Monday, March 2, 2015

Missing sculptures

The French Sculpture artist Bruno Catalano is creating beautiful works of art that center around average working people, with one exception, they have huge holes cut into them.

So I am really curious what your thoughts are on this type of street art.  Would they make you stop and look if you saw them on the corner?  What feelings or thoughts come to you when you see them?  Does it change your reaction when you know that they are made from a heavy material like bronze?


  1. I really like this peice alot. i like how its so unique. how did they do it cause i have no idea. i think that people really enjoy these peices of art

  2. Wow this really confused me on how these pieces of art work because it creates the illusion as though they are are floating. I really like these masterpieces and if I saw these from the corner of the street i would defiantly feel the desire to go over and touch them. I would really like to see them do some animals as well.

  3. To be honest like one of the most coolest sculptures I've seen. It gets people attention and it's really amusing. I guess the hole in working men is his symbol. I think he's saying that they work too much they need to think about there poor families.

  4. I think that they are really cool, and that they would make me stop in the street. I think they resemble what really happens to veterans. Most war statues show valliant people returning home to open arms, these show people who return with damage, and cannot return to normal lives. It can also be interpreted as mental scarring effects, how its the inside that is changed as well.

  5. I think this work of art is really cool and interesting. I would definitely stop and look at them. It really tells a real story when you look at them, they really make you think when you look

  6. I really like these. My dad looked at them and thought that they were magic. I really thought they were magic also. They are the coolest thing that I have ever saw. It seems like it would be really unstable and fall down because of how heavy the top looks.

  7. I like these a whole lot because they show how the artist makes the background look the same. it makes the picture look even better from the right angle

  8. I think these would be so cool to be able to see in person. I have no idea how difficult it must have been to get it to be able to stand on its own. I feel like there might be a meaning as to why it's all business people that have holes in them. As if he trying to say working all the time makes you miss out on things in life. Or I don't know, I just feel like he has a meaning to these.

  9. These sculptures are crazy. I love that they are beautifully imperfect.The meaning behind those world are very impact full. I think it would be amazing to see these in person. For sure they would make me stop and think.

  10. This pretty cool! I like how you can tell where every part is at and it just flows. I also like that they are kinda staying there and there is one leg just in the air. I wouldnt want to even attempt this.

  11. I think its cool how these statues look like they are floating. Its also cool how every single one of them is able to just stand there on their own with minimal support

  12. this is crazy my mind is blown. it is really cool how they connect is cool. i like how it is barley connected.

  13. That is really cool.

  14. That looks pretty cool. I like how they are standing there by their self. it is very confusing, i would defiantly stop and look at it .

  15. That is very cool. The top almost looks like they are floating. It is a very creative way to use less objects to make a better sculpture.

  16. I would definitely be like woah what is that if i saw it and i would stop and look at it for sure just to see if it was a mirror or what that was making it see through it looks very convincing but it is just blank.

  17. That is very cool. I would love to see this. It is very confusing to look at, it flows very well.

  18. this is a cool project it looks weird and hard to do becasue its like sculptures and stuff but this is a cool project

  19. I think this kind of art is really cool. I would definitely stop if I saw one. I'm not sure I think the hole makes is look nice but I think it adds character to the art. It makes sense that they are made from bronze.

  20. these sculptures are quite beautiful. I would stop on the street to admire them, and to admire the creative artist. He takes everyday business people and he makes a hole in them. I think the hole represents the dreams that haven't been fulfilled.

  21. I really like these sculptures. What amazes me is the parts that a gap in them don't fall down. I really like how realistic and quite detailed they are.

  22. This is so cool, this guy is a genius. This one of the coolest pieces of art I've seen in awhile. I like how it is so creative and unique.

  23. These are beautiful. I think the gaps in them make these sculptures really interesting. They look like they are floating except for the brief cases they are holding.

  24. they are stupid to me. what is the point of the them

  25. I like them. I think they are made out of old tractors. I would like to see them.

  26. It would be neat to put these in a war torn country. That way it symbolizes what has happened there, and people can see it daily. I think it would be really interesting to make a giant one like the statue of liberty, although the metal connected to the suitcase would have to be really really light

  27. I think it looks awesome! Because, it has basically a hole in it to make it look unique and ordinary. It's cool!

  28. i like optical illusions and this is even better because it wont really deteriorate like chalk on a sidewalk. its really fascinating how artists come up with their ideas... how do they do it?

  29. that's really cool and i love sculptures in bronze so this would be really cool.

  30. this one is really cool love how he put the holes inside

  31. Well I noticed that each one is holding a case. I feel like this was really hard to make them stay up right. I like this its really cool. I kind of wan't to try it just because im curious.

  32. They are all connected by a bag or case in someway. I think its cool how bronze would be able to hold with just that small connection.

  33. I think this is really cool, but it would be hard to make because you would have to made the two sides fit together

  34. omg I feel so dumb right now. I spend like five minutes on the first picture trying to figure out how the made this, because I thought they painted it in the middle, but when I scroll down, I realize that there is nothing there.... ugh my head hurts now

  35. I thought at first that they had done some serious work on painting it to blend in, but seeing the old man just blew my mind, and reading that it was all made out of bronze, and with bronze being heavy, that just made it look even more like a challenge, thats what i like, artists who put a lot of time into their work

  36. This is cool and if i saw it in person I would definitely stop and look at it. I would probably think how someone can do this and that it is cool. No, it doesn't change what i think of it

  37. I like this one a lot! This one is probably my favorite one. It looks like some one just erased the middle of the bodies with there hand. I like this one a lot.

  38. I like this one a lot! This one is probably my favorite one. It looks like some one just erased the middle of the bodies with there hand. I like this one a lot.

  39. This is truly amazing. This is really a thinker, it makes you wonder just how it was made. I find it actually really fascinating and I would love to have sculptures like this in our area.

  40. This is very intriguing. These sculptures are nothing like those ones we have here. if we had sculptures like this in our are i would definitely go pay a visit to them!

  41. This is not interesting because it just looks boring to look at , The missing parts need to be but together .

  42. This is cool, and I think the street is a cool place to put these because it catches people passing by off guard for a moment. Though I wish they would do more than just a guy holding a bag to connect the two parts.

  43. I really like these sculptures, they look cool, i like how the sculptures are see through/cut open in half.
