Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What is it? #1

Okay, we are going to see if you can guess the medium that is used in this artwork.  I want you to look at the pictures and see if you can guess what the artist is using.

Give me your first impression and remember that it is a low relief sculpture.  That means it comes off of the background slightly.
In this picture you can see that his medium is sticking up from those cube shaped boxes.  Do you have any ideas yet what he uses?

Does this picture help you zero in on what he is using for his medium?

If you still haven't figured it out or are not sure you can now Google his name, Christian Faur and figure out what he uses, Otherwise, I am curious what your first thoughts were?  What did you think he used and did you find out what it really is?


  1. The first one you can't really tell what it is. The last one i think he used crayons. Using crayons is a really cool and creative idea. I love the colors and how he used all the different shade of colors to make so much detail. Also how the person looks realistic in a way is really cool.

  2. i think that he used pegs and colored pegs. you can tell that it took time. and if you messed up you would have to figure out what happened

  3. These are really cool! The different colors make it looke really good. It kinda looks like stainless glass. But with the crayon tips its really unquie!

  4. It almost looks like they are crayon tips. It is a very good idea to do this and looks like it took lots of time and effort. It looks like they had to arrange they crayons to make it look like a good picture and get lots of the shades right and stuff. Very good and clever idea

  5. i dont really like this its jsut weird but weird things make beautfuil art

  6. weird i don't like this one because it is weird

  7. this kind of looks like crayons and they are diffrent colors to make the picture stand out more.

  8. it looks like it took a lot of time. and they used colored pegs and it looks cool.

  9. It does look like crayon tips, and it also looks like that wouldn't be easy to do. The artist used a wide viriaty of colors and figuring out where he would put those colors would have taken a wile.

  10. It looks like they are using the tips of crayons or some sort of bead. They used nice colors to pop out the look of the person. This is very nice.

  11. I looked it up (these are hard.) When I looked at it the first time I thought it was sewing pins. Then I looked it up and I think that is preatty cool.

  12. Oh my, I use to have a thing where you put little pegs in and make a colorful design and it'd light up and look really awesome. I bet he is using something like it. It takes a long time, especially if you make something so integrate as this. this is awesome.

  13. It looks like some light brights

  14. it's either a light bright thing or it's those things that are in walmart and the toy stores that you put your hand into the box thingy and it forms the shape of your hand or what ever object it is you put in it

  15. Now that i'm looking at the picture more....it does look like crayon tips.... D: i'm not sure...

  16. I originally thought they were pegs from a board, but after looking Christian up I found out that he uses the tips of crayons. That is such a creative idea. I wonder if his art would still be visible if you melted the crayon. This must have been time consuming!

  17. I originally thought they were pegs from a board, but after looking Christian up I found out that he uses the tips of crayons. That is such a creative idea. I wonder if his art would still be visible if you melted the crayon. This must have been time consuming!

  18. I thought that it was pretty cool for him to use crayons as a medium. I originally thought that it was pegs, but then when it showed the side view i finally knew what it was. It kinda of reminded me of pixelated art though

  19. I first thought it was colored pegs. Then i searched it and it was crayon tips! Really cool!

  20. this is like our color skeam project. they look like crayon tips. again another creative piece of art

  21. All of these artists are very detailed with their work which makes it even cooler since they use such different small mediums. It took me awhile to figure out the medium but once i saw it from a different angle I was able to figure out it was crayons. I think this is one of the cooler ones because he uses more color.

  22. It looks like light brights. I had a light bright when I was younger, but I never made anything this cool. I like the slightly basic look to it, flared with color. Good design.

  23. This art has a lot of bright colors that work well together to make the image. It looks like a very complicated version of what we are doing in art.

  24. I thought he was using the top part of pins. But i figured out that it was crayons and that is awesome. I wonder how much money he spent on all of those crayons.

  25. Unusual but very creative

  26. These are really cool! The different colors make it looke really good. It kinda looks like stainless glass. But with the crayon tips its really unquie!

  27. All the colors put together make it look cool and just pop out. Its amazing how you can see and point out every detail the artists has done.

  28. This one is hard to call as well. It looks like they used a bunch of different colored tacks that they put into a bulletin board? I would not at all stand by this conclusion though.

  29. Omg i that's really cool. I wonder how much work he put into it. It looks like a bunch of different color lights. Awesome

  30. Its mixture of colors is very god, and how we did it in art class it is also nice. It turned out better then the ones we ddid.

  31. I can't really tell exactly what it is but I can guess it is marker caps or tons of pens. It's very creative and great way to use color

  32. I think it is actually very neat and at first i thought it was those little color things that you can play with on the little boards but i'm not sure how he managed to use those it was very creative.

  33. I'm not sure what it is made out of but i think its cool how they made it look like a puzzle type thing. They used the colors really nicely.

  34. This is very neat. I love all the colors, it makes it look really pretty.

  35. I like the colors in this. It makes it really interesting and different. The colors look good and they work well together.

  36. it's really cool and it's really good made with the colors.it's looks like some kind of pieces you stack together. it's really cool.

  37. i really like this peice because its really unique and colorful. i think i have seen something like it at the childrens museum. i do however like how its on a wide scale.

  38. It looks really cool it looks like he almost stacked together little pieces or they kinda look like tic tacs.

  39. These are really cool! The different colors make it looke really good. It kinda looks like stainless glass. But with the crayon tips its really unquie!

  40. its a painting that they made it look like a it a flat

  41. I never thought that color pegs can used to make such outstanding pieces of art. I really like it.

  42. Looks time consuming, and I mean that in a good way, as in the time they took on this project went to their advantage and it worked out good.

  43. It is very similar to what we did in class, but that was more easy compared to this. In many ways it is better then i did, and i think it is in its own way amazing.

  44. At first i thought he used pin box toys boards. You push a image in and it pops up. After looking up the artists name i found out it is color crayons.

  45. i like how it is made of color crayons and it it cool how they did that.

  46. this kind of looks like crayons and they are diffrent colors to make the picture stand out more.

  47. i had no idea what it was so i had to google it and it was crayons. than i could actually start to see that it was crayons. i think that would be complicated because if you didnt have the same right color it wouldnt look right it would just look like random color spots everywhere

  48. It looks like the artist used crayons to make this. It would be really hard to make something this complex with a material that simple. It would be hard to find exactly the right color that you need too.

  49. This looks like it was painted, but with crayons. Each crayon head creates its' own dot. It reminds me of the pointillism style of painting.

  50. It took me a a few minutes to figure it out, but upon a closer look they are crayons! The artist used such a common object to make a beautiful piece. The contrast of colors works very well

  51. to me at first it looked like those light if that bright light thing. but i googled it and it was crayons. thats super cool

  52. It is brilliant to use a simple art supply such as crayons to create a realistic image. It kind of confuses the eye on closer inspection. But very beautiful!

  53. At first glance, I thought that it was made from the pegs from Light Brights. Then when I took a closer look at it, I realize that he used a more creative way of making art. I think using crayons, such a household item is really unique.

  54. I don't think he is using crayons because most of the time crayons have a flat tip not a smooth rounded tip. But I could be wrong.

  55. this is very pretty. Whoever put all the pins in place must have worked hard to put them in the right spot. Imagine how many mistakes you could make.

  56. This looks like it is made out of crayons tips. This piece of art must have taken the artist forever to make even though it is creative I still don't really like the overall art. It was good but not my liking.

  57. This looks so cool. I would love to try this. It is so unique. I think the artist is so good. I am amazed of what artist can do. It really amazes me. Wow, no words.

  58. I think this one is super interesting. I think using the "wrong" colors for something and making it still look like the actual thing is a super cool concept.

  59. this one is super cool and it kind of looks like thay used pins of different color

  60. I think they are the tips of crayons. I think it looks really super cool. I like how it has the effect of almost being 3D, but at the same time being a 2D picture.

  61. It looks like they are crayon tips. It's a very good idea to do this and looks like it took lots of time and effort. It also looks like they had to arrange the crayons to make it look like a good picture and get lots of the shades right.

  62. The way he used the crayons tips is actually really dope because you would have to put such a long time into something like this


  63. I thought he was using the top part of pins. But i figured out that it was crayons and that is awesome. I wonder how much money he spent on all of those crayons.

  64. I think its cool. I could tell it was crayons from looking.its awesome they are using everyday things like crayons to make art.

  65. This art has a lot of bright colors that work well together to make the image. I really like the bright colors. It looks like a very complicated version of what we are doing in art. I'd definitely try this.

  66. This is super cool. I think it is made out of crayons. Very eye catching.

  67. This looks really cool. It looks like a really zoomed in picture of a TV screen.
