Friday, March 13, 2015

Frozen in time

So I am sure most of you have gone out in the winter and made your own form of art, a snowman.  But have you ever thought of what you could do if you had a lot of snow, or what about ice?  Could you make ice into beautiful sculptures?  I've see a swan made out of ice, and it was beautiful, but these are down right amazing.

So what are your thoughts on these?  Would you be willing to make one knowing that as soon as the weather was nice it would be destroyed?  Would you want to see them when they are done or while they are making them?  What would be the craziest thing that you can think of that you would like to see made out of snow or ice?


  1. This looks so cool! My favorite one is the carriage. They all have so much detail into them.

  2. These are pretty dang cool. It's amazing how they can do these amazing things. I would like to see them work on them. The one thing that would be cool would be a moving ice sculpture.

  3. Id like to have an ice sculpture of a horse with riding me like a horse.

  4. I feel if it isn't a sculpture or a painting it isn't real art. its just made up stuff

  5. I don`t know what tool you would use to make these. They look so delicate. If you mess even one time the whole thing would be ruined. It would be cool to see people make these.

  6. i like one of the art sculpture. the other ones are too weird to me. they look hard to do to.

  7. I think these are really neat. I like the second one the best. I would be sad when it melts.

  8. I think it woud be really cool to make one of these. I think that it would be cool to make an elephant or something like that. Although it looks like it would take lots of time and effort. It would also suck because when it warms up that it would all melt anyways.

  9. This is cool art but personally i think ice sculptures is pointless like eventually they will melt. They are too much work to just have all that effort go to waste. But if i had to make one i would make something like that i would want to do a lion or something.

  10. I couldnt make art if I knew that it would be destroyed within a few months. If it was going to be stored in a freezer somewhere, then maybe I would. But Im not good at sculpting anyway.

  11. I think these structures are really cool! In my opinion I think it would be cool to see them making them. It would be pointless to make one and ten see it get destroyed, basically making something so nice, just a waste of your time.

  12. These structures are awesome! It would be a waste of time to spend alot of time making them, and then having it be destroyed. It would very to cool to see one being made though!

  13. i would not have the patience to do this. Don't get me wrong these are amazing and the people who did them have real talent but they also have something wrong with them. Who thinks of this? Like i said, this is a very crazy project and I have respect for the people who can do this.

  14. I like frozen ice sculptures. They are pretty cool. I think that they are extremely hard to do though. It takes some serious talent to do that.

  15. i hate the winter but i really enjoy how people made these things it would be a very tedious job to do because the ice and snow could revolt and not work the way youd want it to

  16. i dont understand this. art like this will just melt away you can only appreciate this for a few months. it just doesnt make sense but it is cool.

  17. This is awesome. Even though they will melt away they are still masterpieces. They must have taken a long time to make.

  18. That is really cool. It would be so hard to make those dinos out of snow. It would also suck to see the sculptures slowly melt.

  19. I think this is super cool art. I would be interested in making these, but I'm not sure how it would go because I'm kind of a wienny when it comes to the cold. I also think it would be very tedious work which I don't particularly like to do. I wouldn't mind that they would go away as soon as winter goes away. I would really like to see the virgin Mary! I think it would truly be a beautiful sculpture.

  20. I for sure wouldn't be able to move quick enough to carve the ice before it would melt. Or maybe it doesn't melt because it's so cold outside, either way I wouldn't have the patience for it. Those look so detailed and I would get way too cold too quick to finish one of those.

  21. I would hate to make one these. But they are beautiful.

  22. That is the flipping coolest thing that I have ever seen! I really like the dinosaur one. It is so cool that the snow would stay up in the air like that.

  23. Frankly, im just not sure i would be able to work with ice. If i was, i would have all the sculptures sent to some remote part of greenland, in an isolated shed, so they remain eternal. Frankly i just cant easily destroy my art unless i absolutely dont like it, in which case it is burned, which is hard to do with ice.

  24. These are amazing sculptures. The huge dinosaur one really grabs my attention. How much snow is it? It is not like carving with stone in that if you messed up, you could avalanche the whole thing and have to start from scratch. That's why I admire it.

  25. This is really awesome! it looks like it would take a lot of time to do!

  26. If you found a big enough freezer to make these last it would be even cooler. I think that seeing these on a hot summer day would make it 2 times as neat!

  27. These sculptures remind me of Cinderella, the glass slippers. I really wish i could just design our house with sculptures like that but yeah. I think the artist of these sculptures should come here for the winter than it would interesting.

  28. i find ice sculptures really intriguing because of the sheer work of doing them. i thought the dinosaurs were pretty funny. the detail is just outstanding the curves are perfect.

  29. You would've had to be very very still, to curve these into these shapes and sizes! it's really pretty and cool how they can do these things.. I love how they put alot of detail into them.

  30. These are amazing. I like several of these. It is amazing that they can so much detail into ice. I would want to see one of these when they are done.

  31. I couldn't do it because i would know it wouldn't last very long. I would like to see a real life size castle.

  32. I like this idea because it shows true art creativity. I don't seem to have any of this, but it also shows how skilled this person was at making them look like ice sculptures if they were not already ice sculptures

  33. this the best art work ive ever seen it wanderfull

  34. These are very beautiful. Although, I would not be able to make something that amazing knowing that it will be gone in only a matter of time. There are so many different types of things that this artist could sculpt, I feel like i would like anything.

  35. These are so pretty!! I would never be able to do this though for many reasons. First I would get too cold and give up. Also I would probably break it. But it is so cool how detailed these are. I cant imagine how careful they had to be.

  36. i really like these pieces because they are so unique and would be hard to make. i like how they are really colorful and detailed.

  37. This is so cool, it must take so much patience to make these. And alot of like soft hand work, cause you'd think ice would break and chip very easily

  38. This is reallt cool looking. It looks like it would take alot of time to make because you could easliy break it or mess up really easy.

  39. i like this one, because it looks like it was very hard to do without it braking

  40. I thought whoever did these were very creative. They were smart with some of the ways they did it. My question is really how long did all of these take.

  41. I like these photos a lot because I respect the trial and error it took to make these. I am not willing to make ice sculptures because it would take a lot of my time and it will be destroyed when summer comes anyway.

  42. These are so amazing!! This is something I would like to do, but in a miniature version. The first one I like the best because it's made of snow! Yes, the other ones are made of ice but snow is very delicate. Especially with all of those details. It must have been hard working out in the cold though.

  43. I would not make one of these knowing that the weather would destroy that because to me that seems like a waste of time. If I am going to put the time and work into an art project like this I would definitely want to be able to admire it when it was done and show people.

  44. The art is very good and it has a lot of detail. I would not make anything like this, because it would get wrecked very easily. Who ever did this is very good.

  45. It has plenty of detail, but just imagine accidentally making the wrong chip (you know what i mean) when sculpting this, that would be so frustrating having to start over or just thinking of something else, but it is really cool

  46. i remember making snowmen when I was little and thinking they were the most brilliant creations ever. Now looking back, they were very sloppy and bad. Its truly amazing how people can do these amazing ice sculptures. The skills it would take to make these are crazy!

  47. i remember making snowmen when I was little and thinking they were the most brilliant creations ever. Now looking back, they were very sloppy and bad. Its truly amazing how people can do these amazing ice sculptures. The skills it would take to make these are crazy!

  48. This must have been very hard to do. It would take soo much time to complete. It must have been upsetting to see them disapear.

  49. This is beautiful!I love ice sculptures, I think they are so cool. They are so graceful and delicate. Anyone who can make an ice sculpture is truly gifted.

  50. This is beautiful!I love ice sculptures, I think they are so cool. They are so graceful and delicate. Anyone who can make an ice sculpture is truly gifted.

  51. You have to be very precise with ice. This probably took a long time. But it seems to be work it.

  52. the ice sculptures are relay cool and time consuming you have to be very careful on how u are cutting the ice

  53. I really like these, i cant imagine how long they took to do. My favorite is the Cinderella one. They are so cool.

  54. These are very amazing, though I would be sad to see them melt. They should build these in a place that has lots of snow year round that never melts a lot and build an outdoor sculpture theater. Or, at least that is what I would do. Though if I carved out of ice, Antarctica would be just the place, minus the fact that it is very cold and iceberg could break off taking it with it. But, it would bring more tourists and work for artists who like being outdoors in the quite.

  55. Ice sculptures are one of the coolest ways in my opinion to make sculptures. The texture and reflections in the glass make them look awesome. And I think the fact that they'll melt soon makes them so much cooler, they aren't permanent.

  56. If I got to name the first one I would name It the snow monkers. To be honest the way that the dinosaurs are staring makes them look like they have PTSD. These are all pretty 𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘭.....

  57. I really like how they use ice, and made very cool sculptures i t looks nice and pretty.
