Monday, August 25, 2014

A moment on this earth

A former student found the Cuban Artist Jorge Rodriguez Gerada and thought I should check him out.  I personally love his work which is created in dirt and charcoal.  His pieces are also done in really large scale on the sides of buildings or in empty fields.

Since his work is done with natural materials, it is only there for a short time and then mother nature takes it away.  He says that it is the same as how our moments on both earth and in the spotlight is just as short.

Do you agree with his statement?  How does that make you feel?   Would you be able to create work like his and be okay with it going away after a big rain storm?  Tell me your thoughts.


  1. When I look at these pictures it feels like they're telling me a story. Weather the stories short or long lived even a baby has something to say. These drawing add emotion and I can't get emotional right now.

  2. I feel like these pictures show strong emotion. They are very detailed.

  3. i think these images show true artistic talent

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. These pictures look very astonishing. It probably took him a long time to finish. It's amazing how you can use different types of materials to create such masterpieces.

  6. I like these pictures and i also like his philosophy. However, art is usually having your work last forever, not for a short time. When you make a piece of art that will go away, it cannot inspire as many people and once its gone its gone, like an extinct hummingbird.

  7. I find it amazing that he uses dirt and charcoal to create his pieces.I also like his view on life.

  8. I like his work and how large it is, but it would take a long time to make something that large and he doesn't know how long it is going to last so that's why i wouldn't ever do it.

  9. Wow! I am absolutely astonished by his artwork! Not necessarily for quality of the work, but more of the creativity and use of natural resources. His view on life is very true and blunt. Personally I don't know if I would have the patience to create something that large scale knowing that it might be washed away the next day. I would be proud of my artwork and want the world to see it. I would want my work to last long to inspire people and such an ephemeral piece of work might not get the chance.

  10. I think these picture are all really cool. They are good representations of urban art. Tha second one is slightly disturbing, but they are all pretty cool.

  11. It shows the leader of this country. I like that they are bigger so u can see the details in the picture. The color fits the pictures.

  12. These sculptures are extremely detailed and life like. they show great emotion and there face tells a story. each ones face is saying something

  13. there are really cool it shows that the dude who did it is very talented

  14. The sculptures are really cool. They are very detailed. I like how they are big so everyone can see them. That would take forever to do.

  15. it looks verry cool the first picture looks lie it is in a corn field. and you can tell that it took time and money. but at the end it looks verry cool.

  16. It must be very hard to make something so detailed on a large scale. I don't think I would like something I worked so hard on to just be washed away after a short period of time. I agree with his statement but I wouldn't want to make art that people can only see in person for a short time.

  17. The artist put lot of emotion into these pictures, and the places that they are at also express the mood.

  18. It must have taken them a while to put that much detail it these and it would also be hard using nothing but charcoal and dirt.

  19. cool and nice it looks hard to do

  20. I love these drawings. They are so detailed with the face structures. Every freckle, crease, and wrinkles are really precise it seems like. It also looks like the artist put tons of time in their work.

  21. first thing i want to say is the detail in these peices are absolutly amazing. I really like these because they werent just thrown together, they acctually had some time put into them and i could never do this as an artist at my level.

  22. Theses works of are are absolutely amazing but I think it would be really frustrating to put all that work into something just to see it be ruined if their were a thunderstorm or even if it just sprinkled.

  23. It could just be painted normally, but it does make people wonder how long it takes to make such an art piece. It would be very hard to make the other side a different shades of it. Well becuase of the billions of colors out their.

  24. It is very cool that someone can make this out of dirt and charcoal. It is a very clever idea and it probably took lots of time and effort to do. It probably took a very skilled artist to make it look like this and use these materials to make it look this good. I am very impressed that someone can make it out of those materials

  25. The work he does is amazing. Its such a good idea and very creative. He must be very patient because it looks like it would take a lot of time!

  26. THIS IS AWSOME i would love to do that is so beautfuial and pretty i wanna do this

  27. Its really cool that he can do this work out of dirt and Charcoal. I think it would be hard to make one of these. He must be very skilled at what he does.

  28. I wouldn't be very happy if it went away and I did a job that looked as good as that. I like his statement. It is very understandable.

  29. This could not have been done by just one person

  30. The pictures are very detailed and would take alot of time. I dont understand how he could spend this much time on these and then let rain wash them away. I definitely wouldn't be able to that.

  31. I agree with his statement. His statement helps you realize that you need to take advantage of certain situations when you have the opportunity. I would not be able to create something like that, especially since i would have to end up watching it wash away just like that.

  32. i think its cool how people used the landscape to make pictures. its impressive because its on such a large scale. this would be hard to make it look good.

  33. I think its pretty crazy how he can make such large masterpieces. It would be hard to keep track of where you are at, how much is done, how large to make it etc. It is very impressive and dont understand how it works

  34. These are really large paintings. I`m sure he has a hard time finding places to paint. These are really cool. I have no clue how he accomplishes these.

  35. I like his paintings and that it is so big. i would never to it because i woudent have the passion and i would e sad over it would dissapere so quicklly

  36. These murals are obviously very beautiful. But the act of it disappearing after a short period would kill me. I could never take that amount of time and patience to create something like that and than let it just be washed away.

  37. Anyone who can do something this great out of something I never thought could be so cool has won a good review from me.

  38. Obama now has been made into almost everything, and that is amazing. After this I can see why people do such huge projects.

  39. that is such a big thing to do and it is truly amazing,

  40. This is really cool. It reminds me of graphite and i think its really interesting of how they would do this.

  41. i wouldn't have the time to do that and to only have it for a short time would make me made because u could be halfway done with it then a big storm can come and ruin it then u would have to start over

  42. These are a cool way to honor an important person. I would love to see some of the buildings in Sioux Falls painted in the same way. They look like they were drawn with pencil.

  43. I like to think that this must take him hours to do. Every little detail that is put into this, makes it look insane! Not only was it done on things of nature, but they are incredible.

  44. This art would take FOREVER. Whoever has this kind of talent and patience is honestly amazing. I envy them greatly for being this artistic and committed.

  45. that has to take a really long time to do. that is a big place that they had to fill with painting.

  46. What no that would have to take tons of time unless he did it in a months stretch were there was no rain. Because when rain comes you would think it would wash away.

  47. My favorite one is the first piece that was made in a field. I think those are really cool because they would take forever to do and you might not even know its there when you are on the ground, it kind of like a masterpiece hiding in plane sight.

  48. I think the best piece of art out of the 3 was the first one. I really like how big it is and how much work must have been put in to make it out of dirt and charcoal. I like how you cant tell it is there unless you are looking down from a building or a plane.

  49. This is cool especially the art works on buildings because they stick out more to people .

  50. This is really cool. I bet it took a long time to make the works of art and I am amazed by how it looks

  51. This is pretty neat because not very many artists can let go of their art. Its cool because its not like he doesn't try knowing it will disappear, its still really good work.

  52. I like how they took buildings and made it there art. I like art that is make on buildings. I think ist cool.

  53. This is really cool. I like the art that is on a building or in a field.

  54. I don´t really agree with him. If I took that much time to create a work of art that big, and then have it all destroyed, I would be sad. If I made something that big, I would cherish it.

  55. The art on the field would be hard. I wonder how he did it. It looks really nice tho

  56. I do not agree with them portraying Barrack Hussein Obama in there art. The man is not even a US citizen and should have been as far away from the white house as possible. This man did not deserve to be president and I think Kanye should have one instead. Also Obamacare was a huge failure.


  57. I feel like these pictures show strong emotion. They are very detailed. Also took lots of time and effort to make.

  58. although the art itself only last a short time someone is taking photos that can last a lifetime. I would be ok with it going away. It sends a really deep message to show things come and go just like everything in life.

  59. It's really cool that he can do this work out of dirt and Charcoal. I think it would be hard to make one of these. He must be very skilled at what he does.I would love to try this.

  60. These are very detailed. They look rustic and I like it. This artwork is very good.

  61. It would be cool to do it outside. I wouldn't do it outside though because it gets destroyed. It takes a long time and then gets destroyed. I would not do it.

  62. This is very impressive. It was probably a challenge to keep the art there long enough to finish it. I would be very frustrated if I work on something just to get destroyed.

  63. I like how large he made the artwork. This seem like it would take forever though.
