Monday, March 16, 2015

Can I borrow a paperclip?

So I want you to stop and think of the most insignificant item that is on an office desk right now.  Did you think of something?  Some of you probably said pencils, pens, tape, eraser, stapler, or even the paperweight, but how many of you thought of paperclips.

Well the Italian artist Pietro D'Angelo has thought of new ways to use the paperclip.  He has used them to create amazing sculptures of people doing everyday things.

Do you have a favorite or a favorite detail that he created with paperclips?  What part amazes you, or do you think they are nothing special?  What every day activity would you like to see pictured in paperclips?  Would you have picked another medium or do you think this is original?


  1. I really like the guitar. I think this project would be so time consuming and hard. How would you get the paperclips in the right spot? Someone praying or reading would be really cool! I could also see someone using bobby pins.

  2. This looks really cool. It also looks like it would take lots of time to make something like this. I dont think that i would have the patience to make something like this. I think it would be fun to try but on a smaller scale.

  3. I think its really cool. I never thought that you can use paperclips to make pieces of art look so realistic. It probably took a long time to do.

  4. I really like this project. my favorite one is probably the one of the casual man smoking the pipe. I really like how the smoke is made.

  5. This is very cool and is made out of something not used very often. Im sure it took a ton of time, so i would never want to do that.

  6. i don't like the projects. they are weird to me

  7. The paperclip idea is totally awesome! I like the smoke from the pipe and cigarette the best. I especially like that the people are well defined, but still left vague and faceless. It lets you imagine what they might look like by yourself, so everybody sees it differently.

  8. I wonder how many paperclips went into these.

  9. This probably wasn't a very expensive project, but it was definitely time consuming. props to whoever took the time to make these cool sculptures out of such a small medium. It must of been very difficult to get the paperclips to work the way they wanted them to.

  10. Oh my goodness, this looks really time consuming! I would take alot of thinking and putting together with such small things. I wonder how many paper clips were used.

  11. It looks like it took a lot of time to put together. I like this artwork and think it is very unique!

  12. the dog catches my attention quite easily. Its impressive how it must be structed extremely well for it to not fall apart.

  13. I really like the guy playing the guitar. But like how does the artist get the paper clips to stay. Also where does he start and how does he start them. It must have been really hard to do but i like it i would definitely try this!

  14. I have no idea how someone would even begin to make this. The girl walking the dog is my favorite one. The finished project looks really cool.

  15. People who do art must have the most patience of anyone in this world. I dont know how they do this. I think the simplicity of the leash that the person walking the dog has is just cool.

  16. I like them. It takes too many paperclips. I like the one of the man smoking the pipe.

  17. i think that this is really cool but i do not have the patients to sit down and do this.

  18. This is cool. Its a good way to recycle paperclips. If i could do one I would do like a dancer in a cool pose. Personally i like the person with the pipe the most

  19. I really like this kinda of art. The paper clips and having to get them together would be a real challenge but once its don't it would look cool. This guy must have a lot of time on his hands to do this.

  20. Well its unique but i wouldn't say I love it. The statue size wouldn't really fit into a normal house, but more of a collectors house or something. I think its over all good, but i don't really like those small gaps in them.

  21. That looks so impossible but something i would love to do. It seems like it would take a lot of time by the time i get done than my whole body would shut down so i'll probably be 90. I think it's cool that someone would think like this.

  22. I think that this is a horrible waste of time. it probably took him years to make all of these and imagine the weight that each one of the sculptures would weigh.

  23. That is so cool. I wonder how much one of them weigh. I would never have enough time to do this.

  24. This would be a really fun project to try! You would have to think about it for awhile, i think it would take a couple people to do one

  25. This looks really fun to do. It would take a long time but in the end I think that it would be worth it.

  26. i love how when you look at it from far away you would have no idea what the medium would be. i feel like the artist had to have many layers of paper clips so the statues would stay up by them selves

  27. This is a very time consuming work of art and I think that it isn't worth it. The amount of money this would cost you for all of the paper clips would cost a lot

  28. this looks cool because it looks like it is made of wood

  29. I really like these art pieces. It amazes me how solid these pieces are. I want to see one about basketball. I would also like to know how about many paperclips are in them?

  30. This would be fun to try. A very creative way to use paperclips.

  31. Wow, this is really amazing, very impressive. I think that the most amazing feature he has is the smoke made of paperclips, thats pretty cool. However, i would like to know if he glued them all together or clipped them all together, that would be cool.

  32. This is very cool. This is a very creative way to use paperclips. I would like to know how they were put together though. It is very interesting.

  33. This is very cool and is made out of something not used very often. Im sure it took a ton of time, so i would never want to do that.

  34. wow, this artist did a fantastic job! i especially like the guitar... if they can make glasses with water into music, i would think you could do something with this. excellent pieces.

  35. This is crazy! I like it though, it would take quite awhile to do, but it's amazing! I like the one with the guitar! It seems like he put all of his time and effort into it.

  36. This is so cool. It amazes me that he can connect all of these and they don't fall apart. My favorite one is the man playing the guitar.

  37. i really like the guitar. I like that he makes it with everyday things

  38. umm i really like the paperclip idea but the first one looks weird but he worked realy hears on it and it looks really awsome

  39. I feel like this is very interesting, and definitely really cool, but i find it similar to a lot of other art. It doesn't seem like anything different from what i see to other artists putting other types of small objects together to make something. The next thing i could see this artist making out of paperclips would be someone reading.

  40. Ok, new awesome idea he could do. Make a sculpture out of paperclips or wires, and then place lights inside. Run an electric current through the sculpture, and voila, you have a new type of art.

  41. I always take paper clips from schroeders room and someday I'll make something like this.

  42. i think that the hardest part would be bending the paperclips to make the figure stand and to make sure that it stands just perfect. i think the other part would just take a really long time and be a little confusing. it is cool though.

  43. this would take along time and it is very time consuming

  44. this is a cool thing to do. i bet it was really hard to do. i kinda don't like paper clips. i prefer 2 throw everything into my bag and just say its good.

  45. this is a cool thing to do. i bet it was really hard to do. i kinda don't like paper clips. i prefer 2 throw everything into my bag and just say its good.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. this is a cool thing to do. i bet it was really hard to do. i kinda don't like paper clips. i prefer 2 throw everything into my bag and just say its good.

  48. This artist has unique techniques and experience with paperclips. I like how this artist made a book and a dog with paper clips. The picture with the guitarist was impressive to. I give it a 10/10 because it shows things apart of everyday life.

  49. Honestly, I am not too thrilled about this one. I'm one of those who like a lot of color in the art. I will admit this is very creative, just plain.

  50. This art is a very unique, creative idea. It would definitely take a long time to get it to be exactly how you want it to look. However I do like the designs of the art because these are every day occurrences which makes it a homely piece.

  51. I look how it's different by using regular office objects, paper clips, and turning it into a masterpiece. But it would've been really cool if the colored the paper clips, I know that would be more work, but you cant rush art. So overall they are nice pieces, and wouldn't change anything other than maybe add a little color.

  52. How many paper clips did it take?!? I would really like to see that in person, because it is that awesome, if i had to, i would give 5 stars... two enthusiastic thumbs up!

  53. How does he keep the interlocking and not falling apart? Soldering Iron? I think it would take a while, to build that especially out of paper clips.

  54. HOLY PAPERCLIPS!!! play i use paper clips but not very often but if this person needed some for his artwork i would give any of my paperclips up and give it to them for this great piece of artwork!!


  55. I would really want to see this in person. I would be interested to find out the exact amount of paperclips it actually took the person to do it. I think that the person who made this had to be very patient to do this.

  56. This most cost a lot of money and time. I would never have the time to do this. Its really cool i like the detail.

  57. I really really like this piece and actually thought of doing something like this before about 2 years ago with pop tabs but never got around to it.

  58. Sheesh! This is just crazy with all of the paperclips and time plus accuracy

  59. This is very very amazing. They must have took so much time and put in so much effort. This is one of my favorites.

  60. This is amazing. How did they get the paperclips to stand up? It must of taken a lot of time and strategy. I love how the artist thought outside the box and used paperclips to make something beautiful.

  61. This is amazing. How did they get the paperclips to stand up? It must of taken a lot of time and strategy. I love how the artist thought outside the box and used paperclips to make something beautiful.

  62. this is one of the coolest thins i have ever seen done with paper clips the time and efert it would tack to do that

  63. this is one of the coolest things that i have ever seen done with paper clips and the person that had the time and efert to put that together i respect you

  64. This looks like this is really hard to do. Even though it is really cool how they did this with paper clips, I would not want to do this because it looks like it would take a lot of work. I think it would take a very long time to make this.

  65. Pretty cool. This looks like it takes a lot of time to make. I don't have a lot of time in art class because we got like a hour each day and I don't think I'd wanna make this outside of class. But yeah this looks pretty cool.

  66. Looks like some guy has way to many paper clips. I think they look nice. It would be fun to try in class but we would need for than 2 days to work on it like the other projects we do

  67. I think it's pretty crazy how sculpters can precisely think of 3d shapes beforehand when they make sculptures like this. It probably takes an insane amount of practice. But I think it's really cool how people can use different objects people wouldn't normally use for art.

  68. I think this is really sweet. I like how they took the paperclips and made them into something and make it 3d. I would never have the time to do this.

  69. I like this art piece. I can believe it is staying together. It looks like it would fall apart super easily.

  70. This artist has to much time to spend. That probably took him like 5 years. But it looks good. I would love to try that but smaller.

  71. This one is definitely the most time consuming one I have seen. It looks really good too. I wonder what kind of medal they used.

  72. These are all interesting. I don't know what they used to get the model's to look the way they do, but It looks great. I wonder what kind of material they used.

  73. I really like this artwork because it looks cool, i like how they used all those paper clips, but that it also a waste of paper clips, and i think it would takes weeks to finish that piece of artwork:)
