Friday, January 9, 2015

Impress me Mr. Monet

My hope with these blog posts and this class is that you will find a love for not only art but for an artist.  Today I am going to introduce you to my favorite artist of all time, Claude Monet.

He was born in Paris, but did most of his work from the small acerage he bought and lived on near Giverny France.  He was the first to create a style called Impressionism.  Impressionism was basically the study of light and color mixing.  The artists at this time didn't really focus on details, they just focused on the color and let that create the needed details to form a cohesive painting.

I am a huge fan of Monet's colors and styles.  He created such complex looking works of art with such a simple looking style.

San Giorgio Maggior at dusk

Haystacks at sunset

What do you think of his paintings?  Do they inspire you in some way?  Is this something that you would be willing to try to do, or does it not appeal to you?


  1. I think the artwork looks gorgeous! I especially love the last one. I would love to see more of his work.

  2. I absolutely love Monet't work. I wonder how much time it took him to complete this art. I would love to create pictures like this however, I don't think I have the talent or time to create pictures like his. I love love love the water reflections!

  3. These paintings are beautiful, and the I love the blending techniques. The paintings do give me some inspiration for our colored pencils unit, seeing as his paintings almost look like colored pencils, as they have that grainy look. I hope I can make something beautiful like this.

  4. Well the paintings are amazing, and the paint looks like every stoke was made so it flows nicely. It can really inspire some people, but it lost some of its amazement after the first look.

  5. I love this! I think these pieces are completely gorgeous. The colors are very well put together and even with all of the many different ones, the artist is still able to add shading. Its incredible. And obviously it took a lot of time as well.

  6. I like these pieces of art. I really like the waterlilies that one looks really cool. I would definitely would like to try it but I don't know how I would do.

  7. This is one of my favorites. It looks like it took a lot of time! I love all the different colors. I would love to see more pictures.

  8. I think these paintings inspire me to want to make something similar to the top painting but instead of water I would use lava and a volcano like in hawaii

  9. They are very cool looking.But it looks like it would take a long time to do though. It would be fun to try sometime.

  10. His paintings are really cool and looks like they would take some time to do. It almost looks like they were colored with colored pencils. This would be a fun project to do.

  11. this is a cool painting and it would be cool to see more like this

  12. I like how he used all those colors to add shadows and highlights. He did very good blending the colors. I would like to see more of his work.

  13. they are really nice. i too enjoy his work on how he mixes all these colors to make something look so beautiful. His work really pops out

  14. I love the bright colors, i really like the first painting.

  15. love it! it's amazing, i wish i could do those! it would take awhile.

  16. the colors are amezing altho the details are boring

  17. cool and it looks kind of easy to do

  18. I think they are all right. I like the rainbows. The first one is my favorite.

  19. It looks like it would be really fun to do. It definitely looks really easy to do, so this is something i wouldn't mind trying.

  20. It looks good, but i think it would be hard to really catch the shadows and the reflection in the water, but it looks cool

  21. I love this style. The way he paints is very impressive. My favorite painting of these is San Giorgio Magior at dusk. The way the colors flow together is gorgeous.

  22. i really like this picture because it looks like alot of time was put into this and was really hard to make. i think this piece is really good and nicly put together. i would definatly like to go see this.

  23. these are really cool they are so colorful. they used alot of colors and it looks really hard

  24. This is some really cool art and looks like it would take lots of time and effort to make. It must have taken someone very talented to do this but it is difficult to tell what it is. But i don't think it would be something i would like to try

  25. I think his work looks really cool. I like the way he uses all of the colors, but i think it looks to had to try so i wouldn't ever do it.

  26. This is really cool. I like the usage of all the colors. it seems like it would take a long time to do because of the blending of colors.

  27. He is pretty cool.

  28. this looks cool because it uses a lot of color and it is cool

  29. this is very cool looking. it is more focused on color more then clarity. they are very bright colors.

  30. this certainly does appeal to me. i love how vibrant the colors are. it also looks like he used oil so props for that. bravo

  31. This art piece is so beautiful. Makes me want to be outside and do cartwheels. The sunset is so romantic reminds me of a romance movie and a princess movie. I wish i can paint like. I'm so jealous i want to paint like that.

  32. I think all the colors he used were really amazing. It really makes it look like a sunset. Our project that we're doing now with the chalk and the paint kind of looks like that. Well it's supposed to, mine doesn't really.

  33. this looks like they used chalk and it is like our last project that we did and their is a lot of detail.

  34. I like monet's paintings a lot because they make me feel like the only girl in the world

  35. i can appreciate monet's paintings, they have a certain taste i like. his style is just different in a way i cant really put my finger on but, its definitely good.

  36. i can appreciate monet's paintings, they have a certain taste i like. his style is just different in a way i cant really put my finger on but, its definitely good.

  37. this is a very cool painting i wish i could paint like this

  38. these look cool. But also very time consuming

  39. I love the use of color, it must've taken quite a bit of time and patience. Painting is a true skill in my opinion.

  40. I love the use of color, it must've taken quite a bit of time and patience. Painting is a true skill in my opinion.

  41. I really like the rough blending and the colors in these paintings.

  42. these paintings are absolutely amazing! the colors are so pretty and they put them together very good. I wish i could do something like this!

  43. I really enjoy this style of painting. Monet focuses on the colors and yet is able to create a beautiful painting. I would like attempt this style and hopefully have a great outcome.

  44. i just love the choices of the colors that he chose. they are just so bright. i expetely like the waterlilies one. that one is just so lovely.

  45. I really like this kind of painting. i like how the colors comes together. i really like the first painting a lot.
