Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Looking beyond normal

I  haven't talked a lot about the use of colors and abstraction to create art.  I wanted to point out that you don't always have to make your world look like it does.  For instance look at this picture below.

This picture by Robert Doesburg is of a certain animal.  I am guessing that you can tell what type of animal it is even though the colors are not normal.  So I am wondering what it would take for you to not know what type of animal a work of art is trying to describe.  Can you guess this animal?
Again this work of art is not completely filled in and the colors are not normal, but you can probably still guess what this animal is.  But can you guess these next three?

What makes some of these pictures easy to identify?  What makes them harder to figure out, is it their colors or lines or shapes?  What animal would you create adn how would you hide it?


  1. I think that this is really cool and the lines are what make it easy to make out what it is

  2. I think this is really cool, the different shapes and the angles they make are what create the images. The animal I would make would be a tiger, because they have some many stripes that you could make to make it look realistic.

  3. The shapes of the animals give away what kind they are even though the color and detailing may be contorted. I would make a cheetah and hide by the many spots that are on it's body

  4. i love the colorful zebra its pretty cool and the shapes too

  5. These are really cool! I think the colors make them easy to identify. I would like to do a dolphin.

  6. These are really cool. I think that the change of colors is what makes them so hard to identify. I think that I would create the octopus because it would be easy to hide it in all of the tentacles.

  7. i think these are really cool my favorite is the swan because you ca tell what it is although it does not have a face or anything it is just so simple and unique that you can see exactly what it is.

  8. I think these pieces are really pretty, and it is interesting how our brain recognizes the animals even though they aren't painted in their original colors.

  9. The zebra one is the coolest! I love it!

  10. This is so cool, but i also think it'd be really hard. I like all the colos and how the mix and the designs.

  11. I love how many colors they used, they really are eye catchers! I dont think I could pull this off, but I think that it really brings out the creativity in art.

  12. I like that you have to make out the pictures in these pieces of work. They are very colorful and unique

  13. I don't like the fox one because it is too boxy. I personally like the octopus, horse, and zebra because for the horse and the octopus it's colorful but subtle. For the zebra it's complex and colourful but no (in lack of better words) wrongness within it.

  14. The change in color is what makes it easier to identify. Once you start to use colors that are similar I get flipped upside down and backwards

  15. i could identify all but one i like how creative they are when they make these animals and all the different colors they must have to use and the time it must take

  16. What makes some of them easy to identify is they are not hiden in the colors or shapes. Some of them are hard to identify because of the shapes thry are put into and the way they color the animals. I would make an elephant and hide it with colors and different shapes.

  17. I really like these projects. I love the top zebrra its so pretty. I would love to do this as a project sometime.

  18. Abstract art is by far my favorite type of art. It's less about seeing and more about feeling. What the canvas tells you. How the colors intertwine with an unheard story.

  19. this is cool. we have already done this project and it is pretty fun

  20. the use of the colors with the different shapes to embody the animals is incredible! I truly love the idea if this. I especially love the zebra

  21. Some of these pictures are easy to identify because the main shapes are there and they use colors form the animals. Other ones don’t have definite shapes just kind of the outline of the animals. My favorite one is the zebra it just stands out and catches my eye.

  22. this is very abstract and would be kind of hard to mess up. i think it would be cool to do something like this (like the cubism) and choose your own medium, like paint, water colors, oils.

  23. These works of art pop so well. They are easy to see based on the variations of colors. I love how you can see them so well.

  24. some of the pictures you can clearly see what it is. others you really cant tell it just looks like an outline of an animal. i like the horse.

  25. this is legit how they made some of them in 3 D. i probably like the horse one the best just cause of the and the creativity. I hope i see a lot more like these again.

  26. I think what really makes these animals easy to identify is the shape of the shapes they painted. Another thing is the colors, and the different shadings in the paint that you can tell the normal patterns. I think i would do a giraffe with the different spots and unique body shape would be really cool.

  27. I think that the colors and shapes that these are made in make it difficult to decide what they are. My favorite one is the rainbow octopus.

  28. I think the colors that pop out and catch your attention make it harder to determine what the picture really is. It is a really unique project though and it looks fun!

  29. These are very confusing. They look sweet though. It seems like it would be very difficult to do a project like this

  30. They are very hard to pick out the picture but i guess once you figure out the picture and what it looks like it is very cool. If i could make an animal i would probably want to make a wild joey. Just for the fact that they are very large and scary.

  31. i like the octopus, its colorful

  32. These paintings look awesome. I like how they are either hidden or are easy to find. My favorite one is the zebra.

  33. some of these are to obvious and other are not able to see.

  34. zebra or a hours, I thing. Why is the horse so colorful? it reminds me of a rainbow, just so pretty and eye-blinding.

  35. This is really cool. This seems like it was very hard to make. I dont really understand how they did this

  36. The lines and abstract used of the animal make it easier to identify. Sometimes it seems like the shapes used in making the animals make it harder sometimes though because I couldn't quite make out the animal in the third one because the shapes are different sizes and in different orders and positions. The third one is maybe a deer or a fox?

  37. There is a fox, octopus, and swan! These abstract pictures are very creative. You know it would take me so long to figure out how to do something like this. It would take me forever to figure out what animal to make. I feel like abstracted is probably the most creative arts because you have to have a really open and creative mind.

  38. Wow, we should maybe try this in class when we get some free time. I like how many colors there are.

  39. Wow this art is so amazing. I wish I could do this at my own time in my own house so I could hang it up on the wall and be proud for life. It's amazing how something so unique can inspire someone at such a great level.

  40. The one that was hard to identify was the one with shapes, but the ones with lines were easy to identify. If I were to do this I would do a animal that is hard to identify.

  41. These picture are pretty easy to identify what animal they are creating. If I had to do this project I would try and hide the animal will colors that blend with the animal and abstract designs.

  42. These pictures are legit. I love how the animal kinda of blinds in with the shapes and lines in the back ground. I really love the first picture of the zebra.

  43. This looks like it would be really hard to make, and it looks like it would just take alot of time. i dont think i would like do this project.

  44. I think it is interesting how the artist hide the animals, but not too much to where we can still identify them. This project looks fun to do, but it also looks pretty time consuming. I do not whatsoever have the patients to even try to attempt this project!

  45. it is cool but i think we have already did something like it and it was fun i want to see something more unec

  46. I still dont understand how they make these projects. They do look pritty cool though. It would be very hared to make these things.

  47. I really like these projects when they turn out well. I am more of a realistic person and like the painting that look like a photograph and stuff. I stick to more normal instead of patterns.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I can easily tell what all of the paintings are. I think this project is really cool because of the bright colors. All the lines and bright colors can make it difficult to identify for some people.

  50. This art is some of my favorite I think I've ever seen. The way the Zebra shines off of the paper basically takes my breathe away. The amount of work and detail really shows not to mention the extreme dedication that the artist put in.

  51. Wow that octopus looks really cool

  52. i don't really like this. although it is colorful it seems kind of boring. not one of my favorites

  53. Its easy to tell what the paintings are. The colors don't really make it harder or easier to identify. The shapes of the animals give it away.

  54. I love this with all the colors and animals. I love animals so this is my kind of thing!

  55. The colors are cool. I like how they incorporated all of the colors and the animals. This looks awesome.

  56. The colors in these projects are cool. Its easy to identify what the animals are in these pictures. The bright pink sticks out.

  57. The zebra portrait is my favorite out of all paintings. its very beautiful, outgoing, and noticeable. The shapes make it very unique as well.

  58. My favorite is the second picture. It shows movement very well. The other pictures are hard to pick out the animals. They are hidden well but they are really cool.

  59. these are really cool paintings. they are good color and it had to take alot of time to get it this perfect

  60. I love abstract pieces of art. The second piece is my favorite. The vibrant colors, movement, and unfinished look is what it draws me to it.

  61. the 1st one and the sacond one are easy to tell becouse he made the shap easy and it easy to tell what animal it is

  62. its amazing how they use different colors and shapes to make a picture of something.

  63. These drawings look like spirits. The animals look like it's running wild and free with beautiful. Theses animals are beautiful except the octopus but it's beautiful in china and i your drawing.

  64. I love these pictures. It's amazing how they can do something like that. I love how they have a lot of color.

  65. I like how they use alot of bright colors! The zebra and horse is amazingly done! I seriously love when people use bright colors!

  66. I like how they use all the bright colors and shapes all in one picture and also make something appear in there.

  67. I really like these pictures alot because they are so colorful and unique. I have tried this once before at my old school but it did not work as well. I would really like these and they would be interesting to do as a class project.

  68. Well it look wonderful, filled with vibrant colors and it makes you wonder how did they choose the colors, did they splotch some colors right next to another and then choose. But the work and time is be admired.

  69. The first one is a zebra. It is pretty clear that it is horse-like, and the stripes are easily seen. The second one is a horse, It's just the basic head shape and mane that give it away. The third is foxes. You can see their eyes and snouts in the triangles, plus the colors match. The fourth is an octopus. The shape of it is pretty obvious. The final picture is a swan. The way the neck curves, and the tail and body are distinctly bird shaped. I would make fish, and hide them in triangles, similar to the foxes. The shape of a fish would blend better, I think.

  70. These are really outstanding!! The colors are all so beautiful and this person puts a lot of work into these, by the way it looks

  71. I think its cool how they used really bright colors because it makes the painting stand out.

  72. nice it look nice and how they did it

  73. They all look so cool. My favorite one out of all of them is the fox. But I like all of them.

  74. The first picture is a zebra. The second is a running horse. There is also a fox and a swan. My favorite is the colorful zebra. I've never seen anything like it. I would choose to make a lion!

  75. Im happy I discovered this, This is the type of art I enjoy looking at, many colors thrown into exotic pictures, and accurate depictions of beautiful wild animals

  76. I like the first one that is a zebra because it has a lot of color and it looks 3D.the second one looks cool too because it is a horse running.

  77. This is a very cool type of art. It looks really hard to do but you can make some really cool colors and some really cool pictures. It looks like it would be fun to try sometime but it looks hard to draw as well.

  78. art like this i find outstanding and so beautiful, i do belive we did something like this early on in the year though

  79. That last one looks like something from a pink floyd music video

  80. This is really creative i like how it looks so careless as if it took the artist little work to make these when i know in all reality a lot of time was probably put into it. I also like the color its every eye popping

  81. it has to take a really long time for them to finish that and make it look that way. i dont think i will ever be able to do that.

  82. I like these paintings because of the color. It all comes together very well. I like how the shapes flow and how every one of the painting is different. I would like to know how did they do this amazing job.

  83. Wow!!!! This is so amazing . Love how he used the colors to describe the animal without making it look like it . very creative art .

  84. These paintings look amazing. I like how they are either hidden or are easy to find. I like the zebra the most.

  85. These paintings look really cool, the artist was probably tripping hard on ibuprofen while making these. I like how they used to many colors.

  86. this is not bad it is not my favorit. It's really do not like the fox one. it is that the colors just don't pop.

  87. I think this is very cool. The lines and angles are what make out the images and make them look so unique and different. I would do a tiger because they have so many stripes you could make it very realistic.

  88. These are really cool. I think that the change of colors is what makes them so hard to identify. I think that I would love try to do this.

  89. Color really does make a difference in artwork. It catches people eyes right away. I like using color instead of black and white.

  90. i think that all of these art works looks nice. i really like the first piece of art. i really like how they come together.

  91. I really like the different colors used. It's very interesting and different.
