Thursday, December 4, 2014

Paper art

Have you ever looked at a stack of construction paper and wondered what you could do with it?  Well artist Jen Stark sure did.  She is using ordinary colored paper, like construction paper to make beautiful sculptures.

What do you think of her paper sculptures?  Is this a project that you would like to try or what would be the thing that would stop you from attempting a project like this?  Please think deeper than it would just be too hard.


  1. I think the colorful layers would be hardest to make.

  2. I think the paper sculptures look really cool. It would be fun to try, but it would take lots of time to do. It would be hard to bend all of the paper and make it stay there and look good. I think it would be fun to try.

  3. that looks almost not real... wow it looks really cool....

  4. I think this would be a fun project to try but would be very hard to do. Its amazing how talented some people are

  5. It looks like it would take a lot of time to do. its crazy how this is made out of paper. When i first looked at it i would have never guess it was made out of paper.

  6. At first i thought it was a normal object. Then i noticed i was an illusion, after a second i kinda of thought it was clever.

  7. Im being honest when I look at some of these I dont know how they are done. I mean like I can draw a cartoon, but anyone who can just take many pieces of paper and make them into a 3-dimensional piece is someone who has my respect. 10/10 keep it 3hunna GG

  8. I think that these are pretty cool and i especially like how they work the perspective. I dont think i could do it however, the perfect cut angles just seem out of my league. Im also sure that if i tried to recreate the perspective, it would just look weird.

  9. I can only imagine the effort she has put into those!! I honestly would never be able to do something like this, having to sit and make such a bright, colorful 3D object out of paper!!

  10. I think i kind of want to try this, but it looks hard but i like the way the final product looks so i would probably just have someone else do it for me.

  11. I would like to do this although it looks very time consuming. it is cool to me because its paper art that does not use paint or pencil

  12. This looks really cool because it is in 3D. and the first one looks like you can walk in it. It must have took a long time to make all three of these. they are very cool.

  13. its great how the material was shaped into this project on any of the pieces it looks cool. the detail is amazing. props for the effort on the first especially... just wow.

  14. it's pretty cool how she made alot of sculptures out of construction paper. it amazes me how people can do these type of things.

  15. Honestly i would never have guessed that it was paper that they used. I thought she'd painted it on. But it would be something i would do i guess. Depends how easy it is and how time consuming it can be...

  16. These picture are really fascinating. It looks like those pictures are popping out at me. They are interesting and look hypnotic. It got my attention.

  17. On second thought, these could be made in a really complex way. The first pic suggests that the artist carved into a roll of paper and colored the sheets as he went in. The amount of concentration that would take is unfathomable

  18. i dont even think it looks like paper but it is really cool, i like the colors of the paper. it looks like it took a long time to make

  19. It honesty doesn't even look like paper. It is very unique and must of been very time consuming. Since it i so time consuming i don't think i would do it because I am very impatient.

  20. its soo cool the colors she used and how she made it 3Dsh and how it kools like it coming at you <3

  21. I really like the talent this artist has, I mean it’s cool to me. I never saw this one coming.

  22. Its so cool that it looks to be in 3D. anyone who can make that feeling of its coming right at you is awesome.

  23. I cant say anything bad about this piece. its interesting how things were done on it.

  24. Very cool I wish I could see things like this more often. They must have had lots of patience.

  25. Looks time consuming, and I mean that in a good way, as in the time they took on this project went to their advantage and it worked out good.

  26. The artist seems to know what they are doing, and I hope they don’t stop. So cool to see the artwork.

  27. I like how good it is. I can see it now, what mine would look like if I did it, nowhere near as good!

  28. Anyone who can do something this great out of something I never thought could be so cool has won a good review from me.

  29. WOW, her art is really cool. I never would have thought to make sculptures out of paper, but they look fantastic. The top two I would definitely try, but the third one looks way too time consuming. I also would try to make it out of scraps so we aren't wasting that much paper.

  30. this is really cool. the detail it would take to do this is crazy. its amazing how it looks so 3D

  31. I think that is like impossible like how does someone do that it is just crazy. it definitely takes skill so i applaud her. its weird how people come up with things like this like what?

  32. I like the one that looks like a tunnel. It is very colorful and swirls around a point. I think that it would be very hard to make this image pop out of the paper.

  33. I like the cyinder that looks like it has a giant hole in it. How does she make it look like that? I dont think I could do that it looks way to hard.

  34. This is pretty cool not as cool as some of the other ones that I have seen. I wouldn't do this unless I had to. I would definitely be able to do it if I wanted to.

  35. This 3D effect is amazing. It would be a long time before i could manage to do something as good as this. This is a very good master piece. I like it.

  36. The shading on this is really good. I like how this has multiple colors that work well with the darkness of the shading. I wish i could shade this well.

  37. the one that gives you the tunnel vision is very good. it has multiple colors that make it very confusing to look at. I like this picture. It is very good for a picture

  38. The one that is on the canvas and is popping out is very good for the fact that it pops out. it would be very hard to make and would be a very hard project.

  39. The last one on the paper is very good. It looks like a straw going through the lid on a pop. It is a very hard thing to do. I do not want to do it.

  40. I think this looks really awesome to do and something I would be very proud of if I made one. It would be a fun, but very time-consuming project if we ever did one. I think it would be fun if we did a simpler version of it maybe.

  41. It is amazing that these are all single sheets of paper. It would be a vary time consuming task.

  42. How long does this take cause they're using single sheets

  43. The top one is my favorite cause it shows all the inside layers

  44. Its really cool how its made out of paper. I would have never guessed it was. I probably wouldn't ever wanna even try to make something like that because it would take a lot of time.

  45. this is cool how it is made out of paper because it would be hard to make them out of paper

  46. This looks really cool because it is in 3D. and the first one looks like you can walk in it. It must have took a long time to make all three of these. they are very cool.

  47. I think its really cool because its 3D. It must take along time to do this. Its really cool

  48. i really like this a lot because its 3D. its really cool and must have taken a long time to make. i would really like to do this.

  49. i really loved how she made something so simple look very extravagant, it looks very beautiful.

  50. Hey I nominated you for a Liebster Award -

  51. I like that the paper looks like it's on the inside even though I think it's on the outside. I would definitely try this.

  52. This is such a simple idea but it looks so different from anything I have ever seen once its finished. Its a good use of a really simple material. It would be very cool to try something like this.

  53. It looks so cool! I love how it has such a variety of colors!

  54. It must take a long time to do that. I think it looks really cool! it would be very cool to try something like that.

  55. i think this would take a very long time to do. But it would be fun to do. This piece would defiantly be time well spent!

  56. I really like how this is in 3D. The art seems to jump of the page. I would definitely try to do this is I could. It would be interesting to see all the things that could be made with this style of drawing.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I really like how this is in 3D. The art seems to jump of the page. I would definitely try to do this is I could. It would be interesting to see all the things that could be made with this style of art.

  59. The are amazing way of using paper. This would definitely be one rewarding project once you are finished , but that is a lot of paper and protection you would need for each art piece if you made it an assigned project.

  60. I would love to do this! I like the fact that it shows the 3D affect with the multiple different colors!

  61. I would love to do this! I like the fact that it shows the 3D affect with the multiple different colors!

  62. This is really awesome. I could stare at this all day its amazing. It reminds me of the 60s because of the pattern and colors i really like them.

  63. This is super cool. I would love to try this, but I know that it would take me forever to do. I love that it has so many colors and it's an illusion

  64. This is super cool. I would love to try this, but I know that it would take me forever to do. I love that it has so many colors and it's an illusion

  65. This art is very cool. I would love to try this but it would take a lot of time. The colors that are used are pretty and its cool how it looks like an optical illusion

  66. I think that this is very cool. I like how it pops out at you and looks very cool. I would try this if i could but it looks very hard to do.

  67. Straight up.. i just love paper. THere's so much you can do with it. Wet, dry, colors, textures, stiffness. Its so versatile and it can make such beauty.

  68. This is a very simple idea. But it looks challenging. Also it is one of the most unique pieces I've seen.

  69. This is super cool. I would love to try this but maybe something easier. It looks challenging but really repetitive.

  70. This is super cool. I would love to try this but maybe something easier. It looks challenging but really repetitive.

  71. I really like these sculptures and designs. I enjoy looking at the colors and the optical illusions. I really do envy the people who are capable of creating this art. It brings a smile to my face.

  72. My biggest problem with making this would be that the paper cuts would be in the thousands. The colors on this in contrast to the white on top - I love how that looks. I think this would be a cool design to hang on a wall as like an abstract.

  73. This is a very cool and its worth putting a lot of time in it. I would like to try it cause it looks dope.

  74. Tis is very prity. I like how you did it is so cool.

  75. This is a very pretty piece of art and I think it would really cool inside of house or a room.

  76. Its really cool how this person could make this look 3D and to be able to do that with a bunch of different colors takes true talent.

  77. This is really cool. This looks like a challenging piece of art. I wonder how long it takes to do this cool art work. I would like to try this art work but it would have to b a long time.

  78. its cool how they can make it look like it is 3d. it is cool how the can make things pop out just doing with paper

  79. I like this one and would like to do it. I wonder how they make it look three dimensional. It is also really colorful, which I like.

  80. These are awesome! Whoever the artists is, is truly talented. I would like to try one of these, but more than likely it would look nothing like these.

  81. I love this i think optical illusions are really cool

  82. Very good and the picture gets you good. I like how it doing and whats on it. I think its good and fantastic.

  83. These must have taken so long to complete. doing page my page and getting them to really appeal to the eyes. They are so fun to look at and grasp how awesome they are.

  84. This is very beautiful paper art. all the time it must take to cut all the paper into the shape you want and all the colors of paper you would have to put together.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. This is an amazing piece of art. I would love to try it, but I would have to do something way simpler. The biggest problem is that if you mess up, you could not just erase the mistake. You have to buy a whole new stack of construction paper, and the first stack would be useless.

  87. I really like these pieces of art. It looks like it is coming out of the paper. Not only does it look like it's coming out of the paper, it looks like it is falling off of the paper.

  88. The sculptures are amazing and eye catching. I would like to try it, since it looks challenging and fun. It would be very challenging to make especially the one where the looks as if it is falling out and has no visible support.

  89. This art work is so good I like how it looks. I don't think I will every be able to do art that good especially with paper like it is done with. This really shows you how much skill artist have and put into there work.

  90. I like how colorful it is. It's very cool how it's made out of paper. I'm very sure I could never do anything like this.

  91. This looks like it would take a lot of time and patience to do. I think it is crazy though how cool this looks. I would like to try this, but I feel like it wouldn't ever finish it.

  92. I think this is crazy how this was made out of paper. I wish i could do something like it. Its soo cool that the paper does this.

  93. very cool way that they do that. they take something and make it into something more.

  94. This looks really cool. It had to have taken a long time to do. This is something I never want to try

  95. this looks really cool I think that there is alot of time and effort even though they look kinda simple but they are really cool

  96. I think that the paper sculptures are very coll and i could buy one to put in my room

  97. I think it's really cool. I like how it looks like an illusion. I like all the colors in it.

  98. These are really amazing. It would take forever for me to learn how to do that.

  99. This is so amazing. All the paper you would have to cut to get the affect you want. It would take so long.

  100. These are really cool. It is cool have they pop off the paper. It looks really hard to make.

  101. I think that these are really cool. I think that attempting this project would be fun, but it would be hard to stick with due to the amount of time it would take. Although, it would feel very rewarding to finish.

  102. These are so cool i love this kin of art because its so intricut

  103. Thus is actually really nice. The colorful ones would be hard ones to make because it is just out of paper like I dont think I can do anything like this.

  104. I do want to explore the 3rd dimension by stacking 2d images over and over to express the artisticness of art and to do color and create true images of beauty. I will express the beauty of art and how it has affecting me and my career as a artist going to art college.


  105. I really like these pieces of art. It looks like it is coming out of the paper. Not only does it look like it's coming out of the paper, it looks like it is falling off of the paper.

  106. I think this looks cool. I like all the color. It looks very vibrant. It does look like it is coming out of paper. Artist did a great job.

  107. This is the most beautiful piece of Art I have seen ever.

  108. I like this one because of the colors. I really like the way that it really looks like that it is popping out of the page. The lines look sooo strait I would never be able to do that

  109. I like this because it's full of color. It looks like it's made of wood. I hope we could do something like this in class.

  110. I think it would be really cool if we did this in one of our art classes. It might take awhile.

  111. this would take a lot of time and patience to do this. I wish we could do this in class. I think this is pretty cool.

  112. i like the paper art this looks very nice. i like how the art comes together. i like the 3D aspect of this art.

  113. I really like this piece of art it looks cool, and i like the effect it makes that it makes it look like it is popping out.

  114. this art is very interesting. it looks like its popping out. this would be hard to do

  115. I like how the colorful paper is like popping out and 3D. I wonder if we could do this in art 1. But i feel like it would be easy but take a lot of time and effort

  116. I think this looks very cool. It also looks very time consuming. This artwork gives me a headache though.

  117. this piece makes you have to take a double look. the first loo it seems like just colors. the second look you see 3d art

  118. I think paper structures are very cool and interesting. I would like to try one sometime. It would have to be very exact to look accurate enough.

  119. I would like to try this type of thing. it is really appealing and makes you look twice. it would probably take a lot of patience and time, but it would be worth it.

  120. This is super cool. I would love to try this but I don't think I could do this. I love that it has so many colors and it's an illusion. I would like to try it.

  121. This art is really cool. It looks too difficult for me to do. It is very colorful and nice to look at.

  122. I think this looks very cool. It also looks very time consuming. This artwork is an illusion.

  123. This is super cool. I would love to try this, but I know that it would take me forever to do. I love that it has so many colors and it's an illusion

  124. This 3D effect is amazing. It would be a long time before i could manage to do something as good as this. This is a very good master piece.

  125. The 3D on the paper is just amazing, i wish i could do stuff like this because its really cool.

  126. Her sculptures are really neat and something that would be fun to try. It does seem challenging to get the the paper to go the way you want it to go. It is very colorful pieces of art.

  127. At first i thought it was a normal object. Then i noticed i was an illusion, after a second.At first i thought it was a normal object. Then i noticed i was an illusion, after a second

  128. I really like how it looks 3D, it looks cool, i like how the colorful parts pop out because of the white background, but i think the would be really hard to do(:

  129. These sculptures are really cool and colorful. I like the 3D and it would be a really cool project to try.

  130. This is a very creative way to make sculptures. It looks very colorful. It even looks simple enough to do in class.

  131. These are awesome and colorful. These are really creative. Also, they don't look too difficult, I would like to try this out.

  132. These look like they would be fun to try. It would be hard to position the paper and cut it properly. They are very colorful and cool.

  133. this looks cool. it doesnt look like paper though, the colors are pretty

  134. It looks really hard. I like the colors and the complexity of it.

  135. This is really cool. I like the second one. I would have never guessed that this is made out of paper.
