Monday, March 2, 2015

Art or Need more to do?

So what would you think if you came out and saw that someone had turned your dirty windshield into a piece of art?  I couldn't find a lot of info about this guy, but I am slightly amazed by what he could create with just a dusty, dirty windshield.

What do you think of this type of art?  Would you love it or hate it on your car?  What image would you like to see on your vehicle?  Is there something that would best describe you?  Would you want to wash your car then, or would you try to get it dirty?


  1. will someone please do this to my car? i like this alot. it a really cool way to decorate your car but watch for rain!!

  2. I kinda get a laugh out of art like this. I mean ya they create some great drawings but its all pointless. If it rains all your work will go to waste or even if someone or something rubs up on your car its ruined. Don't get me wrong it looks cool but is it really worth the day it might last.

  3. This art is really good and interesting! But if it rains its going to wipe all the nice drawings away. Im not sure I would want it on my car.

  4. It shows that you can put art on almost anything. You can put them on the front of cars and make it look like the person is in the front. This is aweosme.

  5. I think this is neat!!!!! Its awesome to see what he can do with simple things like a dirty windshield. I wonder if this guy has a mixtape because i bet its fire!! Just like his art

  6. I think this is sweet!! Its so cool to see someone take a dirty window nd make art out of it. This is truly amazing.

  7. This looks awesome. It's so cool to see what people can do with art.

  8. this is awesome because its a painting on a car this is a really cool idea

  9. someone needs to get a life. that is bad for cars paint and windows.

  10. I really like this, but it is somewhat a waste of time, because its eventually just going to be washed off. Personally if this was on my car i wouldn't want to wash my car ever, but I would if I couldn't see out my windows.

  11. This is quite interesting. Although the art looks very nice, I don't think its a good idea to do that to a car that still works. It would kinda be a waste of a good car if you used it just to decorate dirty windshields and there is the possibility of rain ruining the art.

  12. This is amazing but pointless. There is no way i would do this because with my luck i would finish and it would rain 30 minutes later.

  13. This is really interesting. Its a new take on something typical. If it rained everything you make would be gone, so its not very practical. However it is amazing.

  14. it is a waste of time. Who would do that to their car windows. it is bad for the windows.

  15. That is kind of cool. I like the last one. I would like him to do that to my car.

  16. i think this is really creative. i could do this with my truck because its so dirty. it wouldnt last thats the only bad thing .

  17. this is really coool would love to do this

  18. I think this is awesome! You can create alot of cool things! But once it rains, it will be all gone. Not sure if i wouldnt want that on my car or not.

  19. That's really cool and amazing. I would have never though of this. It makes me want to draw on my parents car. I wonder of he ever gets caught messing with other peoples car drawing on it i would so do that, but i'm guessing he doesn't.

  20. This is so cool!! I want to try this really bad!

  21. I wouldn't want to do this if I was this talented because wouldn't just end up washing away from like the wind or rain? I find it crazy how life-like he can make his drawings. or would you call it paintings since he uses a paint brush?

  22. I would kind of hate to see this on my car because it would seem like the artist is mocking me. Other than that, it looks pretty cool. I think if he did images like small landscapes inside the car that would be cool though.

  23. You would have to be pretty brave to do this to a random person's car.

  24. This art is so good. I wonder how dirty it has to be for this guy to do it. He is so talented; I can't believe how much detail he can do. I think it would be hard to not mess up. I would think it was awesome if i had it done to my car, but I'm not sure what I would put on it.

  25. I think these are cool but i hate when my car is dirty so i could never let this happen.

  26. This is really cool. I wish this could happen to my car. It seems like t takes along time and a lot of focus.

  27. I Really like the family one because it actually looks like there sitting in the car

  28. I would TOTALLY do this to my car (if i had one), but then i would just buy a large tent and leave it under their so i know not to drive it, or wash it, it looked like dust though on the one with the dog, i Love it

  29. This is very cool and funny to imagine somebody driving down 41st street with some art in front of you during a red light. I think this would be very cool to do but also just a bit dangerous.

  30. This is honestly so interesting. I would love to be driving down the street as turn to see something like this on somebody s window. and i myself would definitely let somebody do this to my car! Definitely not me though it looks too time consuming..

  31. How do you do that with dirt? getting so much detail into these paintings must be really hard to do, like how many tools do you have to have to do all of these drawings? If I saw someone driving down the road I'd be really amazed and would probably get really distracted.

  32. These are super cool. However they would be very distracting and dangerous. But the art itself is super details and would need a steady hand.

  33. I really like this it looks cool, looks like it took quite a while to create, i wouldn't really like to do this ark work, because when u drive the car/van the dirt can wash off or it can just fall off easily.
