Saturday, March 14, 2015

Shrunken art

So have you ever looked at your toys and wondered what the world looks like to them?  Kind of like a toy story situation?  Well probably not, but this artist thought about it.

So which mini life scene is your favorite?  Does one stand out to you more than others?  Is this art, or just a waste of someone's time?  Do you have a place, toys or scenes that you would like to see played out in miniature?


  1. This looks really cool. It would take lots of creativity to try and make one of these and it looks like it would take lots of time too. My favorite is the firefighters trying to put out the fire. It would be fun to try.

  2. My favorite out of all of these is the one with gummy bears. Not only do I like it because it contains some type of candy, but it really makes you think how big gummy bears can be if you are really small. Its pretty intriguing.

  3. i find this one very intriguing. I find it cool how they made the cigarette into a monument for the little characters. Plus i like how the gummy bears are cool!

  4. i find this one very intriguing. I find it cool how they made the cigarette into a monument for the little characters. Plus i like how the gummy bears are cool!

  5. they would be extinct in a few years because there are to many bigger species

  6. My favorite it the second one with the burning cigarette in the back and the people in the white. I would probably get really mad making this because it is so small. But it is really cool.

  7. This project is so cool. The one with the gummy bears is my favorite one. You would have to have really steady hands to make one of these.They are really detailed.

  8. I really like this project. I would definitely do this. I really wonder what is going on in the one about the one about the cigarette. I would do this where they are going to get attacked by birds.

  9. non't that bad. it looks hard to do. had they are small so they would be smashed by my hand

  10. My favorite is the one with the cigarette. I think it is alright.I would make a picture with my tractors and toy cows.

  11. This reminds me of the toy soldiers from toy story

  12. This is actually pretty cool. It shows the world from a different view. It reminds me of the movie life of an ant. It shows how people have a different view on thing. My favorite on is the cigarette on display as if its art word.

  13. this is really cool. the tie and effort is crazy. i couldnt do it because its to meticulous for me.

  14. A farm scene would be cool. I don't think I could ever do this kind of art. It is kind of pointless to me. My favorite is scene is the tennis ball, the Starbucks cup, and the slide into the gutter.

  15. I think a water pool would be really cool. I think it may be fun to try sometime. My favorite see is the slide.

  16. This is hilarious. I like little tiny people and things. I does look pretty cool though. It also looks kind of hard.

  17. my favorite one is the two old people looking at the cigarette butt monument, i think its funny how small the people are compared to it

  18. Those must have been a pain in the neck to make.

  19. I love the second to the last picture. This is art it definitely looks like something i would want to do. I would do me with a lion looking down on me.

  20. The art i see here is different, but i think it wouldn't really fit in with any other art pieces. The idea is good not the best, but has some thought into it.

  21. Im going home tonight, finding all of my old toys, and then Im going to make something exactly like this. Odds are if I did do that they would suck though because I have a tendency to mess artwork up.

  22. this looks cool because it is small people with large objects.

  23. now these pictures are awesome because it is fun to see all of the things that people come up with. It is also fun to see how big or small they could be in the pictures.

  24. I think the slide mini art is my favorite. I wonder if these would last for a long time, or a shorter one due to public exposure. It would be really neat if there was a large park area just dedicated to these art pieces.

  25. I have actually done something like this. I didn't take pictures of it, though I just played with Legos around the house and pretended like they were on an adventure. That's why I really like this post, because I can relate.

  26. I like the cigarette one the most. This is super cool and it doesn't seem that hard. This would be a cool idea for a project.

  27. This is cool we should do this for a project

  28. i really like the ideas this person had. for example, the one with the tennis ball looks pretty cool and imagine how hard it had to be. if it was freely sitting there... that artist must have gotten soooo mad with how many times it fell over.

  29. These would've had to be really hard to do, and get them to stand right and for them not to fall over. it's fascinating how they can do these things. I love it!

  30. This is so awesome! I look how there is real life scenes and they just shrink it! They also used real life size things and used them in there as just normal objects. This is really cool.

  31. i really like the first one and i think this would be a cool project to do.

  32. I like most of these ones. It seems like it would be a little easier than some of these projects on here but it still seems like it would be decently hard.

  33. I like most of these ones. It seems like it would be a little easier than some of these projects on here but it still seems like it would be decently hard.

  34. that is funny how those toy a little and yea but he did i really good job and he put effort in to it

  35. My favorite one would be the "oil spill". It kind of makes me laugh and also I like how he even put the people into Costumes and masks and stuff.

  36. This would take patience. It is pretty cool to. It would be hard to make as well.

  37. The problem is you could lose your art because it's so tiny.

  38. This looks really fun. My favorite is the fire fighter one.

  39. It looks really interesting. Looks really hard to do but i think it would be something to try.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I really like this the artists was very creative

  42. this is a cool post. i like little people. they are funny looking. i like looking at these little people. i like the slide one. thats a cool one. funny looking people are hilarious.

  43. OMG, it is the rise of the Mini men, lol, i had to say that, i like how it is nearly a smaller version of us, but i would never approach a bear........ unless it was made of candy, i like this

  44. My favorite scene is the hazmat guys cleaning up the soap spill. I don't think this is a waste of time, I think it would be worth the time spent. I think it might be cool if they did scenes from movies.

  45. My favorite scene is the hazmat guys cleaning up the soap spill. I don't think this is a waste of time, I think it would be worth the time spent. I think it might be cool if they did scenes from movies.

  46. First of all, I think that the one with the astronauts is the best, and how could somebody make something that small, or art even that smart without messing up and getting frustrated?

  47. These are so awesome, how do you get details that small so perfect? My favorite would probably be the milk one with the boat and the milk because there is so much detail for it being that small.

  48. These are super cool. They remind me of little animated movies for some reason. I think it would be really cool to do some of these in class.

  49. this would be a very fun project to do in class

  50. I really like these, there so cute. My favorite is the milk one. They are so creative and really adorable.

  51. I really like the one with the chocolate syrup, this is probably some of the most interesting art I've seen.

  52. I think these are cool but it's pretty basic to just focus on a small object and blur the backround. Still, it gives you a new, smaller perspective on things. Seeing the details in objects you normally couldn't care less about.

  53. These are unique and pretty cool. I like all of the detail that was put into each scene. I also like the quality o each photo.

  54. I really like how they made human very small, and compared them to small objects people use in a day life, and i also like how it looks small, little people compared to small objects.
