Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Real or Paint?

Have you ever wanted to create a painting that is so realistic that people have to do a double take at the picture?  Well a Swedish artist by the name of Yrjo Edlemann is a hyper-realistic artist that paints wrapping paper in such a realistic manner that you would think they are photographs.

I know it is hard to believe but these are actually paintings.  If you could paint anything like a hyper-realistic artist what would you paint?  Is wrapping paper and tape and interesting subject or would you pick something else?  Can you think of something that would be harder to paint that shiny paper?


  1. It looks so real..i cant tell if it's paint or not i had to look at it very closely to see any mistakes with paint but i hadn't found any, so i have no clue.

  2. These paintings look so real. I couldn't tell that they were paintings i thought they were photographs. He does a great job at painting wrapping paper to make it look real

  3. This is amazing! I truly never would have thought they were painting. He' must be extremely patient to do all that and to make it look so real

  4. These look so real. Even looking very closely they look real. I would never have thought they were paintings. I don't think he could have picked a harder thing to paint.

  5. It looks super cool. I couldn't tell if it was a painting or not. I would have never guessed it was a painting!

  6. it dont look like a painting i looks just like a wrapper

  7. cool i would like trying that and it doesnt look like painting

  8. this is cool it looks like something you would wrap a birthday or christmas present in but its paint and thats pretty cool

  9. this is Cool we should do this. it kinda looks like cade anniversary present for emly

  10. this looks drawn and shaded very good and it looks like a real wraped present.

  11. It seems real, but by the title it is not real. Other things may be present in that cant see also. But if they did it wit paint fine by me, it was made really good.

  12. I am amazed at how he can do that. It looks like real paper. If I could paint anything that would look that real I would paint my ceiling to look like I was outside so then when I would lay down it would look awesome. I think something harder would be a shinny tractor in the sun.

  13. If I wasn't told that was a painting i would think it was real. It is pretty amazing the beautiful art people create.

  14. looks so real, how much time does it take to make stuff so real

  15. This probably took a long time

  16. that is in credible how it's a painting! I never would have guessed..just wow is what i say. That guy has some real talent to be painting that.

  17. I looks just like wrapping paper.I would never guessed that it was a painting. Pretty neat.

  18. i think the top one is the painting. even if im wrong its really cool. some people are really talented

  19. Well, I think that it may be harder to paint a field of grass. I mean, if you were painting it normally, it wouldn't be too hard, but if you wanted it to look like a photograph, you'd need to make every blade of grass, which would be ridiculous. The wrapping paper is a tough call, though.

  20. This may look like it's just rapping paper but it is more likely that it is paint if the title is Real or Paint. It still makes it an amazing artwork if it is paint.

  21. That is amazing! If i could paint something realistic like that i would paint a candy of some sort and set it down on a table and see how many people try to grab it. I honestly can't think of anything that would be harder than painting shiny paper.

  22. oh my goodness this is absolutly amazing! i cant beileive this isnt paper. the fact that it is paint is amazing. this artist has a lot of skill and talent. he should be making the big bucks! i only wish i could be that good!

  23. If I saw this in real like I would think it was the real thing even if I started touching it.

  24. Alright I straight up do not believe that, its just too good to be a painting. I hope whoever made these is making a profession out of painting because that is too good to be a painting, I hope this guy is getting some credit.

  25. That is differently paint. It would not look so perfect like you ment it to be that way if it was real. It reminds me of Christmas and snow a good thing by the way, or maybe never mind i love it.

  26. If this wasn't an art blog I would probably think this was real. But since it is I'm assuming its a painting. A very well done painting at that. The artist obviously knows how to add tints in highlighting in the right places to make it look super realistic.

  27. Wow, this artwork is so realistic. I have no clue how he paints the shininess of the paper, that's impressive. Wrapping paper and tape are weird topics. I think I would paint books.

  28. I didn't know these were paintings. It would be impossible for me to do something like this.

  29. I had no idea these were paintings. The shading is incredible. It is so realistic.

  30. this is really good and so realistic, i think is a good idea with the paper, but could be fun to do some 3D things to

  31. Its kinda funny looking at these and realizing how bad i am at painting

  32. I would have never guessed guessed that these were actually paintings. They're really good but if I had talent like that I don't think I would use it to paint wrapping paper. I would use it paint something difficult like big buildings or something.

  33. it looks really good and i rhink it would be hars to make

  34. I can't believe that these are actually painting. I wasn't actually expecting them to be paintings. It's really cool.

  35. It is really impressive that it is painted and not real. It must have taken lots of time to paint this and lots of details. It is one of the most difficult things you could paint, and it must have taken hours of time and effort.

  36. This is honestly another thing I would never be able to do. It had to have taken, too much time to get it to look the way it does.

  37. it looke sok it intersting thought

  38. The artist seems to know what they are doing, and I hope they don’t stop. So cool to see the artwork.

  39. I would want to paint a window, because there is so much you could have. You could set the time of day or what is going on in the street or if there even is a street. I cant imagine how much expierence you need to make something like this however, due to the perfect shading needed.

  40. This looks like it is an actual present. That looks impossible to do. If i did that it would look like a blue piece of paper with black spilled on it.

  41. this is cool how they did the shading to make it look like it is wrinkled

  42. It's amazing that he can making wraping parper look so real. I dont think i would do wrapping paper and tape. I would probably do something else.

  43. Art of gift wrapping can be described as messy process, and can be told as wonderful work.

  44. This is super cool. I think adding the tape, really made it realistic. If i had to do a painting like this I would paint something else

  45. This is a really cool painting. I am still trying to figure out how they made it so shinny. But I think shouldn't of used scotch tape

  46. its a really cool painting it looks real its hard to believe that it is a painting

  47. This looks so real that its hard to believe its just paintings.

  48. These look very realistic. I almost thought it was just wrapping paper stuck on paper, but know as I realize these are painted, I am impressed. What the artist does with the lighting on his work and making it shiny, really make the paper come to life.

  49. these look so real, and i think it took a lot of talent and work. i think if i could i would draw a hyper-realistic portrait of myself.

  50. Upon first glance, I truly though this was wrapping paper. After reading about the piece, I was stunned to know that is was a painting. If I were to paint a hyper-realistic painting, I would do an aspect of nature. Possibly a glistening lake or stream.

  51. If he can paint this well, I don't know why he paints... wrapping paper. Why now faces or cats or trees or milk jugs or something? That being said, It is amazingly realistic and I wish I was this good.

  52. It looks so happy. It is so nice.

  53. this actually looks like it is wrapping paper. i would have never known that it was actually a painting

  54. It looks real but I would have to say it was done in paint because when you look closely at the tape it doesn't look right almost.

  55. If you would have never put hayt these were painting than I would never have thought of it. These look so real with the highlights and shading. This might be the most realistic art I have ever seen. There is no way I can make this.

  56. I would paint one of those sidewalk paintings where it looks like you're actually staring at another world, or the edge of a cliff. I would start with the paper and paint to practice it. It would be very hard to paint when it has to look realistic from many angles.

  57. It is crazy how real this looks. It must've taken them a long time to make sure every little detail looks real.

  58. How are these paintings? They look so realistic that it's unbelievable.

  59. That looks so realistic. It looks real but i'm assuming it is a painting.

  60. I am amazed at how realistic these look. I can´t even begin to think of how he made all the creases and shadows look like real life. If I were to make something like this, I would do like a storefront or nature scene.

  61. These look realistic , but its cool . and the fact that people will think its real when its actually paint is cool .

  62. This is amazing! I never would have thought they were paintings. He must be extremely patient to do all those different kinds of shading.

  63. Idk how someone would be able to paint something like this because it looks so realistic


  64. this looks drawn and shaded very good and it looks like a real wraped present.

  65. these look so real I can't believe that he did it out of just paint it looks so real. it really looks like just poorly wrapped presents the colors are so vibrant you would not think that someone would have that kind of tallent.

  66. I can't believe it wasn't actually wrapping paper. It was probably really hard to find the highlights. I would draw a crumpled news paper,

  67. Looks cools. Don't know how they did that. I wonder if it took them a long time to do.

  68. I honestly don't believe that those are painting because they just look too real not to be real.

  69. These look very real and and wouldn't have lot they were painting. It had to take him a long time to get those to look like that. Just can not get it how they look so realistic.

  70. These are too real to be paintings. There is absolutely no way that I could do this. I showed my friend this and he also doesn't believe that these are paintings.

  71. When I first saw this, I honestly didn't even know it was a painting. This is really nice.
