Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Paper, not plastic

I have recently stumbled onto mixed media artist Emma Hardy.  She studied sculpture in London at the Wimbledon School of Art.  She uses two mediums that I think are would be very difficult to work with, but she makes incredible art with them.

In case you are wondering what her medium is, it is brown paper and packaging tape.  Can you believe that those are the only mediums that she uses?  What do you think about them?  Do you think this is something you could do?  She mostly does people, what would be your subject of choice?


  1. The paper is amazing. I wonder how she shaped it. I don't think I could do anything like this, mostly because it would take too much time, and is so fragile. If I did, though, I would make people. They're one of the easiest things to make, because you look at them every day.

  2. This artwork has so much detail into it. It makes me wonder how she was able to make such precise detailing into these sculptures. I wonder what other things she has done besides people. I never thought just paper and tape could make these beautiful sculptures. I have used paper meche before, but I don't think I can make something as incredible as this.

  3. its creepy but cool to look and wonder how she shaped them and maned to make it look like that

  4. i wouldnt have guessed that these sculptures were made out of brown paper and packaging tape. i love how creative and imaginative the artist was because she created something that i would have never even thought of doing. it's very impressive.

  5. I like how they deal with normal day items, but one thought ran through my head what happen if it is more dynamic. As in mixing more plastic and paper, and another is how it looks, they should change some things here and their. But my opinion could change, and it can change.

  6. It almost looks real

  7. That is cool that paper can look like that. It looks kinda like plastic or even bronze. The way the can shap the paper is amazing.

  8. it looks very neat. The paper looks a lot like plastic or a subtle shiny bronze. It is also very neat they can shape paper like that.

  9. I would have never guessed that this was made out of brown paper bags. Theses sculptures are very neat and it looks like it would take a a lot of time. I could probably never be able to do that.

  10. I think it's really cool how she is able to make stuff out of just two things. does she just really crumple the paper and tape it or does she mix them somehow? I think it's really cool how she is able to make them look so life like.

  11. I would have never guessed that those are made out of paper. I think that is very creative and cool. I wish i could do something like that.

  12. I find it hard to believe that she uses such delicate materials to create such beautiful pieces of art. I highly doubt that I could make such sculptures, but if i could i wouldnt focus on people. I would use the brownish tecture to focus more on shrubs or plant like structures.

  13. I think her art is incredible. The materials she uses are not the usual, but very creative. I would expect these materials to be very difficult to work with and could never picture myself working with them. If I was sculpting with those materials I would sculpt people or animals to show their great detail.

  14. I think that it is very cool and would very hard to go just on paper. the time and the effort that would take would just be to hard for me.

  15. I never guessed that was made out of brown paper and packaging tape! Looks very time consuming and alot of work. I don't think I could do something like that. Very cool looking.

  16. They are very cool for how they are made with only 2 thing. They look pretty good to. With only brown paper and packaging tape, that is some good art.

  17. I would not have made humans. Dont get me wrong, its really cool but why make humans that you could see anytime and make something that could push you all the way

  18. I would not have made humans. Dont get me wrong, its really cool but why make humans that you could see anytime and make something that could push you all the way

  19. its really creative that they had the time and patience to make that kind of work. And its work that stands out, literally. i hope to see more work like this.

  20. I love the details and hard work and dedication put into the sculptures, it would take so long to finish them.

  21. I didnt think it was paper when I first saw it I thought it was like bronze or some kind of rock but plastic not so much

  22. its cool how its made from paper bags. i would have never guessed. it seems really hard. i take it we wont be dong it in 4th period. this is cool...

  23. I love this art! It seems impossible for this to even be real! But, some people put alot of work into the things they have to do for certain things. I love this idea!

  24. This is some pretty cool art. It really amazes me that somebody can use two things that would seem extremely difficult to make art out of, but they put so much work into it and get amazing results.

  25. cool! how long did it take to make

  26. I cannot believe that she doesn't rip the paper when she is creating these things. I know that I wouldn't be able to make the art because I would rip the paper. If I would be able to do this I would make them into beautiful landscapes

  27. There is no way at all, no chance what so ever that i could do this. I would get so frustrated because mine would end up looking like someone is trying to move and you extra supplies of tape and paper everywhere.

  28. This peice looks very complicated but is contructed well. i think this would be amazing as a project. It must have taken alot of time to do because its made out of paper. i acctually like this alot.

  29. This projects looks like it would be made out of something like copper, I would have never guessed it was paper.

  30. this is cool i would do this this but it would be a long time i didnt even know it was paper

  31. this looks like it is made of wood. and the thing with wood carving is if you mess up you have to find away to fix it.

  32. they look very creepy, but i think its because they are colorless and they dont look like happy colors

  33. honestly it looks like they're real and if i didn't know i would have think they're just painted people. but this chick sure does have some creative skills and time and patience in order to do something like this!

  34. These projects look like they are made out of some metal like copper. This would take a lot of time and patience. I never would have guessed these would be made out paper

  35. It does not look like paper and tape. I think it looks like maybe a clay sculpture.? But the artist was very creative this is a really cool idea. Also they look so realistic with the smallest of details. I like the different moods she expressed through these it is really quite something.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Those are sort of weird but not in a bad way.I couldn't ever do that so good for her. It's amazing that human being can actually do that. I love it.

  38. I think its cool how they added the detail to each of the humans. It looks sorta real i think it would take forever to create one of these.

  39. It seems impossible that she would even be able to use paper as her material for this sculpture. It different. It looks like clay, not paper.

  40. it seems like something i never could do, i would have the idea but fail. it would be to hard but its a cool thing and the statues are cool. i would do a animal

  41. It looks like it was covered in white paint. That makes sense because it looks like it is made out of paper mache. It looks like it is very hard to create and i would probably fail

  42. This is very cool. I would never be able to do this. It looks like it was made from stone.

  43. Pretty sure I already commented on this, but Im gonna do it again. I understand how this could be possible, but I could never do it. I guess what I would really like to know is if there was something on the inside of this, or if its just basically one giant hollow paper bag.

  44. i think its cool that he made it out of paper itlookes good

  45. I like how good it is. I can see it now, what mine would look like if I did it, nowhere near as good!

  46. It's hard to believe that's just brown paper and tape. I would find it to be incredibly difficult.

  47. First of all how could you even make a sculpture out of brown paper and tape? When I first saw this I thought it was clay, not paper. I would really like to know how the artist thought about using paper. This is something that would take patience and massive talent to get the details just right. I would love to try to do something like this, but sadly I don.t have the patience to do.

  48. brown paper and packing tape that takes time and and a lot of Passions to do that and to make them look so life like not ripe the paper when working on them

  49. This is pretty cool. I think getting the definition on the body would be the hardest part but this is one of the coolest ones.

  50. This are so realistic it is almost scary. These look like they are made out of metal. I would think paper and tape would not be able to stand up on its' own so easily. These are really cool.

  51. This is truly amazing and would require a great amount of talent. It is a very unique way to use paper. I do have to say that I am not a fan of the color and that the artist always does people. I guess that's the paper color though.

  52. It is amazing how she only used paper and tape to make these sculptures. This looks like it was really hard to do, especially with all of the little details she has in them. I would of never thought of it being paper and tape to make these realistic sculptures.

  53. how can they make people look that realistic with paper. it had to take a really long time for them to pull this off.

  54. What no that looks like plastic not brown paper. But maybe she uses really thick brown paper to make it look like plastic.

  55. They look lifelike. I cannot believe that it is made of paper. They look so real, they are kind of creepy.

  56. These sculptures made by the artist look so real you almost could not tell that they are sculptors. I really like the work put in by the artist. I don't think I will ever be able to make this.

  57. I can't believe that the paper and packaging tape blend in so well. I find them very realistic and unrealistic at the same time, since they look lifelike though they're made of paper and tape. I could probably do it and would make video game characters and objects.

  58. Wow, this must've been very time consuming. I could never make something like this. They look so real too. It is pretty cool how you can make art out of really anything.

  59. this is actually amazing that you can make suck cool pieces of art that are just packing tape and brown paper

  60. Those are sort of weird but not in a bad way.

  61. This is some pretty cool art. It really amazes me that somebody can use two things that would seem extremely difficult to make art out of, but they put so much work into it and get amazing results

  62. This is crazy. It looks like a plastic or metal statue. I can't believe it is paper.

  63. This is absolutely crazy that she used paper and tape. At first I thought it was like bronze or some type of metal. They are so realistic as well.

  64. I think this is a really cool way of making sculptures. I would try to do a self sculpture if that is a thing. They look very realistic and I think it would be a cool alternative to metal sculptures.

  65. How did she make sculptures like this out of paper? This is actually really hard to do in general like that should be impossible.

  66. I honestly think these are kinda creepy. It's cool that they were made out of paper. The person that made these was really talented.

  67. Its really cool. I can't believe she only used paper and tape. I don't think I would have the patience to do this.

  68. These are so crazy realistic. It's so crazy to think someone made that. This person is very talented.

  69. They look like real people. I think it would be fun to try a farm animal. It would definitely take along time. The artist probably has a lot of patients.

  70. I can't believe someone could make these very realistic sculptures out of paper. I couldn't do this.
