Monday, January 19, 2015

How'd they do that?

So I am usually trying to help you push the envelope on what is art.  So I am wondering what you think of the images below.  This was an art installation piece by Leandro Erlich called "Swimming Pool."

So my first question is, "How'd they do that?"  And then what do you think of it?  Is it art or is it playing?  If it's art, what makes it art to you?


  1. I think they did that by placing rippled glass on top, leaving a hollow space lined with blue paint on the bottom. I think it is art because the artist could have put alot of time and effort into making the glass. I also think it is art because the pictures that can only be taken with this pool can also be considered are, such as the last picture.

  2. I think that's good. I would love to know how to do that. Is that glass or some type of paper i still wonder. I would love to experience under there.

  3. i think that this isnt really art at all. it looks as though they put a big peice of glass over a pool and let people go down into it. people may disagree with me. i would go down into it but i would never call it art.

  4. I think this is a great piece of artwork that someone took alot of time on and tried figuring it out. Im guessing they used glass and paint to make it look like this

  5. Actually I don't really think this is art. I do though think it is very cool and people enjoy seeing what it does. I guess you could consider it art but I don't think enough artistic thought went into it.

  6. this isnt art its an illusion. there is a layer of glass and water on top of it. and then under the water there is a door that people go in.

  7. This looks really interesting I think it would be cool if it was like a painting and not an illusion. But it looks like people enjoy it and that they think it is really cool. Looks like glass is the main like here to make the illusion.

  8. It would be fairly easy to do if you have the rights tools and enough people.

  9. This is an illusion. its actually really cool and interesting. It doesn't seem to be to hard to make though.

  10. It is an illusion that i actually like. Most illusions usually tend to give me massive headches. But this one is actually really cool

  11. I think that they put water on top of glass. The way it kind of glows looks cool.

  12. I think that they are just playing. it still looks like it is a lot of fun. I wish that we had the kind of money to buy a pool like this

  13. I think these are photographs. There isnt any way I could see light reflecting off of water like it does in these pictures. But the people arent underwater, it is a layer of water sitting on top of a glass and people can walk around in a chamber underneath the water.

  14. i think that they did not paint them. i don't like them. but they look nice

  15. I think this is art, because I don't think they are really in water. They probable just painted the pool with light reflections to make it look like they were in water and the blurriness could be from glass or another substance. I think it is cool, but it't not my favorite piece of art.

  16. some kind of layer of water on the top of an empty pool, i think this is art. it's just a really unique way of expressing it

  17. its glass. hope nobody dives into it

  18. I think that it is very interesting how people do all of this stuff. It is also very amazing once people find out what they are actually doing for this.

  19. That it really creepy and cool how he made the underwater pretty and it creepy as well

  20. That is really cool. I saw a video on how they did it. I thought that it was done a different way. There is another one out there that is where the house goes up on the wall and it looks crazy.

  21. On second thought, this could be a form of play. As just about anyone can get a glass piece over a pool. I think this would be used for photo effects in videos for a pool scene.

  22. this looks very cool because they are under water and it looks awesome

  23. That is really cool looking. I don't not know how they did it. It does look like they put a glass sheet half way down and covered it with water so you can go under it and look like your in the pool. This is more of like a type of play item or tourist attraction rather than art.

  24. it's an awesome art style they used. i would guess it's a sheet of glass that they put over the top of the thingy and used white paint to make a shadowy reflection to make it look realistically..and other sophisticated such words :D

  25. This it is quite the illusion. I read some of the comments above and a majority of people think he used glass but i don't think he did.But if the artist actually did use glass then I don't think that that's art. In that case I could put a piece of glass over my pictures and become famous off it.

  26. I would like to say its an illusion and it is base on a background that can change. I would say its also an art because it take time to get it going. So i end up that it has problems with it, so i would say some one is trying to confuse me.

  27. It is very cool and interesting how they do this. I would say this is just messing around and not actually art. It honestly just looks like pictures.

  28. I think it is art. I think it is good. I like the person looking into the pool.

  29. i think he did it on the coputer cuz the people look real

  30. this is pretty intriguing. i have no idea how they do it but its pretty crazy. i think you could consider this art because it is creative. Art is all about being creative in ways you didnt think were possible.

  31. It looks really cool, but i dont think it is art. Looks like an illusion. Cool looking

  32. This is so cool. This is definitely a form of art. It is photography and photography is art. They way they made it look like they were in water without actually being in water is a very way of photography.

  33. This is really cool. its super crazy how they do it. It is also really creative!!

  34. This looks very cool and unique. I would love to see something like this. Its crazy how people can think of doing this.

  35. this is really cool but kind of freaky because if there were people from other countries visitng and they see that it would creep them out

  36. This is so cool! I love the illusion!

  37. I believe it is art because it gets people to talk about it and question it. I also believe they used a layer of glass with water on top to create this effect.

  38. What the heck is going on. I am so confused on how they did this. This is takes some real talent if you ask me.

  39. that is sweet how it looks so real and i think it would be funny to pretend to droned and watch some one dive in head first

  40. that is sweet how it looks so real and i think it would be funny to pretend to droned and watch some one dive in head first

  41. This is really neat to look at! if i were to walk by and see this i would be extremely confused. Would be a very fun things to see.

  42. This is really cool. As opposed to a lot of the other art displays I've seen, I would love to see this one in person. Interactive art is almost always really neat. This type of art is for fun.

  43. This is very creative but im just so confused on how he did this , but thats what makes the art to look good .

  44. That is really cool looking i don't know how they did it

  45. These look very nice. I wanna know how they did this. It's so confusing om how they managed to make it look like this.
