Monday, January 12, 2015

Guess the medium

I always love when art is made from the simplest of mediums.  It just proves that you don't have to spend a fortune to make great art.

I couldn't find the artist that created these, but can you guess what they are made from?

Sorry if they can't go bigger. I was having a hard time moving the pictures into this post.  That being said, can you guess the medium?


  1. These sculptures almost look as if they were alive. the things like the dinosaur would be very hard to replicate and find the right color for it. it looks like someone visited the museum and took a picture of one.

  2. They are made of cardboard, it say that on the top picture. I think it would be hard to bend cardboard to get it that shape.

  3. They are made of cardboard, and i like how it made but most be really hard to make

  4. LOL IT SAYS ON THE TOP PICTURE THEY ARE MADE OF CARDBOARD WHAT IS THERE EVEN TO GUESS but Im still very impressed as I am with all of these because I only like drawing

  5. They are made of cardboard but this would be a unique project to try, looks frustrating but cool

  6. These sculptures look so real! To make these out of cardboard would be hard to do. It looks really hard to bend the cardboard and get it in that shape and to connect the piece together would also be a challenge.

  7. if i were to try and make one of these i would fail. i like how realistic these sculptures are. whoever but in the time... time well spent!

  8. I think they got the cardboard all wet and malleable and they put these together using molds or layering.

  9. It says up on the top of the pictures that it is made of card board. I really like the cardboard iron man. I wonder if they can try it on. I would like to try this. I would make a Iron Man if I was going to do this.

  10. this is a cool thing it would be hard to make this out of cardboard

  11. They are made out of cardboard. It looks very detailed and it would take a long time to do. Would also take alot of patience.

  12. i think it cardboard. it starts off as bone and then changes to cardboard. it is cool how they can make it look so real.

  13. This looks very unique. I love how its made out of cardboard. I wish i could do something like this.

  14. It looks kind like cardboard or like a ply wood. I can't really tell but the sculptures look really cool and realistic. My favorite is the Iron man one.

  15. Its kind of hard to see but i think it is made out of cardboard. This is a really great way to recycle. Its very unique. My favorite one is the lion.

  16. Well according to the message on the very top, these are made out of cardboard. I dont know how they did this? Like i could never even cut a door out of my cardboard forts when i was little. It must require steady hands and alot of time. My favorite is the lion because it has alot of detail.

  17. It looks like it is made out of cardboard. Its such a neat way to make something like this out of cardboard. It looks so real, I don't know how they did this.

  18. its so amazing how detailed this art is from just cardboard. it really impresses me with the major details someone can put into something that is yet so simple

  19. i thought the lizard was real

  20. It looks like a cardboard or some sort of wood! but overall it looks like alot of work?
    Its really cool!

  21. It looks like wood, it would take awhile to carve wood, so you don't go through it!

  22. cool,it looks nice and that it looks hard to do

  23. It looks like cardboard. It looks really cool though. it looks like it would take a long time.

  24. I like the dinosaur. It is made from bones. I like the horse. It is made out of wood.

  25. i realy like all of these peices because they look really different. im not sure what they made it out of but it look like carboard. either way i really like this and would want to ggo see this.

  26. i think its very creative to do this, especially the sculptures and the size of them and most definitely the sculpture themselves are in great detail.

  27. I honestly thought the lizard was real when I first looked at it. I think they're all made out of cardboard from the color of it and the way it is used. I can't imagine how hard it was to get the cardboard shaped that way.

  28. it could be made of cardboard or wood

  29. Just shows cardboard is awesome.

  30. its really cool it looks so real and i think i coul do that too :)

  31. This is made out of cardboard. It would seem to be hard to get the cardboard to bend. The lion head is my favorite piece.

  32. The top picture says that it's made out of cardboard. Sorry to spoil it. I still think they are awesome pictures, though. I feel like they must be made out of small bits of cardboard, just glued together or something. They are totally detailed, and cool.

  33. Ooh that is really awesome i bet i can do that to, jk. It would take me hours doing that with boxes. Who ever created them is a artist and most definatley had some time in his hands.

  34. I would have never guessed the medium was cardboard until I saw the robot. These are so good its unbelievable! I'm surprised how detail the artists sculptures are.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. WE SHOULD TRY THESE. THEY ARE CARDBOARD. these would be hard but i'm willing to try!

  37. I am surprised that cardboard can be formed into these shapes. It makes it even more unbelievable with how small some of these figures are. I really like this art.

  38. It looks like it is cardboard. It looks like it would be fun to try sometime, but i think cardboard would be hard to work with. It looks like it would take lots of time to do and it would be fun to try.

  39. These are made of cardboard, or the fancy paper stuff. Iron Man is my favorite movie, and I am very appreciative that someone took time out of their day to make my favorite super hero into a big statue.

  40. That looks a little like cardboard. They make it look so close to a sculpture it is cool. I dont think i could ever do that. That seems like it would take patience.

  41. It is very interesting on they look with a brown and all that. Some of it does look like cardboard and how it is made.

  42. this looks really cool because it is made of wood and the person is huge.

  43. i think it's cardboard. it is cool how they can make it look so real.

  44. This is very interesting, it looks like its made out of cardboard. i wish i could do something like this, it looks like it took a long time

  45. this just looks like a regular sculpture nothing really that cool but is cool kinda

  46. These sculptures look very realistic! it looks as if one is actually right there! looks very hard to construct and i don't think i could ever do something this great!

  47. This person must use a lot of cardboard to get it to look this good

  48. i realy like all of these peices because they look really real

  49. these look really cool. I really like the dinosaur one. It would be fun to try.
