Thursday, February 27, 2014

Guess the medium

Okay so here is a challenge question that will be worth two blog points to anyone that can answer my questions.  You must answer all questions.

First question, I need you to tell me what medium these "coins" are made from?

Second question, who is the artist that created these "coins"?

Only the first correct answer will get the double points.  What do you think of this type of art?


  1. these coins are made from Oreo cookies, and Judith G. Klausner made them. these are pretty cool, but i think they would be too hard to make

  2. They are made from Oreo's like Carter said. And i don't think that they would be that easy to make because there is a lot of small facial details to put into it.

  3. Ya these "coins" are made from Oreos that someone wasted. This is a lot like the other one where they show all of the food that people waste. Why waste something that tastes so good?

  4. Damn, beaten to the punch. They look cool though.

  5. i see money face, so it must be coins

  6. I think its really neat that these are made of Oreo cookies. I would be too tempted to eat the cookies if i ever did a project like this. I could try to do this at home maybe with a less detailed image.

  7. I think this would be a time consuming project but i like it! Do the artists eat the oreo cookie after?

  8. These are cool but they wouldn't stay for long. It would be nice for a temporary thing though.

  9. This type of art is cool. Iw ould say it would take some time but still somthing i think we could try to do.

  10. I think these are so cool! But I dont think I would have enough self control to not eat them before thier done! I really like this idea of a medium!

  11. It is an Oreo. I think this would take a long time to do. I would be tempted to eat all of the Oreos.

  12. this is pretty sweet it cool how they made it look 3D. wonder how they did it too.

  13. I think that it is neat and could see a future art project. It would be cooler if they found a way to preserve it.

  14. i think they made these with cookies and used the frosting to make the imagines. it would be hard not to eat them

  15. thats really cool how they used oreos. i would rather just eat it. but still its pretty cool

  16. This looks delicious. Those would be some tasty oreos. it is also really cool as well

  17. This is an unique idea to do art. The medium is definitely oreos. This would also be a cool project to do in our art class, but hard because its so small and the oreo frosting is so soft and delicate that with one wrong move you could destroy hours of work. This shows you that art can really be mad of any type of medium.

  18. If I attempted this, I would have to buy a lot of oreos. The oreos would be gone before I even start the project.

  19. They used Oreos to make this art. This is a really cool idea. I would try to attempt this but I feel like the oreos would be gone before I even started.

  20. this is really cool. but it is a waste i think. it would go to waste after a while after all that work totlly not worth it

  21. i think this is stupid and a waste of oreos

  22. To the first question, they appear to look like Oreos. To the second question, they appear not to be human because a human would probably just give up half way and eat the cookie. The bottom one is probably Julius Caesar and the top one is probably not from a Roman or Greek coin as the rest appear to be due to his long hair.

  23. i think this would be so tasty and would require lots of self restraint, i think it would be cool to do some sort of oreo design and put it on cupcakes or something.

  24. I think that his is really cool, and it would be really fun to do this in class sometime. i think i would be really tempted to eat the oreos though.

  25. These are so cool and they look almost like statues. I love how they look, they look so well done. It seems like it would be pretty tricky to make these out of Oreo's!

  26. Making the "coins" would be a pretty tedious process. I would probably just end up eating them all before I got the detailed faces carved into the icing.

  27. I agree with Regan on this, I'd just end up without a project.

  28. This is really cool, beings that they are made from oreos! I feel that it would take a long time because of all the details that you would have to make.

  29. These look like they are made out of oreos. Its cool how they could like get really cool and in to depth on the detail but i dont think we should do this as a project because joey would eat my cookie.

  30. i think it's made of oreos, from em cookies.

  31. This is a very cool art project. The medium is an oreo. This would be a fun project to do in class.

  32. first thing that came to my mind was.................FOOD.. wired, right? I know but I honestly don't see money all it reminded me of is mash potatoes........... ;)

  33. I think that it would be hard to carve the details into the creme of the cookies since the creme is so soft. I would think they would get ruined pretty easily.

  34. Those are definitely Oreos with the top cut off. Judith G. Klausner carved into the creme. This is very impressive. If it were me I might have got to distracted to finish. These are very detailed and take lots of patients and creativity!

  35. I think this type of art should be recognized by the world. I think this should be the currency of some type of country. Very inspiring, I might even go home and try this.

  36. The art is made of oreos. This is a waste of oreos in my opinion. Why would someone do this with oreos. this is really cool though.

  37. These coins are made out of oreos. I think the person who created these coins is names Judith G. Klausner. This projects looks very interesting and interesting to look at.

  38. I believe these are made from oreos. We should use these for our currency, but i'm sure it is illegal to east currency so that wouldn't last lone.

  39. These coins are made from Oreos. I think this would be a fun project to do, but it could also be kinda hard. It is cool, yes but it looks pretty challenging.

  40. to me it looks like they are made of yarn and it is pretty cool i like that but maybe some different colors would make it even more cool

  41. I think this is much cooler than the moldy food. This actually has a lot of detail and looks interesting. This i would say is a form of art.

  42. I can tell that this is made from oreos. I think it is really cool, and looks better than moldy food. This project would be really hard becaue the oreo would always break.

  43. They are cool they look like they are made of oreos and their frosting. This project would be hard i would be very mad if if messed up and had to start over.

  44. I think its white chocolate. This is neat but i thinks its pointless if it is chocolate because u can just eat it.

  45. These are made of oreos and their frosting. This just makes me hungry. Why would you waste your time making art out of Oreos instead of eating them?

  46. Oreos and Judith G. Klausner. Thank you google :)

  47. the frist one is made from oreos and white chocolate

  48. An Oreo!!!?? i thought it was a painting...this project must have been the most tedious work ever to create all the lines and the specific details

  49. That is amazing what they can do with Oreo fillings. How do they make it look so good and neat? It would be super hard to do that.

  50. This project looks amazing. I wish I could do something like that out of food.

  51. i like how they used oreos. and if you mess up you could just eat it and try again. they must have used a small knife. this makes me want to eat oreos.

  52. i like how they used oreos. it's seriously amazing on how they can do these things! I love oreos! So i give these people credit!

  53. This is so cool, that would be so difficult i know i couldn't do it. I would end up eating the oreo. That is seriously one of the coolest things i have seen-Bryce H.

  54. This looks like someone is carving out of coconut. Its definitely something nobody would normally use, and I dont know why but it looks like coconut

  55. These look like they are made out of oreos. Its cool how they could get in to depth on the detail but i dont think we should do this as a project because It would be to tempting to eat

  56. I would be afraid to let them near my brother.

  57. i love this! i would eat it before i finshed it!

  58. These coins are made out of Oreo cookies, and Judith G. Klausner is the artist who created them. I think this medium is awesome, because who doesn't love food. On the contrary it would be hard not to eat your master piece. I think the frosting works quite nicely for details.

  59. That's funny. I would never have thought to make anything out of Oreoes. I think it's awesome. I wonder what kind of tools they used, and how many Oreoes they went through.

  60. It looks like they used oreo cookies. I never imagined anyone can make art like that. Its so unique.

  61. Alright, this is obviously made out of oreos. I slightly disrespect the fact that someone bought a package of oreos not with the intention of eating them, but all the same the art if beautiful and I am impressed that someone can do this

  62. I think its kind of cool because if you mess up, unlike paper you don't have to throw it away you can just eat it. If i did this project i would probably mess up alot!

  63. I think this is cool, because it is made out of a oreo and the frosting has a drawing in it. it looks very hard to make because it is very detailed.

  64. oreooooooooossss that looks pretty cool, you'd have to be very patent in order to makes something as detailed as that though

  65. It would be amazing if they could mass produce these. In fact, they should start putting these in real oreos. And if they assign them in sets, then you could celebrate a birthday by eating oreos with your face in them

  66. Using oreos for art? This is so cool. Judith G. Klausner is clever to have thought of creating such great art out of small oreos. It has such good detailing and I for one would not be able t pull that off, but sure did. I love that she used food, because well I love food, but I like that its outside the box.

  67. Using oreos for art? This is so cool. Judith G. Klausner is clever to have thought of creating such great art out of small oreos. It has such good detailing and I for one would not be able t pull that off, but sure did. I love that she used food, because well I love food, but I like that its outside the box.

  68. do do that ion a Oreo that is cool the time it would tack to do that i could not do that my self

  69. I am going to try this myself the next time I get Oreos. This is pretty good I got to say. Who would think of doing this?

  70. This is food art at its' finest. I would gladly accept this kind of currency instead of real coins. These look cooler and would taste better.

  71. This is really cool because they used Oreos and the frosting from it. I would of never thought of this. I wonder what kind of tools they used to make the designs?

  72. They look like they are made from some type of Oreo because it was the cookie and then the design looks like it is done in cream.

  73. I think is awesome they did this on an oreo. That probably took a lot of patience. I don't have that much patience to draw a picture on an oreo. I would just the oreo. I would not display it, but eat it instead.

  74. This is actually really cool because they made it out of oreo filling and oreos are really good so i am down with that kind of art

  75. These are obviously made with Oreos and with my vast knowledge of the arts I found out that Judith G. Klausner made these works. They look cool.

  76. I really like this piece of art, it looks cool but i wouldn't really like to try this, it looks hard to make, and looks like u would need a lot of patients:)

  77. These would be very hard to make because they're made from oreos. I'd much rather just eat them.

  78. They are oreos and I can't not eat an oreo I mean come on, but hey these are really cool.
