Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What is it? #2

Okay I have another guessing game.  What common household item is being used to create these stunning works of art.  Please try to guess before you Google the answer, or read what others before you find out.

It's hard to look close but try to see how he created this beautiful elephant.  Again it is a low relief sculpture that sticks off of the background slightly.

I know it is hard to believe but this portrait is created with the same medium.

Does this angle help you figure out what the medium is?
If you still haven't figured out what this medium is then look up artist David Foster to learn more about his work.  I am curious what you think he is using and when you find out what it is what you think of it?  Would you be willing to do a work of art with the same medium that he is using?


  1. I think that the medium being used is the common household nail. The final picture gives it away, as it shows slants instead of dots. This must be incredibly hard to use as a medium, because the amount of precision needed would be astronomical.

  2. This looks much harder than most, having to get all the angles down, but it is beautiful, and to just think of how much work was put in to it!

  3. It looks like the tool too make this project was nails. This must of been very tricky to make considering i cant even get one nail where i want it to go to hang a picture on the wall. Very good resourceful project .

  4. This looks like it is made out of some type of pin. Which makes them look like they are poping out of the page. Thats what makes them look really good.

  5. This looks like it involves lots of shading which probably took them awhile to create this masterpiece. I would not be able to ever do this because it is hard

  6. It looks like it is made out of pins or nails. It is a really cool idea and it looks like it took lots of time to accomplish this. It is a very clever idea and it looks like it took lots of time and practice to do and make it look good. Very good idea.

  7. this is cool i love this its beautfuil i an i would love to try this

  8. cool and nice it looks hard to do

  9. At first I thought the medium was candles, but after looking at the pieces a few more times decided they were pins. I think this is a very cool idea, however I, myself, would not have the patience to complete work with this medium.

  10. Looking at the pictures and reading the descriptions of them I still have no clue what the artist uses. It kind of threw me off since the medium could also be red so I had to google the artist. I would have never guessed he could make something so detailed out of nails. I would never have the patience to make something like this.

  11. this picture looks like hair but its not idk what that kind of art this but its kinda cool.

  12. This looks like it is made out of some type of pin or tooth picks at different lengths. Which makes them look like they are poping out of the page. Thats what makes them look really Freaking good

  13. It looks like nails, and I don't think i could ever make anything that requires this much time. I would end up quitting before i even started.

  14. This project is very neat and looks like it would take a lot of time to do, I would definitely not have the patience to do it. Also looks like it has a lot of shading.

  15. it looks like it is made up of nails. and it took a lot of time and patience. i could not do this becaues it takes time.

  16. It is made of nails. That is the coolest thing ever. There must be a lot of nails on the elephant. I could make this because I have a lot of nails left over from our building.

  17. I love all the detail put in every piece. I especially love the elephant, and the time put into it.

  18. It is wonderful, on how it is done with such careful careful hands. It is a work of art, but some things could be done better. Such as making them colored.

  19. colored thumb tacks through white paper

  20. That's a lot of nails.

  21. Honestly i thought they were thumb tacks but then again i wasn't sure so i looked up his name. And found out they're nails. Wow this guy sure is creative to be doing stuff out of nails....

  22. It looks like it was made out of nails. You would have to have alot of patience to work on it. Don't know if i could do that

  23. its col how art can be made out of anything. people are really creative. i like the elephant the best because that would require alot of skill. i dont thing i could do this tedious.

  24. Its cool how they made the pictures work. I would never have enough patience to work on that.

  25. They look like pins to me, and I must say that is sweet! I wonder how often he had to back up and look at the painting just to be sure he was putting them in the right place. I know that I would have to do that every time I put one in. This is a really creative idea, and turned out well.

  26. These drawings look realistic. The look more than pencil shading. It's creative and the drawings are amazing because i can't draw them! Who ever was drawing this knew what they were doing.

  27. i think that these art pieces are truly amazing. i bet a lot of hard work went into this. i am still unsure what it is made out of but i have a guess. people? either way i really like it a lot and i am determined to find out what.

  28. These pictures nailed my expectations

  29. It looks like the person making these is using nails, although I am not sure. The bottom one looks like nails but then the top two make it look like he burned something and then pounded it into a wall.

  30. It looks like these are made out of nails. It is tough to tell. They all look like slightly different though. Maybe they are all random metal that has been burnt.

  31. Tape. I think the artist somehow used tape. I dont know how but thats my guess because it looks like tape and it is very creative.

  32. It looks like these projects our made out of nails, i think the detail of each of the pictures are really cool, and the way there are different shades of black is cool.

  33. its cool how they made marilyn monroe look so good. such detail in the piece. i wish i could see more pieces like this. props for this persons effort

  34. that elephant looks amazing. it came in handy that nails were the color they needed in a way. elephants are known to be strong and the piece is now stronger than ever because of the material its made out of.

  35. These look amazing. I would never be able to do something like this.

  36. it's look cool and i didn't knew what it was, but that he is using nails are really cool but it must take a will

  37. it cool and it lookes pretty i think he used lins to make it or to pant it

  38. The patience and accuracy put into these pieces is really remarkable and inspiring. The work is very beautiful and creative of the thought of using nails to make a beautiful picture.

  39. i think it looks really cool to use nails. My favorite one was the elephant.

  40. I think it's look really awesome with nails, and i like the marilyn monroe one because i love her! her picture was the best one because it has her lips, her hair, and all the other stuff.

  41. Actually, it looks like pencil lead could be used as well. If this is the case, then the pictures are on a smaller scale than I had thought. Either way, these works of art are undeniably amazing.

  42. Very cool I wish I could see things like this more often. They must have had lots of patience.

  43. It looks like it is made up of tacks or small nails. It is amazing that the artist had the patience to place every nail. It's super neat.

  44. this is a cool project because the pins make it look 3D and popping out at you

  45. These look amazing. I would never be able to do something like this.

  46. I think it is staples and they must have had some good inspiration to make this wonderful piece of work.

  47. It looks like the artist used nails to make this. It would take a lot of patience to finish something like this. This is a really pretty piece of art.

  48. This are very cool. I think it is really cool how they use nails!

  49. This are very cool. I think it is really cool how they use nails!

  50. The top two look they are drawn with a pen, but the bottom one looks like it was made with staples. It is very cool that the artist can take something simple and then disguise it to look like something else.

  51. I love these works of art mainly because to me they are so difficult since you have to work backwards.The other facinating these about these works is that they don't make much sence up close... you need to be further away. And when they are being created the artist obviously has too be up close. I just love the works because they come together.

  52. These beautiful works of art look like they were done made with nails. This seems like it would require a lot of skill and patience. All of the nails must line up correctly. Props to this artist.

  53. These are amazing pieces and it's amazing how it's all done with nails. The people who made this must have taken a lot of time out of their day to make these pieces.

  54. it is so cool how you did the elefuint. i like how it looks really

  55. Upon closer the look the images appeared to be made with a nail or tack. Its amazing how the artist makes the elephant look hairy. Overall amazing work!

  56. This looks really cool. I never knew you could make art out of nails and would love to try it sometime.

  57. It would have to take true talent to be able to do all of these artwork in nails and to get them in such a neat order it would have to take awhile.

  58. I really like this art because it is made out of nails and looks as if it is popping out of the page that is is on. This art work must of took a incredible amount of time for this artist to make. Props to the artist on this one.

  59. This are very cool. I think it is really cool how they use nails!

  60. It is made out of nails. I think it would be cool to do something like this. I would probably accidently cut myself while doing this, so I probably would not want to do it.

  61. It looks like it is made out of pins/nails. It is a really cool idea and it looks like it took lots of time to make this. It is a very smart idea and it looks like it took lots of time to do and make it look good.

  62. It is made of nails and thats a very creative household tool to use to make something amazing like this.

  63. It looks like nails, and I don't think i could ever make anything that requires this much time. I would end up quitting before i even started.

  64. I think this is really cool. how it takes to ordinary things and you can make a really Piece of art. It's very modern.

  65. It really looks like nails. If you look at from certain angles you can tell that most likely is nails that are used for wood. I kinda wanna try it.

  66. When I first opened it I thought it looked like furr. It looks cool. But it isn't for me.

  67. These are very cool. I wish I was able to do this. It would be very cool to try.


  68. I love all the detail put in every piece. I especially love the elephant, and the time put into it. I wish I had the patience to do this.

  69. I like the looks of creating things with dots or thing like dots. it seems very time consuming.
