Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Discarded art

Are you a responsible person that recycles your plastic bags?  Or do you throw them in the landfill with everything else?  I will admit that I do both things.  I try really hard to take them to recycling, but I often forget when I leave the house.  But Khalil Chistee has found a way to take those discarded grocery and garbage bags and is turning them into beautiful pieces of people art.  Just like the material he is using, the people feel lost and lonely, maybe even a little discarded themselves.

So what do you think about these people?  Are they beautiful or disturbing? Can you think of other discarded mediums that might make beautiful art?


  1. The people look sad, like they are keeping themselves together even though they are about to fall apart. They are quite beautiful and unique.

  2. This is really cool!! I would like to see how they make these and see how they make them black. How they make them look dropy and be able to stand there! I wouldnt want to try this is looks to hard.

  3. This is awesome! we should do this some time like in 4 years!!

  4. this a really neat sculpture. its cool how something that is so common can be turned into something so cool.

  5. These works of art really show how garbage bags are usually thrown out and recycled. The sculptures really show the emotion of depression and loneliness. I'm the type of person that keeps garbage bags to put garbage in them and then my family burns the garbage with the bags.

  6. This is really cool and it's not to weird. It's super creative. Another good medium would paper bags. You could make paper robots.

  7. It would be hard to get these to stay in place. This looks really cool. It would be hard to make because of how detailed it is.

  8. It would be hard to get these to stay in place. This looks really cool. It would be hard to make because of how detailed it is.

  9. It looks creepy. The people look sad. I like the second one best.

  10. This is easily one of my favorites. As i was scrolling I thought this was made out of candle wax but then when i read the description i was very surprised to find out they are plastic bags. My favorite one is the last one.

  11. I think this piece of art looks really messy and it looks like they just kind of through it all together. I would not want to try and make one of these. If they were to use some kind of silky paper it would probably make them look a lot better.

  12. I think that these pieces of art are really strange and not very good looking. I think that they look really creepy. If they would've made them out of tissue paper that would look like much better and less sloppy.

  13. the art looks depressing, because it all droops down

  14. Theyre all beautiful, abiet in a sad way. I like how the art is thrown away stuff of people who feel like theyre being thrown away. One of the few artworks in which the material reflects the mood.

  15. That's some Halloween art right there. This art definitely makes me want to turn my garbage into art. It also minds me of creepy stuff and scary movies and ghosts. Looks like tissue paper like the mummies some people attempt to do on Halloween.

  16. That's got to have taken forever for that to make it stand, because plastic bags are very light. they dont stand by themselves, it's gotta be layered alot of times. But, i honestly think it's cool.

  17. this is pretty interesting. like the surrealism painting with the melting clocks... it would be pretty cool to see a piece like that where the plastic is melting.

  18. I think it's wonderful that someone was able to make such great pieces out of something as simple as plastic bags. But that doesn't mean I don't find these to be kind of creepy. I think the sculptures are very strong and imapcting but are a little too much for some people.

  19. I love this. They are so beautiful. The way the the emotions are shown is what i love. This has to be my favorite. The way he uses the bags is so good.

  20. I really like this it looks cool and abstract. I also like the way there is only black and white.

  21. This is cool it would take a lot of work to make them stand or to make that leg stick ut instead of just sagging down.

  22. this one soo scary and creppy it would be good for a horror movie or sum but yea it creppy

  23. These pieces of art are really creepy. These are all plastic bag then. Does he ever paint them or does he leave them the same color. They look really sad to me.

  24. Very interesting looking. It would be a nice way to use the bags without throwing them away. The people look very sad looking. I wonder how long it took for them to get made.

  25. These must of been really hard to make.

  26. I don't really know what to think of these. I mean they are cool and i don't know how they did it, but they are really creepy. I honestly don't like these.

  27. I think these are really cool pieces of art! I think it would be hard to keep them together. I think it's a good idea to use them. Maybe something with cans would be cool.

  28. I think the medium sets the tone. Plastic bags are often times forgotten about and that makes these people look forgotten about.

  29. this has honestly got to be my favorite out of all the art on this website. it is so interesting and its like its telling a story. i feel like they have a lot of emotion. i really like how the white one is carrying the black one i think that is the most emowering

  30. These plastic people are very cool in design. They look like they are melting, and struggling and fighting to stay alive. That is something we can all relate to. They created sad sculptures, even though they have no face or emotion. That is an impressive feat.

  31. Each one is very cool, i think they all look like they have a story behind them

  32. This is one of my favorites so far!! It has so much meaning to it, it just speaks to me in a way. haha I think this would be fun to do!

  33. These are extremely realistic and dramatic. I can't tell if I want to like these or think it is disturbing. Obviously, this artist is dedicated to his work.

  34. These are extremely realistic and dramatic. I can't tell if I want to like these or think it is disturbing. Obviously, this artist is dedicated to his work.

  35. if you think about it, it almost looks a little creepy, think of waking up with one of those right next your face, but it is a first time seeing that, so that is pretty neat and unique

  36. I think it's sort of sad, paper bags aren't good for the environment so I'm glad they're going to use. The art is pretty interesting all by itself.

  37. This is very cool. It is defiantly not he first thing that you think of when you hear art. It is different an that is why I like it. They are kind of creepy at the same time though.

  38. this is a very creative way to use something so simple and common. They took a common household item and created something mind blowing. The bags must have been very hard to work with though.

  39. SO simple, but so super cool. This is something I would never have thought of, but I don't usualy think of mediums, I just think of somehting to make.

  40. This is very crazy to see it is made out of plastic bags how on earth would you do that and some of them are creepy. He or she most be pretty messed up in the head.

  41. This is very neat. I wasn't sure what they were made out of until i read the description. its unbelievable that they're made out of plastic bags! i would never be able to do this.

  42. I would title this " Toilet Papers Revenge". To be serious these are all unique in their own ways. They are kind of creepy though.

  43. I really like this artwork it looks creative and cool, i like how they were creative with the paper bags.
