Sunday, January 4, 2015

Animal Haste

I would like to introduce you to contemporary animal artist Kendra Haste.  She is a British artist that works only in galvanized metal, mostly chicken wire.  She has created such a reputation for herself that she has become a member of the Society of Wildlife Artists.

What do you think of chicken wire as her choice of medium?  What do you think of her treatment of that material?  Is this something you would be willing to try or do you have an even better medium in mind that you think she should try?


  1. This is really interesting. I think that it would take a lot of creativity to create these sculptures. You would have to have a really gentle touch to create something this detailed.

  2. I think this is really cool. For a second I thought it was made of clay. The animals look very detailed.

  3. These sculptures are very good looking. They look very realistic and in actual size.

  4. The fur coats on the animals actually look real soft even though it is probably the complete opposite

  5. I would have never guessed it was made out of chicken wire. It looks like i would take a long time to do. Very cool looking!

  6. this is super cool how they made it out of wire that would take forever but its very cool

  7. This is so cool. I feel like her hands had to hurt after awhile. I like all the details. The giraffe is so big it had to take a really long time. I like the lion the best.

  8. The little parts on this project were probably hard to do! Even though the whole thing is probably hard to do, this is a cool thing. She obviously loves doing it this way.

  9. All the details look so hard and it would be more than impossible to do for me, but it looks really cool

  10. they are cool. it look hard to do. i think that they look at the pictures

  11. This is super cool. The animals look so realistic. The fact they are made of chicken wire is amazing. They are so detailed.

  12. I like how its made up of chicken wire, it gives it a unique texture. However, the wire also resembles a cage, partly showing that the animal is caged up. I would use wire fence material for the giraffe due to its size, but otherwise i would also use chicken wire.

  13. This is really cool. The animals look like they are real and if they had color they would look like real animals. I like how they are life size to. Plus its made out of chicken wire which is even better.

  14. These look kinda weird. I like what they made them with. It looks like they are real. It looks very hard and time consuming.

  15. These actually look realistic. my favorite is the bunny rabbit. Mainly because at is my favorite animal.

  16. Chicken wire is a medium i would have never thought of, but it makes a lot of sense because it is so flexible. This person really knows their way around the stuff too.It is definitely something I would try for the tree fort project.

  17. These are awesome! Who would have thought of making sculptures out of chicken wire? Genius

  18. These are awesome! Who would have thought of making sculptures out of chicken wire? Genius

  19. Metal is definitely a very difficult medium to work with. So whenever I see artwork made from metal I think.. wow, that must of taken a ton of time. And the other this is that is just doesn't seem like it can go together. And that makes it cool.

  20. i think that this metal looks very cool. i really like how the lion looks. i like how the fur looks on the lion.
