Monday, January 12, 2015


So the definition of irony is "the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect."  So it is taking something and changing it.  I found this image and I have no idea who the artist is or what the sculpture is made from, but the irony of it struck me as very funny.  Which is the second part of the irony definition.

Do you get the irony of this image?  What do you think of it?  Can you come up with another idea that would make a great ironic sculpture?


  1. I understand the need and importance for staying in the shade because you don't want some poor ice cream treat to have it's person melt.

  2. That is really funny. There was a story once that I read, it was like this. It had a wife and her husband. They were very happy but she suspected that he was cheating on her because he would leave in the morning and not come back until the next night. Turns out that she followed him and he was a man. So she had all of her sisters and brothers chase him out of the woods and kill him hoping that he would turn back into his normal self. The wife is a wolf...

  3. this is weird but pretty cool

  4. this is cool how they mad it seem real like a 3-D figure its cool i like it

  5. I think thats pretty neat. Its ironic how in the sun the ice cream bar continues to keep its form, yet the arm begins to melt when normally its the other way around. Another ironic thing i could thing of is drawing a picture of a wedding with rain.

  6. Its pretty funny, but not quite ironic. True irony would be like getting stuck in traffic on your way to celebrate your plan for decreasing the amount of traffic jams in the city. To make it better, i would make it so that the icecream would be dissapointed at its melting human.

  7. This looks really weird and really gross. It is creative to have the person melting with the ice cream. It looks kinda like maybe wax. It must have been a really hot day? Another ironic thing to draw would be maybe like a truck or car with flames actually on fire.

  8. i love creative irony in this. i like how the artist had the arm melting into the drain. im not too good at this but maybe making coffee and pouring coffee into the coffee pot instead of water and have water come out as the coffee would?

  9. I really like how the ice cream is perfectly fine, while the person is melting.

  10. Its pretty cool and its a really good sculpture

  11. This picture is pretty funny and is very good in the way that it makes it look like the ice cream doesn't melt and the person does. I like it a lot.

  12. this is awesome! i honestly love how they put the ice cream into it! to make it even more realistic.

  13. nice, it looks like that it took long time

  14. I like that. I like the ice cream. I am a fan of ice cream.

  15. The person is melting instead of the ice cream on the sidewalk. I think is actually pretty funny. You could do something else like a money tree since money doesn't actually grow on trees.

  16. The person melted instead of the ice cream. This pretty cool how did this and thought of the scheme. You could do a car that can drive on water.

  17. Well, I am not very good with coming up with Irony. I would say i understand why it is because the heat of sun and all of that. It does make you think a little about what it is. The hand thing does catch you attention, and then it grabs you with the melting part of it.

  18. I think this is very funny. The hand is the thing melting instead of the ice cream; it is very clever. It looks like it is made out of ice cream. Maybe of a fish being caught on a line with a sour gummy worm as bait... I think that would be very ironic.

  19. i really like this peice cause ive never seen something like this. i like how its the hand melting instead of the ice cream. i would definatly like to go see this. i think its really awesom and cool.

  20. I love the irony of this, and find it quite hilarious. When I imagine an ironic sculpture, for some reason, a cake killing a person with a knife comes to mind. I think it would be a funny sculpture to make, and hopefully I can do it in class.

  21. this is cool because normally the icecream would be melting and not the hand this is so cool.

  22. thats just great. how they did it is genius. this really took me by surprise. props to that guy for being so creative.

  23. That's really cool. I though it was. Looks like this person had karma it's like a opposite and switched around around. Wish that can in life, but's funny!

  24. It looks really cool and such a good creative idea. Its actually kind of funny

  25. the person melted but at least their ice-cream is still ok

  26. that looks creepy and nasty becouse the person melted insede of the ice cream so he did an amezing job on it

  27. This is very cool. But it also looks kinda gross. But it is pretty cool.

  28. First off this must of taken a long time to make this. I think it has good meaning behind it. I think it shows a second chance being given to someone or something . But at the same time if you were to take this of the street the piece of art wouldn't really make since which is why i don't really like it .

  29. This does not look appetizing at all

  30. Another ironic thing would be if you replaced the cone with a glass of water, so that then water would be flowing on the ground instead of ice cream. Because you wouldnt expect the hand to be melting

  31. Its pretty cool and its a really good sculpture

  32. This is a little weird. Very unique, it looks like it would take a very long time to do something like this.

  33. this is really weird because it looks like someone is melting and i think it is gum.

  34. This is one sculpture i like. i do think it is irony. But i really like it!

  35. This almost looks like it is made out of wax and that is the irony of it. It looks as if it is melting on a sidewalk.

  36. This is very ironic how the arm is the object melting and not the ice cream. This looks very interesting and looks as if its made out of candle wax.

  37. This is really ironic, you wouldn't expect your arm to melt instead of the ice cream

  38. This looks really weird. It looks good though. I kinda like the way it looks.

  39. this looks very interesting and weird. i like how the hand is melting.i like how the arm looks in this picture
