Thursday, March 12, 2015

Anamorphic art

So most of you have probably seen the guy that does the street art that can only be seen from one exact spot, but have any of you seen the anamorphic art that is done with chrome cylinders?

So what do you think of these?  Is this a project that you would like to try or is it something that would make your brain hurt way too much?


  1. I think these look pretty interesting. It reminds me of reflections. I don't know if I would do this project because it might hurt my brain, but it could be fun to do.

  2. These aren't as cool as i thought they'd be. This is something i would never attempt or want to do.

  3. There would be a lot of guessing and checking and measuring to make one of these. They look really cool when they are done. I think these would be really hard to make.

  4. they are weird to me. they look hard to do. they must have time on they hand.

  5. The first one looks like a pancake. It is hard to see the picture. I like it.

  6. This is super cool but i think its to confusing for me. When i say confusing i mean if i was to try and do this i wouldn't even know where to start. But props to the artist because this must have take a lot of time and patients that many people , including myself, don't have.

  7. This project is really neat but I think it would confuse me too much to actually try to do it, unless it was a partner project

  8. These are awesome! I love sidewalk art. These artists take a long time to do these. I've seen some on the internet and they look really cool. I enjoy looking at these. They don't even hurt my brain. They are fun to look at, when looking at different angles.

  9. i didnt notice at first what exactly was going on. its so cool how just a chrome piece can do such amazing things

  10. This is so cool. this must take a long time to do. I wouldn't have the patience to do this.

  11. I would definitely do this as a project. I really want to do this in class. I would make it so that it looked like a normal picture on he paper then it would be another picture on the mirror.

  12. I think this would be hard to do, but would be easy once you had practice. I think the hardest thing to do was looking at the cylinder while drawing, but other than that it would be pretty easy. Overall very nice and interesting, provokes thought and would be cool with a sphere mirror.

  13. That is really cool.

  14. This doesnt really interest me that much i don't think i would like it

  15. it would definitely give you some headaches trying to do this. but doing this imagine all the compliments you would receive. none the less its pretty interesting.

  16. Now, this would have taken forever to do! I love it! It has so much detail and obviously alot of time put into it.

  17. I think this is super cool art. I would love to try it however if there is a lot of measurements and matching up to do it would probably stress me out. I thin it is so cool how it makes the image on the cylinder.

  18. This would be hard, but i would be up for the challenge.

  19. These are really cool. That looks impossible to do you would have to watch the cylinder as you paint or something like that. It looks to hard

  20. umm i dont think they would be the hard but he did a nice job

  21. This is a completely different way of looking at art. I would never be able to accomplish any of it though.

  22. That is super cool looking! Very different though. I defiantly wouldn't be able to do that.

  23. These are cool, they look very hard to do. You would have to watch the cylinder as you went. I wouldn't mind trying it but it would be hard.

  24. This project would be to hard to even think about. Most people would not be able to make something like this and have it look good. i don't think that this project would be worth it.

  25. it doesnt look to difficult to make, it looks like something there is a trick to doing. something we could definitely do but I dont know

  26. i think it would be very cool to do this project but also very difficult because its art

  27. This really confuses me. I don't think I could figure this out and manage to make something like this.

  28. this is trippy. i think its col but it makes my brain hurt. i like it and think its interesting and i think we as a class should try to make it

  29. These are the most G things I have ever seen. It really adds a sense of math to the art, which is very interesting, and original. I wonder how difficult it is to calculate, or maybe he has the cylinder there the whole time and just looked at the cylinder while drawing.

  30. trippy to look at, and must be hard to create.

  31. I think this is very cool but different , it looks like it took alot of time

  32. The way this artist uses chrome cylinders is amazing I could not do this if I was an artist. This is something I would learn little about but wouldn't do. None of these pictures are interesting to me do which is the downside.

  33. I so wish i could do that, i have seen anamorphic stuff, but not these
    i would like to have some kind of copy of it just so i could look at it and mess with random people saying i drew it, but that could only be a thought, this is neat..... i always liked illusions

  34. These are so cool!! Now i really badly want to try this at home. This would be a really cool project to do. I want to figure out how to make it look soo perfect in the cylinder. It seems really difficult but cool to try.

  35. This looks amazing. Lots of practice though.

  36. that is awesome i like how the do that but they would be a big to do but it would be worth a try

  37. This is awesome i really like these, there super cool. I wish could do this. We should do this for a project.

  38. These are awesome. I love optical illusion art. I don't know If I could draw one of these, but It would be cool if I could.

  39. I really like how the glass makes it look cool, but on the paper the drawing is in it looks messed up, but look nice and clear with the reflection on the glass/metallic cup.
