Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A very High Keyed Horse

So I have shown you art that has been created by lots of things.  And while I know I have showed you lots of recycled art, this one I found pretty amazing.  It is described as a trojan horse, but it is made out of old keyboard keys.

So what do you think?  Do you want to be the one who glues every single one of these keys into place?  Can you think of another medium that would have been interesting on the outside of this horse?


  1. A Horse made of Keyboards, well just normal-ish sized keyboard. I wondering how many keyboards were used to manufacture this horse.

  2. i love it, the horse textured, and well blended. it would take a lot of patients to glue on each piece, but the end result is worth it.

  3. That is so freaking awesome!!!!!!!! I would never had guessed that it was made out of keys from a keyboard!! I showed my mom & she thought it was made out of tile

  4. Okay that's just cool. They did waste a lot of keyboards with that though but at least it's recycled. That looks like something that would take a long time but who ever did this is a artist so i guess that's not a problem. I love this art work though i wonder how he glued it together but that looks awesome!

  5. This horse is so cool. Who would have thought of making a sculpture out of keyboard keys. It looks like it would be very hard to make. I definitely would not want to be the one to glue every key.

  6. Its nice to know that people are finding uses for computers that nobody uses. It is awesome that every key has a different type of shading incorporated into it.

  7. this looks cool because it is made of the keys of a keyboard.

  8. That is really cool. I wonder if the whole thing is made of keys inside and out? I really like this. I would totally be the guy that puts all the pieces together then break it apart with a bat

  9. This is awesome! i like how they used keys from a computer! Swag

  10. This is awesome looking! I never guessed it was made out of keyboard keys! I wouldn't want to glue every piece of them on!

  11. This is Awesome... It must have taken a long time to do. I wouldn't have the patience to do this. i like how it is entirely made from computer keys

  12. I wonder how many key boards went into this.

  13. This is very cool. I like how they use keys. It is a good second use

  14. nice. it look hard to do. did you use glue to keep them together

  15. This looks very hard to do, but I like it. It must take a long time to do. I would not like to glue every key on.

  16. Whoever did this has a ton of time on their hands. Or maybe it didn't take that long if they used the keys in the same way they look on a keyboard so they were able to put them on in masses. either way these look super cool. I was really surprised how different and cool they look and how life like the artist was able to make them look.

  17. This is really cool and neat. I would have never thought of something like this. It must have taken a lot of time!

  18. I thought it was really cool! What a fun way to recycle and make something into a work of art. I like it.

  19. I like this one the most. Mainly because it is a horse made out of a keyboard!

  20. It's crazy to see what people can do, it's cool to think that it is made of key's from a keyboard. This artist is a gifted genius.

  21. This is really cool. It is taking something boring and making it into art. It is really detailed.

  22. I like it. I could put the keys there. I think it would be pretty easy,

  23. He must have used old and used computer keyboards to avoid spending too juch money on keyboards.

  24. I really want to know what was running through this artist head while they were making this. Its so random and I honestly don't like it. ddont get me wrong its very well done I just dont get it

  25. Wow this piece of art is amazing! From a distance it was hard to tell that they were key board pieces! I wouldn't mind trying a smaller project like this or doing something as a class. It would also be cool to try and use like a sort of stone or a type of small rocks

  26. I really like this piece of art. I love to type so this is right up my alley. I like it when artists use really random pieces of stuff to make their sculptures. It would also look really cool using different types of rock to do this piece in.

  27. that is a better use for keyboards than for computers! i feel like they maybe just glued the keyboards on though?

  28. Wow, very amazing, pretty incredible and looks like it takes a long time. However, I can think of two ways in which it can be improved. A.The keys on it form the code of an actual computer trojan, and B.The keys just repeatedly say trojan horse

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. this is really cool! it would be even better if they spelt words or told a story!

  31. What! No way! This is awesome! this has to be my favorite, it's amazing how they can fit all of that on that and make it into a horse!

  32. i like this idea quite a bit. it would be pretty cool if some of these objects could be functional. with legos, a functional car was made.

  33. i like this idea quite a bit. it would be pretty cool if some of these objects could be functional. with legos, a functional car was made.

  34. This is really cool! This must have taken some time to do though. Its cool how they made a horse of these!

  35. I would never do that, it would be to much work and i wouldn't have enough passion. But another cool medium would be cardboard

  36. This looks like it would take lots of time and effort to make something like this. It also looks like it would take lots of keyboards to make something like this. I think it would be cool to try something like this though.

  37. this one is creepy in a way but it cool dont know how he come up with the idea and he did good on it

  38. I think this is really cool! I am surprised at how much detail and shading that is accomplished in this kind of art. That is so many keys!

  39. Ummmm.. WOW!! Like how? I dont understand how they did this.. It is really cool and just wow!

  40. I really like these but the amount of time it would take to glue each and every one down would be to much for me. I also think thumbtacks would be cool to make somthing like this out of.

  41. This is the recycling that the world needs. I don't even know what those are and why they have letters on them. It also shows the creativity and imagination that a person could have.

  42. these peices are really cool i like how they are made out of a material that most people wouldnt concider. i think it would be really difficult to get the keys to flow and meet the right way. but hey i really like it

  43. If I made this my Uncle wouldn't be too happy cause I'd probably take apart his keyboard.

  44. This art project is really cool, and very different i like how they use small things to make something big.

  45. dats awesome. i love it. i like keyboards.

  46. dats awesome. i love it. i like keyboards.

  47. I've seen a lot of these. Some I like a lot and some are okay, better than me though. I just can't believe the things people make out of the things they make it from. Like, where do they come up with these ideas??

  48. This is just as original as any other piece of art in this site. I would not want to glue keys on because it would take a long time. I could not think of a medium outside this horse because it is pretty good.

  49. okay so i think this is actually really, really cool. Like, I wouldn't have ever thought of doing this. But would I be the person to glue each of those on? Uh If I got payed or got part of the credit yea I would! And I think the keys are a cool accent to have on the horse.

  50. Now THIS GUY KNOWS HOW TO ENCOURAGE RECYCLING, i haven't had a lot of keyboards, but still..... just think, if it had.... nvm, i like how it perfectly resembles a horse in shape tail and all, so this is probably the most creative one i've seen

  51. I love how this turned out! Why or how someone would use keys to do this I don't know, but I think its brilliant. Gluing all the pieces together must have taken forever and probably was very strategically planned out. It all so had to have taken thousands of keys to put together. I wonder if it is hollow or not?

  52. This is quite amazing, but the question I have is whether any of the letter spells out anything. I think it would be cool if the artist wrote his name with the keys. Maybe the whole thing is one giant word search.

  53. This is actually pretty cool. I couldn't even tell it was computer keys at first. This must've been super time consuming. I could never do something like this. It looks pretty realistic too.

  54. I think adding the keys are a really cool texture. Each key is layed out perfectly to go well with the next, strangely giving it a smooth texture from away and when your up close, a different one. I wonder what they used underneath the keys as the basic shape of the horse.

  55. This is terrifying. I know that who ever made this probably spent a long time on this. But I think that this is the creation of nightmares. (𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘦s) lol.

  56. This artwork looks very cool, it's nice that they used keyboard letters to make it, i think tho that it might take a long while to create it.
