Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What is it? #3

Alright this is my last one for the day, but I found one more and I wanted to share it with you.  I think this one is my favorite of the bunch.  Because not only is he using the medium in the raw, but he also changes it and uses the changed ones as well.  Can you guess the medium that is used in these works of art?

You got to "Love" this work of art.  But be careful it is dangerous.

So this angle probably will give it away, but I still think it is a hot work of art.

I love the change that this medium can have.  I wonder how he got the two different colors out of it.
If you still haven't figured out this medium then check out Pei-San Ng and see what he has done.  Did you figure it out?  What would you create if you could work with this medium?  Would you leave them in the original form or do you like them when they are changed?


  1. i realized it was matches right away. i think it is very talented of someone to do such a tedious task, and also to have the patience to make such a clear picture out of matches.

  2. This is a really cool thing! I did notice that they were matches as I was thinking of doing something like this for my room a few weeks ago but they must have extreme patience to sit and do it all.

  3. this is realy cool i didint kmow it was watches but i realy like this is would take fore ever! i wouldent do this just saying

  4. This is really creative, I'm not sure if they are matches or pins but very time consuming and artistic. The eagle is my favorite because the change of the color it also its very recognizable which is hard to do with such a detailed animal.

  5. I realized these were matches from the third picture. I would have never expected someone to use matches, but if you put in the time it makes a really nice piece of art. I would probably make an animal of some sort and i would use the matches in different form to show detail.

  6. it has many different colors that show the bird as very life like. something like that would take me at least three months. So please don't assign something like this

  7. Wow, this is the most amazing medium ive ever seen. I dont understand how these people can work with such difficult mediums. I also like how he slightly burned the matches to give a different shade.

  8. By the first picture I thought that it could be matches from how red all the dots were. It seems like a really cool project to do but seems like it would take a bit of time. I think it would be cool to see what would happen to the project if you lit the just one of the matches and watched to see it spread.

  9. Some is using matches to make art. How even. Does he like time how long he burns them or something? That is crazy

  10. This is pretty cool! It looks like they are made out of matches, with the red tips and the light brown stick. Someone could light these on fire but i dont think anybody would. I wish i could do this!

  11. It looks like they are made out of matches. It is a really cool and a really clever idea. It looks like it took lots of time t o do. I think it would be really cool to start them on fire. Its a really cool idea and it looks like it took lots of skill

  12. I figured it out. That is a really good idea! I would make a Phoenix out of Matches that never go out. I would put them so the Phoenix would look like it was flaming.

  13. I like how you use the different colors and by that you can tell what it is. You can see the shadows and its just really cool!

  14. They kinda limiting what they can do by using matches. An i think i like it how they use burn't matches and different colored matches. They cold also figure out a way to adjust the angle of the matches so it look like it is doing something.

  15. I like how they can use all of the different colors. And being able to see what it is so clearly is very cool.

  16. i think that this peice was very creative and unique. I bet this took alot of planning and preporation. If that person did this all by them self they are amazing. i bet it would look really cool if some one struck a match and you know the rest...

  17. this is really cool i think the are made out of matches and that's cool how they did these i wish we could do something like this but that would be really hard.

  18. i dont know why but people like to use begs to make art. and artist have a lot of patients. and looks very cool.

  19. I see what he did there and i think its really awesome, i could only dream of doing that and its just a spectacular thing and i would have probably changed them to my preference but that is all.

  20. this is awesome, it would take a long time to put it together. it would be very meticulous work.

  21. i think its really cool and deserves to be lit up

  22. These would cause a big flame.

  23. I did notice that is was matches well because it's easy to tell. But i think it is really awesome and i agree with Joey I think that it deserves to be lit up!

  24. I noticed it was matches. Pretty cool thing to do! i would try and change the colors of them, it would add more design.

  25. its really cool how they are matches. it would be a long and tedious process to do ad take alot of skill. if there were different color matches then you could make more colorful things.

  26. The art is made of matches! He changes the color by burning them to get a charred or ashy look. I wonder how they were stuck into the wall, though. Cool medium.

  27. I like it. What's it made of? Anyways guessing from the comment above me it's probably a matches. But i love it and it's creative.

  28. That is so Cool! I did figure out that they were made of matches. I would not be able to do that, there is no way. I would end up lighting all the matches.

  29. If you lit these matches it would be absolutely amazing cause I would spell my name in fire

  30. this is really cool i think the are made out of matches and that's cool how they did these i wish we could do something like this but that would be really hard.

  31. These are very cool. These all look really unique. Also, i think making these would be super hard and i could not do this.

  32. I think this is really cool because they made this project out of small objects. It looks like this project is made out of matches. I think its cool how they are 3D and very detailed.

  33. i like how the love is red and is made out of matches. matches catch on fire love can be like that. crazy skills there.

  34. very creative, i wouldn't of thought of the match design. but that is a hot work of art. it would never look as cool if it wasn't made out of matches

  35. this person definitely put some time and effort into this piece. i really like how he got the different colors in there. he did a fine job.

  36. That is so cool. I didn't know they were made out of matches. I love how there are different colors.

  37. This is really interesting. The fact that it`s made out of matches makes it unconventional and different. I really like the different colors.

  38. it's cool that it is made out of matches and it's look cool. but i would never be able to do it. but i cool with the different colors.

  39. I wonder how much time the artist uses to make these. Im guessing alot thats why i probably wouldn't ever do it but they look cool though.

  40. it has many different colors that show the bird as very life like. something like that would take me at least 1 second So don't assign something like this

  41. It perrty and cool

  42. this is cool its pretty impresive to build something out of matches

  43. That is pretty cool. It's very creative too. I just don't like how they would waste a bunch a matches like that.

  44. I cant say anything bad about this piece. its interesting how things were done on it.

  45. This is a really cool art piece made out of matches. it would take a lot of time. It is very cool

  46. I love how it made of matches and the two colors. I don't think I would have the patience to make this. Very cool!

  47. its cool how they made the matches out of different objects

  48. it has many different colors that show the bird as very life like. something like that would take me at least three months. So please don't assign something like this

  49. it is great on how they used the matches and all, i was thinking they could also use candles. Well its great how it is right now!

  50. these are really cool designs made by match sticks. we should make something like this!!!

  51. We should defiantly try. Something like this it would be very fun!

  52. I think ti would be really fun to do an art project like this! It has alot of meaning behind it such as love hurts. I love the fact that it is made out of matches too.

  53. I love how they use matches. It's something different and something that needs to be placed just right. All is projects are red or gray and black, from burning the match. I would actually love to try something like this.

  54. Using matches as a medium is very interesting. It is also very creative because the colors can range from a bright red to a burnt black. This would be a cheap and fun way to create art.

  55. This is crazy cool... obviously they are matches. But the one that really intrigues me is the one of the eagle/bird thing. He obviously had too burn them to get the colors that he wanted... and since its fire its nearly impossible to tell what color you're going to get out of it. This must have taken forever.

  56. This is fascinating! This reminds me of nail art, except using matches. By lighting the matches the artist added dimension and interest to the piece. If I were to do this, I would consider lighting them.

  57. The one with matches is really cool. I would like to make one then set on on fire, that'd be cool.

  58. This interests me a lot. It is a very creative way to use matches. It took me a minute to realize what they were using to create this art. It is a little bit of a waste though.

  59. This interests me a lot. It is a very creative way to use matches. It took me a minute to realize what they were using to create this art. It is a little bit of a waste though.

  60. This is really cool how he used matches to build these designs. It is really amazing how they made the objects 3D with the matches. This would be something fun to do in class.

  61. it had to take a long time for them to get all of the matches to stand up and not fall over. i wonder how many time they had to resart.

  62. it is so cool . i like how wonderful it looks.

  63. Using matches for art is really cool. You just have to be sure that they don't get lit. I think that would be really cool to see too though.

  64. Using matches is a smart idea and a very hazards idea. And it has a lot of creativity and something I would never do.

  65. All the time it would take to put all the matches into place and turn them into a picture. Also by burning the the matches, you make the work harder.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I think it would take along time to do this, but in the end it looks really cool. If you don't like it in the end you can light it on fire and start again. This would be something I think it would be fun to make in class

  68. when parents say dont play with matches they didnt say anything about making art with them! this is very cool and i wanna try this

  69. I think this piece of art is straight amazing. I like how it is only made of matches and has some that are burned and others that are not to help identify the object he is making. This is a piece of art I like but will never be able to create.

  70. This is so cool. I like how he had to burn some but lefts the others normal. I wish i could make something like this someday

  71. I think this one is super cool. Using real objects to make things is one of my favorite kinds of art. The burning of some of the matches makes it perfect.

  72. This is really cool. I think using matches is interesting and I like it. I would end up burning myself if I tried it.

  73. I think this is really cool because they made this project out of small objects. It looks like this project is made out of matches. I think its cool how they are 3D and very detailed.

  74. I think this is cool because of the matches. Its not something that is normally used in art.

  75. This is cool. This is cool how they made them out of matches.

  76. It is made of matches. I would create a sports logo. I would use some of them to create different colors and depth.

  77. This is really creative, I'm not sure if they are matches or pins. It looks very time consuming and artsy. The eagle is my favorite because the change of the color it also its very recognizable which is hard to do with such a detailed animal.

  78. This is actually really cool becaus eit is made out of matches which makes the red on top of the match like show up. It looks really nice on these designs they did.

  79. Pin art is cool, I think it would be cool if they did acupuncture at the same time with it and have a cool pin tattoo. That would be so LIT. that would be real wack and crazy.


  80. This is pretty cool! It looks like they are made out of matches, with the red tips and the light brown stick. Someone could light these on fire but i dont think anybody would. I wish i could do this!

  81. How funny would it be if someone like brushed past them and they accidedentally lit the whole thing up. if i made that art i would be mad if someone lit it on fire

  82. This is so interesting! I love how you are able to take something as simple as matches and make it in to some beautiful art. I think this is something I would be able and try to do. Just really cool, creative, and simple.

  83. THey are matches. I really like how bright the red is. It looks amazing.

  84. This is really awesome. I like how bright the red is. I think that this would be a fun thing to do.

  85. I really like this art work it looks very cool, i would like to try it and try to build it but then i would like to light all of them up and let it burn:)

  86. I would to try this. As long and I can light it afterwards. Even if I couldn't I would still like to try it.

  87. This one is really cool because they are made of matches. I would like to light one up and they light up they rest and it would look really neat.

  88. I think its a really cool idea. its really creative. they probably spend a long time placing each match.

  89. very creative in the way that they used matches to make the art
    and that the art. what is even more creative is that they set the ones on fire to make a different color well at least that's my observation.This took a little time though I imagine because of all the matches needed correct placement along with just keeping them in there with glue and not having them fall over.

  90. I really like this. It looks fun and you could do any word you wanted to. We should do this in class.

  91. i like how this art comes together. i like how some of the matches have be lit. i like how they made art with matches.

  92. I think this one is super cool. Using real objects to make things is one of my favorite kinds of art. I think burning them would be cool. I'd try this.

  93. I did something like this but it was very time consuming so i . This artwork is very pretty. It stands out from other artworks.

  94. Artwork with matches are really cool, like you can burn some and then don't it makes really cool looking art.

  95. Wow, this is the most amazing medium ive ever seen. I dont understand how these people can work with such difficult mediums.i like how some of the matches have be lit.

  96. This is really cool but looks kind of time consuming. It would be cool to start them on fire and do a before and after picture of them burned and not burned. It would be a really cool thing to do.

  97. This is really interesting. I wonder what it would look like to light all the matches at once.

  98. These are super cool. We need to do this. This would be so fun to do in class.

  99. These are really cool. I like how they add many different objects into them. I think it would be really cool to see them get lit up.
