Friday, November 7, 2014

Poppies aplenty

This next week will mark the 100 year anniversary of the start of WWI. That was supposed to be the war to end all other wars, which unfortunately it wasn't.  To help honor this anniversary artist Paul Cummins created an installation art piece, sea of poppies around the Tower of London.

  Each poppy represents one British or Colonial soldier that died during the WWI battles.  This project was started in July and the last poppies will be placed on November 11.  When the last one is placed there will be 888,246 ceramic poppies surrounding the tower, creating a sea of red which is being described as a Sea of Blood.

Each poppy was handmade

The Queen walking through the poppies

This is a group starting the process.

They have been lighting it at night so that more people can see the display.

The Tower of London
Installation art is meant to be impactful, does this send a strong message to you?  How does it make you feel?  Are you moved to see it, or to buy one of the flowers?  As an artist could you take it all down once it is done?


  1. The flowers are very beautiful. The first time i saw these and they looked unrealistic. They almost looked plastic but they are very pretty.Looks like they only grow near castles.

  2. All of the hard and passionate work that is put into this is insane. This project also describes how many fighters had died for this country in WWI. If i personally was in participation with this project, I would never want to take it down once finished considering the amount of time and hard work put into it.

  3. I like how this project describes how many fighters there were for our countries and this is only the fighters who did not survive. This shows how many people are willing to take there lives for us. There is so much work done to this project and is set up really nice.

  4. This is a project that actually has a meaning. This would also require a lot of patience. dont think that i could do this even with other people helping.

  5. this is a very detailed project and it has to take alot of time

  6. I was surprised that the poppies were handmade, I thought they were real flowers. But because they are sculptures, they will last forever. It is a very moving piece of art, but I would never buy one of the flowers. It would ruin the piece.

  7. That is really cool.

  8. that is really cool. it looks like that it take long to do

  9. I really like the flowers. Something about them just amuses me. I believe that the poppy is the flower for veterans day but I'm not sure if it's right.

  10. i love how the flowers looks they so pretty n cool i bet it toke a long time to do

  11. Having the queen in this makes it more thoughtful, doing this in general is thoughtful. I really like this because the flowers were hand made. I like the far out picture of the London Tower.

  12. It is amazing how each one of these is handmade and crazy how big the project is. It is a beautiful way to show appreciation for those who are gone because of the war.

  13. I think it would take a lot of time to do this, and you would have to like working with flowers.

  14. Yes, this piece of is very moving. It really puts the number of deaths in perspective. I wouldn't want to take it down, not only because of the hard work I put in, but also the in appreciation and remembrance of those who gave their lives in war.

  15. This is still a very nice piece of work. how long does everybody think it had taken the people to make this. I think it took around two years for them to create such a big project

  16. I think that this is very cool.It looks like that they are real flowers but I don't think that they actually are I think that they are sculptures

  17. i really like this piece. it probably took a long time and a lot of dedication. if i had to make these i would be way to board making the same thing over and over. i do like these though and i think it is very creative.

  18. This has alot of meaning. Each poppy represents each solider that died or survived. It would take alot of time to do.

  19. There a lot of meaning to this piece. Every poppy is a soldier that has died. Just look at how many there are. All those soldiers. This had to have taken so long to do. I can't even imagine the patience it took to make each one and to set them all up. If I was this artist I would not want to take it down. They look so real.

  20. This sends a really strong message to me as it represents the fallen soldiers. I feel moved to buy one of the flowers to help the artist and repay him for the time he spent trying to commerate these men. I dont think i could take it all down when im done.

  21. This looks like it would have taken hours maybe days

  22. It is a very important piece of art and it has lots of meaning. It would've taken lots of time to make all of the flowers, and it represents something important like fallen soldiers. If i were the artist i would not want to take it down at least not all at once cause it represents a lot.

  23. This is an amazing piece. It must have taken a lot of time. This piece is something that means a lot, it does send a really strong message to me. Because it crazy how it represents all of the fallen soldiers. I would not want to take it down.

  24. This is a pretty cool piece of art. I admire the hard work and dedication that the people must have put into makingit, as I would not have enough patience to sit there for months planting all of those

  25. These are very, very beautiful!!! I would be far to scared to go anywhere near it, for i tend to be extremely clumsy and would most likely trip over them!!!

  26. what is that. I don't know what I'm looking at. i'm overwhelmed

  27. That is so awesome!!!! it looks like they are made out of clay or something. omg it would be so awesome to make them <3 :DDDDD

  28. This has meaning like Each little poppy represents each solider i think this is very cool and it looks like it would take forever to make

  29. this is really cool. only rich people could do it though. this would take a long time.

  30. i think its very cool but i could never do anything like that. when i first saw it i thought why would someone take the time to make that many? it is just too time consuming. but people have passions and i respect that.

  31. Its so cool that it looks to be in 3D. anyone who can make that feeling of its coming right at you is awesome.

  32. That is cool. They are also doing this for an interesting reason which makes it a little more interesting to read about. Isn't the queen crushing them by walking through them.

  33. I for sure would not be able to take it down if i was the artist, especially since it's thousands of hand made flowers. It's a very compassionate and thoughtful way to remember WWI, and I would've really liked to see all of them in person.

  34. I am very impressed with the time and passion that this guy put into putting the flowers together then putting them out on the field. If I had to take it down I would use a weed whacker, but I definitely would not want to take them down.

  35. Things like this show what happens when creative minds come together.

  36. All these poppies represent teamwork and being a part of something great.

  37. this is cool how the flowers make up different objects but i think it would be hard to do

  38. This is cool people put alot of work in to this. We probably shouldnt do this because it seems like it would take alot of time

  39. This is not only an amzing way to remeber hte ones we have lost. it is also a beautiful work of art. It a very moving piece of art.

  40. Thats alot of flowers to work with, you would really have to like flowers to do this.

  41. First off this had to of taken a lot of work from a lot people. There has to be millions of flowers and each one is done with care.

  42. This is a great way to commemorate the soldiers of WWI. This would take a lot of effort on the parts of many people. There is so much detail in every flower. It would be a long project.

  43. This would take awhile to do with peoples help. it is very beautiful and looks amazing to do.

  44. I think this looks amazing. It would take forever it would feel to make. but there again time well spent!

  45. that is time well spent to make something like that for the queen

  46. This looks like it took alot of time and effort to do. It has alot of meaning behind it because it has to deal with each soldier passing away.

  47. This is very impactful. It sends a strong message. It is incredible that no matter the size of each of these poppies they have increadible meaning. If i was the artist I would not have the emotional strength to take this down.

  48. This is very interesting and cool looking.

  49. This is an incredible project because of all the time and thoughtfulness put into it. Each of the flowers is made one at a time, so the project individually recognizes the soldiers who fought in WWI.

  50. This is an incredible project because of all the time and thoughtfulness put into it. Each of the flowers is made one at a time, so the project individually recognizes the soldiers who fought in WWI.

  51. I love this! These flowers are so pretty! It looks like a lot to o but it would turn out really great.

  52. There is really only one word that can describe this... amazing. Not only is it artistically magnificent but it is heart touching and aweing as well. Its hard to imagine just how many that is until you can see it all in one place.

  53. The fact that this is more than just a sculpture is unbelievable. It gives you a rough idea of how deadly that war was and that so may different families lost loved ones. It's truly amazing to see someone do something like this, because it means something to those families whose lives were lost.

  54. The fact that this is more than just a sculpture is unbelievable. It gives you a rough idea of how deadly that war was and that so may different families lost loved ones. It's truly amazing to see someone do something like this, because it means something to those families whose lives were lost.

  55. This is so Amazing.It is so cool how you did.

  56. Yeah this cool but why would you want to hand craft all those flowers personal I would prefer really flowers over fake flowers.

  57. it cool how they make all of them roses just for the queen to walk through them

  58. amazing warms your heart up. cool it show passion . love it great.

  59. i like the flowers. it is so prity.

  60. This is a really cool way to remember WWI. It would take forever to make all the poppies and then put them all around.

  61. I think its cool how all these were handmade ad all of them were placed perfectly

  62. I think this art was made to make you feel in a good mood when you look at it. It does that very well and makes me want to be able to see that in real life so I could get the full experience. I don't know if I would buy one of the flowers though.

  63. This is something I would love to see in real life. It shows the dedication of some people in their craft. It makes you feel good. I would love to see this in places around here.

  64. I like the idea of this. It wouold be very cool to see in person. ALl the flowers make it a cool thing

  65. This is so cool. I've seen something like this before. This must've taken forever to do though.

  66. This is really cool. I like how someone had the time to go out and actually do this. This is something i would probably get really bored of doing.

  67. I really love this. They only used flowers and it's so beautiful! I would love to have my house like this someday but, I'm sure it won't happen.

  68. The flowers are really cool. I would hate to be the one to do all the work.

  69. amazing warms your heart up. cool it show passion . love it great.

  70. That is really cool. I don't know how someone could make each flower, one by one. It looks like it would take me years and it wouldn't be nearly as good as that.

  71. Thuis had to take forever to do because there is so many small flowers in some of these and the amount of the flowers in phenomenal.


  72. I for sure would not be able to take it down if i was the artist, especially since it's thousands of hand made flowers. It's a very compassionate and thoughtful way to remember WWI, and I would've really liked to see all of them in person.

  73. That is a whole lot of flowers, I can't believe they planted so many flowers. I wonder how many flowers they would have to plant if they did the future World War 3 incoming from those crazy asian men in that country called North Korea. That would be a lot of flowers.

  74. I think that this is very cool.It looks like that they are real flowers but I don't think that they actually are I think that they are sculptures

  75. I think its beautiful how the flowers are that color. It is very cool.

  76. I really like all the flowers. The third one kind of looks like blood. It looks like blood flowing from the building.

  77. I like all of these pictures and the colors that are in them. The flowers are probably my favorite I really like the colors of the flowers. The castle also looks very nice with the colors.

  78. This is probably my favorite artwork on here that I've seen. Roses are my second favorite flower. If this was a sunflower I'd be even happier.

  79. These are very cool pictures. The flowers are really nice. This is a really calm art.

  80. This is super cool. I would love to try this, but I know that it would take me forever to do. I love that it has so many colors and it's an illusion

  81. The flowers are so pretty and I love how the pictures are flooded with the red. Roses are such pretty flowers and I like how they are such happy flowers.

  82. I really like the creativity of the project. The flowers are definitely a more beautiful way to show and represent the fallen. I like how the flowers can change the scene.
