don't think one face is any less difficult than another. I have no clue how many rubik cubes this would take, but I would guess around 400.

  23. This is really cool. It would take a really long time especially if you make a big picture. Also it would cost some money buying all the cubes. Plus you would have to know to work a cube to get the right color.

  24. I cant even do one rubiks cube I cant imagine doing this many I would probably cry. This is another project that just takes an excessive amount of patience and a lot of free time. It would definitely be challenging.

  25. I really want a self portrait of these. Does he glue them together once he puts them in together. He has to be really good at doing Rubrics cubes. I would not be able to sit that long and put those all together.

  26. Every nerds dream.

  27. Strange. Who would do that? I can solve a Rubik's cube, but making a picture out of it, no way. Only a crazy person with a lot of free time could do something like this.

  28. Strange. Only a crazy person with a lot of free time could do something like this. I can solve a Rubik's cube, but I can't make a picture out of it.

  29. i can even solve one rubiks cube, let alone thousands of them to make a huge picture. i think it is very impressive but it would also be time consuming to solve them and than figure out a place for them to fit to make a functioning picture

  30. Rubiks cubes are hard to solve as it is, but to do them and make them into art is very impressive. I dont know how to solve one on its own, and if someone can organize them into works of art, then I need to find something to do with my time

  31. I like the rubiks cube it was a clever idea we should do this

  32. This definitely takes rubiks cube solving to a new level. I would like to do this type of pixel art, but I feel like it would take so much room. I might just cheat and peel the stickers off...

  33. This honestly would take a lot of talent. But it is very creative idea. This would be a fun project to try, but would take a huge amount of time to finish.

  34. I cant imagine how bad I would be at that, rubiks cubes and I don't get along.

  35. this is impressive ! i wonder how much all the rubik's cubes costed

  36. this man is a genius! i cannot believe he thought of this. huh, what do you know? it always amazes me how putting random objects together like this turn out so good and it like really looks like the person or thing.

  37. It amazes me how he would have the patients to fix them to where it would make it look like a person or thing. I like it though! It looks cool!

  38. It looks amazing, but coudnt do it myself and there is around a 1000 i would guess.

  39. that really cool i bet he took his time

  40. This is incredible. When i talk about patience and time for other pieces of art, not one of them can exceed that amount of time that would be out into this. No matter whose face i would pick to do, i would never have the patience to put it together.

  41. This is really cool idea! I can't even begin to imagine how mad and impatient I would get trying to do this. Shout out to this guy for having the patience to do this and the skill. I like how he used all the colors.

  42. i really like this piece because it is unique and interesting. not very many people would take the time and effort to do this. it is really cool and i like it

  43. I like rubix cubes but this would be to hard for me to solve. The fact that he wanted to do this shows his determination to make difficult puzzle art peices.

  44. They can be easy to solve when you take off the stickers then reattach them.

  45. This must of taken a lot of time. It also must of been pretty cost;y because those rubrics cubes are about $5 and they have at least 100. If i could make one i would do beyonce

  46. It looks like it took a long time, i think it is unigue and very cool, because alot of people give up when they do one rubrics cube but imagine doing like 100's of them.

  47. It looks like it took a long time, i think it is unigue and very cool, because alot of people give up when they do one rubrics cube but imagine doing like 100's of them.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. i really like this one. rubiks cubes are really cool to use. they are hard to work with. this person is really skilled. i bet it was really hard to do. thats really cool

  50. i really like this one. rubiks cubes are really cool to use. they are hard to work with. this person is really skilled. i bet it was really hard to do. thats really cool

  51. I think that this is Really amazing, looks like you would need a LOT of patience to do that, i wouldn''t even come close to finishing it, even if i tried, i really like it

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. he must have put a lot of time and effort on the rubric cubs and to place them in a center place to make the pitcher come out like that

  54. I think this is a really cool painting. The fact that it took a really long time to make it with all these rubics cubes. I also like the fact that it has all these colors.

  55. This looks extremely time consuming and i would not like to be the one putting this together! However i would have never came up with this idea myself so he is very creative for thinking of doing something like this!

  56. This is really creative, I would never think of creating an image with Rubik cube's. I give it a 10/10 for effort and time it took to make. It probably cost a lot of money to buy all of those Rubik cube's. I am pretty puzzled on how much Rubik cubes it takes to to create this image.

  57. I have never seen anything like this before. I personally would never do this because it look likes a lot of time and work and I probably don't have the patience for it. I can hardly solve one side of those things anyway! I think it could use more colors that are different.

  58. The art work is very cool and he has been probably been working on it for a very long time. I would not do this i would take a picture of it and that would be the end of it.

  59. This artwork is very unique and I am sure he put a lot of time into this. I would like to try but I know I would get inpatient and want to quit after a while so I can not say this is something I would truly put a lot of time into but It is a very cool picture.

  60. This art is so dope! I think it's awesome that he is making art out of Rubik's cube, I can't even solve a Rubik's cube. That takes some skill.

  61. I really like it.

  62. I couldn't even imagine doing something like this. I can't even do one rubics cue and for this artist to use so many amazes me. This had to take a lot of time and dedication. Good job on thinking outside the box.

  63. Okay with this like, I don't even get it its so... mind blowing. I might try attempt this if I had some help! But if I did I would probably do Miranda Sings or something. I think that there might be around 2,000 Rubik cubes in one of his pieces of art. But not sure it's so hard to tell.

  64. This is very cool and it looked likes it would take a very long time to do. If i had the chance to do this i personally wouldn't do it.

  65. This is crazy, I want to know how long this took him. How much time do you have to have to do this? This is so crazy!

  66. I honestly don't believe this guy actually did all the cubes like that. I'm betting just removed and replaced stickers on the cube ,but it is still very cool.

  67. Someone has too much time on their hands and patience in order to make art like that.

  68. I think that I would something like a buck or a colorful pheasant would look cool. Although I would get dizzy looking at that all the time. I hate those games they were always to difficult for me. But martin Luther king jr, is impressive

  69. This is very cool and interesting. A great way to be different and stand out. It must have been very time consuming though.

  70. This is my favorite because its really cool and it must of took him forever to get them to have the right color and in the right spot so when its all done it looks good.

  71. this looks like it would be difficult to do because you would have to have everything mapped out. But would be cool to do on a smaller scale or as a big group project.

  72. You have to be so smart to figure out the placement and get all the right colors to match up it is so cool I really like it.

  73. This is very interesting, but it must have been extremely time consuming especially having to solve the cubes and then making them into a picture of Martin Luther King Jr.

  74. This is a really creative idea for art. This type of project looks like it would be really difficult to do. It would also take forever to do since there is so many Rubik's cubes. I would not want to do this as a project.

  75. This is really interesting how you can take an everyday object and turn it into something so beautiful. I wish I could do something like this. It's really cool.

  76. This is very cool but it also look hard and seems time wasting even though Its very unique and creative.

  77. This is super cool. This must've taken him so long to do! I can't even solve a rubix cube. I couldn't imagine doing this. It is really cool though.

  78. It's insane the amount of time he probably spent on this. I wonder how much of the computer he relied on. Or if he somehow practiced laying out rubix cubes like that on his own. Regardless if I did something like this i would probably do something way easier and more pixelated

  79. This is interesting. I think it might have cost a lot of money to do it. It also must have took a long time to plan it out to get the exact image he wanted.

  80. i think that rubix cube art a very interesting kind of art. i like how the art comes together and how it looks. i like how he made the colors come together

  81. This is really interesting how he used rubix cubes. I would not be able to do that, I can barely solve a rubix cube. This is a very creative idea.

  82. Rubix cubes that's incredible it really is. I could never do that. I can't even solve one so let alone use one for art.

  83. I've seen rubix cube art before, and I like it. It's kind of like uses pixels to make art. I'm sure that it would take a long time to make a good picture.

  84. How does someone have the time to do this. Im mean this isn't the first time I've seen something like this, but it's impressive.

  85. I really like this artwork, although i wouldn't be able to do it because i am kinda impatient, and it looks like it takes a lot of time to complete, i wouldn't do this type of artwork:)
