Friday, February 6, 2015

Park your bike where?

So I am sure you have all thought that bike racks are kind of boring.  What that thought has never crossed your mind?  You seriously have never thought that a bike rack should be an interesting piece of functional art??

Don't worry, I never really had thought of that either, but I am glad that someone or several someones have.  Here are some examples of really cool bike racks that are in some major US cities.

Which one is your favorite?  Which one would you love to see in front of the school?  If it was in front of the school would you ride your bike all the way here just to park it at that bike rack?

Can you think of a fun bike rack that someone should make?  What shape would you like to see?


  1. That looks really awesome. Most of them look like that thing you find on the play ground to climb thing in elementary school. Except that comb wouldn't be safe on a playground. I wish i was that creative.

  2. I really like all the racks but I feel like the apple and the comb are the most functional. I think the apple would be cool to have in front of our school. It would really be cool if it was a basketball. I would not ride my bike to school because I live a long ways away.

  3. I like these a lot, there so cool! I wish we could get some of those around Sioux Falls.

  4. These are very cool. Especially the comb and the farris wheel. we shoudl get a wheel liek that at

  5. These are very cool. Especially the comb and the farris wheel. we shoudl get a wheel liek that at

  6. These are really cool! I like the ferris wheel one that one is really cool! I want to see these around Sioux Falls. I would like to make one of these. It would be a real challenge.

  7. I think they are all really cool looking. My Favorite one would have to be the paper clip one. The apple would be a cool one to see in front of the school.

  8. Nope, not on my mind for one in front of our school, it should be some thing totally different. Honestly it would have to be a pretty good looking one not common, but some thing really creative.

  9. These are so cool. The apple is my favorite one. A strawberry would be cool to see. It would be neat to see one of these around town or at Tri-Valley.

  10. I think that this is really cool because they helped society. It makes it even better that they are everyday objects. People would never think about these objects and say lets make a sculpture out of this.

  11. These are so cool! I love when people make art for everyone to see and use. These are so cool and I honestly would have never thought of something like these! I would have to say that either the coffee mugs or the comb are my favorite though.

  12. I like the wheel bike rack the best, it just looks unique and like it would be a neat thing to have. Tri valley doesnt really have a bike rack because it doesnt really need one, but if it did i think the apple would be the best. It and the spinning one look like the best design.

  13. This looks cool because it is little objects as huge obects

  14. I really like these. If i had to choose i would pick the faris wheel one. I would definaly put my bike there

  15. This is pretty cool, I think its cool that they are able to shape them into that years after they have been made. I also admire that someone could make something so plain into art

  16. this is cool and very creative. i think some people would get confused at first. But, i like the idea it gives the streets interesting.

  17. I would be so confused if I rode a bike in these towns.

  18. This looks pretty cool. Riding a bike here would be hard. All this stuff is super impressive.

  19. This is cool i wish we had these around sioux falls.

  20. I like the second one. I like the color. It looks like my tractor. No I would not ride my bike all the way to school.

  21. its reallt looks amezing and still wondering hoe he managested to bend the mantels

  22. I have never rode a bike, but wow is that cool. I would love to see the ferris wheel type one. I think that is really cool. Do you have to rotate the thing around to get to your bike? I'm sure it's much more secure than a standard bike rack, too.

  23. these are awesome. i like how they take little object for school and make them into large things for bikes. It shows true art and is very colorful

  24. This is really cool. I would have never thought that bike racks could be this cool. I wish we had these in Sioux falls

  25. It is astonishing that they made everything look like it is food that you eat or items you use everyday. I would like to know where this place is so I can see them for myself

  26. These bike racks are very neat and creative. I really enjoy seeing the Ferris wheel one. I think kids would really like to have that in front of there school.

  27. I really like the Ferris wheel one. I would really want to see that one out front. I would definitely ride my bike the whole 2 miles of road to get to school. If I was going to build a bike rack I would make it so that it would suck into a building and be a big place full of bikes.

  28. I like the ferris wheel one that one is really cool! I want to see these around Sioux Falls. I would like to make one of these.

  29. That is very interesting! I like the paper clip one! it is very creative.

  30. i like the Ferris wheel its pretty neat that would be cool to have at our school but sadly being in the middle of a cornfield not many people would ride their bikes here

  31. On second thought, i realized that it would be neat to have different racks for different places. For example, mocha vinos would have the coffee cups, a store would have the tomato, and an amusement park would have the ferris wheel. This would make everything flow into making it more of an art piece.

  32. this is a cool idea! like have the paper clip bike rack outside of an Office Depot. Or like an apple outside of a school.

  33. All of these are very cool. This would encourage me to ride my bike around town. Also, I would like to ride by them all and check them out so i would get quite a bit of exercise.

  34. This work of is really unique. It gives the area around it a fun trendy place. It also makes me want to ride a bike just so i could chain my bike u to one of these. I especially like the comb one.

  35. I like the fact that these everyday objects include some of my interests. The one that has a fishing hook appeals to me and the couple that includes the bikes also are very nice.

  36. i really like the paper clip one, its fascinating to me as are the rest but i have a paper clip thing haha. another good one is the one where it is elevating the bikes in a circle form... genius.

  37. i really like the paper clip one, its fascinating to me as are the rest but i have a paper clip thing haha. another good one is the one where it is elevating the bikes in a circle form... genius.

  38. i like the comb the best because its so unique and it really gives the buildings character

  39. I really like the apple one. These would be cool to have around here. They are very unique

  40. this is sweet i dont know how they did this but this is a cool idea

  41. it looks hard to tie your bike to

  42. I love the ferris wheel, and i would ride my bike 16 miles to school so I could use the bike rack. Riding bikes is fun, and the bike racks are a fun way to express ones self. It adds character, and pops out in an ordinary everyday scene.

  43. I really liked the carrot one. I doubt I would ride my bike just to park it in one of these because the school is quite far away from my house. I like the creativity of it though.

  44. The school should have an annual bike race for a chance to win one of these.

  45. These are pretty cool. These are really original. I think that these should be used throughout cities in America.

  46. this one is okay anybody can do that i mean if u really good at art

  47. I like the Ferris Wheel one! Like how cool would that be to put your bike on that. I mean then people wouldn't steal it because its in the air. But seriously these are so cute!!

  48. The Ferris Wheel one is so awesome I would definitely ride my bike to school just to get a picture of it way at the top at least once.

  49. My favorite bike rail are the paper clips. I really like the bright colors

  50. These are so cool! i would love having bike rails like this around sioux falls! would definitely consider riding my bike more often with bike rails like this!

  51. These bike racks are really cool and unique, it make going out on your bike more fun and it makes for some awesome sidewalk art in parts of communities. You could make a whole bunch of different unique shapes, like ice cream cones or different animals or you could make them into shapes of people to hold bikes.

  52. I honestly think this is pretty strange and weird. I feel like this is something that an Italian city would have. However, I think that it would be cool to have the paperclip one downtown.

  53. I honestly think this is pretty strange and weird. I feel like this is something that an Italian city would have. However, I think that it would be cool to have the paperclip one downtown.

  54. These are cool and unique. Whoever thought of these is very creative. They're way better than a boring regular bike rack.

  55. like these a lot, there so cool.

  56. i think that the comb bike holder looks very cool. i like how they used a jumbo comb. i like this art work.
